My favourite scenes are from final fantasy 8 1) the scene where squall and rinoa are dancing during his seeD graduation 2) when rinoa was going to get sealed up and sent up to space, squall went crashing to save her 3) when rinoa was lost in space... and etc... hee
FFVII the escape from shina, drooolls , Aeries killed, that part is depressing
FFVIII, ending, escape from dollet, Squall dance with Rinoa
FFIX, ending so emotional and cute
FFX endng so sad , the Yuna dance, wedding scene, Yuna chiooooooo
FFX-2, opening, 1000 no kotoba
Eight. The part where Odin was killed by seifer.
FF 11 the best!!!! Yuna Rulez... but Rinoa also nt bad... haha...
when Aeris is killed by sephiroth
Originally posted by jasmine17:
when Aeris is killed by sephiroth
tat part is depressing....after u defeated Jenovah
I personally like d fight scene in FF7 when Cloud goes one on one wif Rufus Shinra.
Also FF7 Aeris die part also good.
I also like FFX yuna crying then Tidus kiss her tat part wif d music background n such...
Best comedy part is where Yuna try to act like Wakka talking.haha.