From some helpful person. Not me haha
Ok whoever needs help here it is. The download.
1.)Kill the guards first, robbing them does no good they somehow keep finding potions. Use Threaten(Auron) if you have it to freeze them so you can beat them.
2.)Keep whacking on Seymour till he's halfway through his health. Use Nulify spells, (see below) and heal when neccesary.( Yuna is really handy in this battle.)
3.)When Anima is summoned he's really hard, use Yuna when he's almost to his overdrive and have the summons take the hit for you.(Use shield and then have them use their strongest magic on him.) Also I found that power and magic break are also handy in this battle, because then (at least for me) Anima's Pain attack won't do instan death on your characters.
(Mind you this isn't always garuanteed.)
4.) If Lulu has Watera, use her! Anima I find is weak against water magic, and it will do over 900-1000+ damage on him.
5.) After you defeat Anima switch out to Yuna and have put all teh Nul spells you have on her.
Because after Seymour brags how he's going to kill you and use your powers or some $#&* like that, he will cast mutliple different elemental spells on you doing over 1400+ damage on you! This can be avoided how ever if you have the Nulify magic spells on you or if you have armor that will nulify the magic.
6.) And there you have it! After ou beat SEymour you'll have another boss fight soon, but don't worry. If you need help for that contact me from the e-mail in my sig.
(In case the sig's not showing here it is.)
[email protected]