Originally posted by CSpencer:
hmm, i dont wanna ride wave. I don't like the engine break.... i most likely getting SP, hee...
i heard my friend say SP full tank can go 230km like tat..
and he said KTM go changi one time full tank gone!
So ur ultimate aim is how u look on the bike or how u going to maintain the bike

If u are going for relative mainteance in terms of petrol and 2T (not inclusive of time-to-time oil change, spark plug, tyres,etc,etc). Then the Phantom 4-stroke is the choice.
If ur mind is already make up on sport bike and how cool u are going to look on them then forget about Phantom and ignore what u read here because u have already made up ur mind when u post here liao.

(sorry if I seems abit blunt in my posting)