HELLLo anyone know when is de next tp for 2b at ssdc , my bmt just over now got time liao go take my retest , still very hard to pass or abit easier already har at ssdc
Originally posted by gUms:
HELLLo anyone know when is de next tp for 2b at ssdc , my bmt just over now got time liao go take my retest , still very hard to pass or abit easier already har at ssdc
should be either 14/11/02 or 21/11/02...
today i just see is 7th of november
gum... untill now i still don't know which one are you leh... you from raven one rite... me from platoon 1 section 4
gum... untill now i still don't know which one are you leh... you from raven one rite... me from platoon 1 section 4
haha i also from raven i from plt 2 sec 3
eh u know dis sat go back take posting wat time or not ar>?
For you i not sure... for me is 1230 hrs must reach paris ris wif smart 4 and cannot be late
next class 2/2a tp on 15/10 2b den i dunnoe ler...kekeke