Originally posted by bbwolf:
Hi All,
I just obtained my 2B licence and is thinking of getting a bike.
Can any one provide me with a dummy guide in getting a bike in SG?
Like all those season parking where to get?
How to even top-up petrol when I get the bike?
I am totally lost!
buying a bike depands on wat bike u like if u like wave most of the bikes shop should have it.. sports bike like sp leh u can go ask ard.. but nv go to a shop named yuh loong motor shop k.. cos it's a black shop.. but before buying ask ard abt the price.. i'm sure u wouldn't wan to be cheated.. find a bike which u can afford at a reasonable price..
for season parking thingy i heard u can get it from those axn machines..
for refilling petrol.. duno whether u noe that there are a few different type of petrols.. from diesel to v power.. i would recommand shell petrol station.. if u chose to ride a sports bike i recommand u to pump 95 n above..
more advance information.. sports bike require more maintainance.. n there fore more money needed.. unless u wan a sports bike for transport onli..
i onli noe all this.. others if i'm wrong correct mi..