Originally posted by MoToR_HeAd:
duh! another question!
low fuel led signal for mito7 - is it really not working???
and how about the oil led signal not working too....???
er... well, consumption depends on certain factors...
pressure of tyres, riding style, pipe/level of restriction/jettings, the "terrain" you ride on, pillion or not... yada yada...
to cut the story short, i got a friend who rode one... "racer" types.. fully derestricted, properly jetted... averages about 180km for a full tank... i'm not sure about the fuel capacity about the mito, so can't give you a good figure. from my planet, i get about 21-22km/litre.
eh... your problem with the fuel and oil bulbs are prob caused by blown bulbs. don't be mistaken, those indicator lights are not LEDs, just plain bulbs. buy a replacement, and replace them. oughta solve your problem. i've had that before, simple change of bulbs solved the problem. oh yesh, don't trust your low fuel warning light so much, if it fails on you without your knowledge.. you could find yourself in unfriendly terrain with no fuel... pretty siong to push your mito 5km to a petrol station man... your indicator cables are numbered, so don't worry about putting them back incorrectly... don't pluck out all just to be safe, one at a time...
do this:
1. pump a full tank...
2. reset your tripmeter..
3. go ride as usual...
4. when you feel the fuel tank half empty or after like 3 days... fill full tank again, and NOTE the amount of petrol you pump in.
that's the amount of petrol your bike used (since the last top-up), to travel the distance shown on the tripmeter. do a rough calculation, like how many km/litre your bike does. do this calculation a few times, to get an average. now with this average, check out the capacity of your fuel tank... i think you should be able to calculate the distance your bike can travel on a full tank... and please do use the tripmeter as a gauge in future, because our bikes have no reserve. and if the light fails without your knowledge, very dangerous... you know what i'm driving at la... hope this helps. oh and also reset your tripmeter each time you pump full tank yeah? if not no point calculating all that yeah??