what actually is a emulator...Originally posted by Dread Knight:Hi all.
First of all,i chose this forum because i see that you are all somewhere in the middle of FF-EXP (as i call it).One could say that you are not pros,but neither you are newbies.I would like to ask EVERYBODY here a basic question:
Do you guys use emulators?
IF you do,then i have some really cool things to share.
one of those things is a exclusive savegame in the FF8's debug room.Thatway,you can have some things in the inventory that are normally IMPOSSIBLE to gain.Also,there are 8 new GF,99 Hungry cookpots,and many other things.All GF will be available at the first mission,when you need to get Ifrit.Extra cool stuph is that you will be able to add EDEA AND SEIFER to your party,permanently,just like you add Quists and Zell and the others.
In exchange,i request a simple thing.
A savegame on a specific point.
The point is where the party gets launched in space,and when Rinoa gets nuts,posessed by Ultimecia.You all know that she unlocks the first lock of Adel's tomb in the station,then she heads in outer space to unlock the second seal's lock.What i need is a savegame beyond that point.That would be somewhere in the start of the Ragnarok spaceship,when Squall and Rinoa get inside.There should be a savegame sphere somewhere on the start,where they enter the ship.I need a savegame ON THAT POINT.
I have a cyclic reducdancy check on the CD3.Somehow,the CD got scratched badly,and i cannot continue the game when Squall goes after Rinoa in the space station.The game simply freezes.
I think it would be fair enough,since we both get something.You get something unseen,and i get the pleasure of playing this miracle of high technology software development.
I hope someone will help me...
ummm. got cheat program to have 100 of each item and card and all the GFs plus Seifer and Edea in the party lehOriginally posted by Dread Knight:Hi all.
First of all,i chose this forum because i see that you are all somewhere in the middle of FF-EXP (as i call it).One could say that you are not pros,but neither you are newbies.I would like to ask EVERYBODY here a basic question:
Do you guys use emulators?
IF you do,then i have some really cool things to share.
one of those things is a exclusive savegame in the FF8's debug room.Thatway,you can have some things in the inventory that are normally IMPOSSIBLE to gain.Also,there are 8 new GF,99 Hungry cookpots,and many other things.All GF will be available at the first mission,when you need to get Ifrit.Extra cool stuph is that you will be able to add EDEA AND SEIFER to your party,permanently,just like you add Quists and Zell and the others.
In exchange,i request a simple thing.
A savegame on a specific point.
The point is where the party gets launched in space,and when Rinoa gets nuts,posessed by Ultimecia.You all know that she unlocks the first lock of Adel's tomb in the station,then she heads in outer space to unlock the second seal's lock.What i need is a savegame beyond that point.That would be somewhere in the start of the Ragnarok spaceship,when Squall and Rinoa get inside.There should be a savegame sphere somewhere on the start,where they enter the ship.I need a savegame ON THAT POINT.
I have a cyclic reducdancy check on the CD3.Somehow,the CD got scratched badly,and i cannot continue the game when Squall goes after Rinoa in the space station.The game simply freezes.
I think it would be fair enough,since we both get something.You get something unseen,and i get the pleasure of playing this miracle of high technology software development.
I hope someone will help me...
Sorry bout it as i completed the game a LONG time ago and i do not know how to get the save file into my PC...if you would like to help me that would be most nice of youOriginally posted by Dread Knight:oh yea? and which software would that be?
Im sure you are talking about the FF8 PC version.I am talking about the PSX version.
And,if you think that you can use trainers to gain such cheats,then forget it- IT IS NOT POSSIBLE.
The only way u can get those is by entering the debug room using a gameshark,so lets just forget about it,ok?
Originally posted by Dread Knight:Version not kinown as i am playing the pirated version...
[b]Sorry bout it as i completed the game a LONG time ago and i do not know how to get the save file into my PC...if you would like to help me that would be most nice of you
Fine,i will help you.I just need you to tell me what version of ff8 u r using.If u have the PC version,i have a savegame for u right in front of ultimecia's room.All GF,all characters maxed out,all items and magic (including 100 Apocalypses) and other stuph.Nah,i wont ask anything in return,because i managed to fix the problem by myself.Just flash me a message on [email protected] and i will send u a reply with the savegame file included in the message.
For everyone else..Im glad you have been friendly to me..at least some of you.Anyone need help,just ask.
For u guys that use emulators,i have a savegame in the debug room for both Jap & US versions.It is for ePSXe though,so you will need a memc manager to convert the mem file.
What i am trying to say is that do you visit gamefaqs.com... if u do then you must have notice there is a game saves column where ppl provide you with the files. u can download it into ur PC and there is where the problem lies.... how can i get the save file into my ps2 memory card...thks alotOriginally posted by Dread Knight:Well,if you are playing Final Fantasy 8 on your PC,then you dont need to get the savegame file on ur memcard or vice-versa.Just copy the savegame file in your install/emu directory,where there should be a folder named "save" or Memory Card" or something like that.Then,start the game and you should be able to load a game,directly in the debug room (playstation) or in ultimecia's castle (PC version).Its just a matter of logics.All you need is some knowledge in coding and conversion of files.Not that hard,i might say.Dont forget that you can always get help by asking me or anyone else.