:: Transportation ::
Every Final Fantasy XI player knows how vast and large the world of Vana'Diel is, so transportation is a fairly large factor in getting from point 'A' to point 'B'. The following is a list of the current methods of transportation in Vana'Diel.
Because of the vast size of Vana'Diel, walking can really be a pain in the arse. Trying to get from one place to another, stretched over great distances apart, can take at least a good hour and a half. That is, if you run from almost every battle that is encountered. Usually, if you fight every battle you encounter on your journey from place to place, when you reach your destination, it is not unpopular to find many people kneeling on their knee. Why do they do this? To regain HP and MP for their next journey.
Once your character reaches level 20, you are now able to ride a chocobo! This is a faster method of transportation than walking (obviously...=). It costs 100 gil to ride a chocobo, plus an extra 10 gil fpr every player that is riding, or departing a chocobo. Monsters can still chase you, but they cannot catch you or harm you (thanks to a patch). Chocobos can be rented at Jeuno, and the price of the chocobos decreases as you continually surpass level 20. They can only be rented, and once you get off the chocobo, it runs away (like FF6). You must first accomplish a quest before you can ride a chocobo.
Riding the boat in Vana'diel, is one of the fastest ways of getting from continent to continent. This isn't a free service, though, and costs 100 Gil. Thats not all. Pirates (A monster called Crossbones) can sometime ambush you with their boats, and board your ship! Aswell as unfriendly octapuses. You'll know if either if these things are going to happen to you when on the boat, because the music will stop playing, and everything will be quiet for a about minute... then BLAM! An octopus jumps right in front of you! You must be at least level 30 to have a chance at winning.
This is the 'safest' way in the sense of transportation. It costs quite a hefty price, though. It costs 200 Gil for one ticket. You need a rank of at least 5. The interior of the airship is very beutifully designed. It has a sort of 'high class' theme to it. Don't worry! As up till now, you can't be attack by birds or anything like that while riding on the airship. It takes about 3 minutes (real time) to get from one place to the other.