This is story is inspired by true life incidents and a real dream.
Part 1There is this woman, a very lonely and sad woman, but she was so very beautiful. No one ever knew why this woman was always so sad.... People in town knew that the woman had been hurt, for she was a very private woman, not very sociable, and you could tell she had many wounds.
She went through life always wondering what really happened to her father, he died in prison a long time ago, and never knew the truth of his death. He incarcerated most of her life and his life for a crime he didn't commit. He suffered many, many years there. And he died there, a young age of 46. She was lied to about his death, the prison said it was a heart attack and died at the hospital, the ambulance staff and hospital said he was dead on arrival, the autopsy doctor said it was a hanging and then changed the story...
When she called the hospital to inquire about her father they transferred her to the police department, they would not tell her anything, they wouldn't even let a family member identify the body because they said that he was awarded to the state. So no one ever found out the truth of her fathers death and this ate at her for many years.
Then one night she had a dream.....
She is in front of this window in a old attic in a beautiful two story house, a house she had never been to before. She looks out a window in this attic to see the ocean and waves forming into hands calling to her as she hears a sweet melody, a jewelry box melody, like the sound of the same jewelry box melody that her father gave to her when she was very little and still to this day has this jewelry box. Not knowing where the music is coming from, she looks behind her only to see a woman's black dress (old fashioned) and a mans suit dancing together, with no one in it, they were dancing in air, floating, she is bewildered, but not afraid, she looks out back towards the window, the waves still calling her name.
The music then stops, and she turns around again to see a old man in the suit but the black dress still empty, still dancing. She walks up to the old man, he had gray hair and his built was stocky, not that tall.
She asks him, 'where is my grandmother', he says ' in heaven', she then asks, 'where is my grandfather', he says ' in heaven', and then she asks him, 'where is my father?' and he says ' in hell!' She gets scared but she does not believe him and asks him to take her to him, she didn't care where her father was, she just wanted to see him.
So she follows this old man down a flight a steps, they end up in this most beautiful kitchen, everything in it was pure white, she's never seen such white in her life, it was so bright.... He steps over to a counter that looks like a bar, he is standing on one side and she is standing on the other side of it, she then says to the old man again, 'please take me to my father, I don't care where he is, please take me to him.' So this old man looks at her in her eyes, he had the most ebony eyes she had ever seen, there was no pupil, just pure black eyes.
As she was looking into his eyes she went into this trance, like she was going into this mans eyes, she then calasped, and then all she could see was pure red, like swaying red, almost like a slow moving river, it was a red she had never seen, nothing in her lifetime....She felt as if she was going down, deeper and deeper, then all of a sudden she heard someone calling her name from a distance...
"Sherri, Sherri... you don't have to go there Sherri, come back Sherri... You can see your father, but you don't have to go there to see him, it's a lie Sherri, come back...."
She awoke or came out of the trance and when she did, the old man was gone and there in front of her was this beautiful woman with long straight black hair smiling at her and she whispered,
"You don't have to go there Sherri to see your father"...
The lady then looked down another flight of stairs and at the end of the stairway was a door with a small window and in the window she saw her father.... She started running down the stairs as fast as she could, but seeming like it was taking forever to get to the door, she just kept running and running, and finally she came to the door and her father ran away, ran off.... She started chasing him...
(Outside of the house there was a pier on the right side of the house, with the ocean about, on the left side of the house was a slow moving stream with mountains and beautiful forest)
He ran up to the pier and she was chasing him, and while she was chasing him on the pier she noticed two other small children running with her calling out, 'Daddy please stop, daddy please stop running'....she also noticed below her the ocean floor for there were large cracks on the pier, the ocean was moving rapidly.
Her father finally came to the end of the pier and jumped off into the yard, ran across the yard and then stopped near the river and as she jumped off the pier she noticed that the two other children were gone, but didn't really acknowledge it, she also ran across the yard, and as she began to get closer to her father, the woman with the beautiful black hair appeared in front of her, just smiling, and she then turned to look at her father, as well as she...
They were about 5 feet from each other, she couldn't get any closer, he was wearing blue-jeans and a black t-shirt, sleeves rolled up, white socks and black penny loafer shoes they use to wear in the sixties, he was very handsome and seemed young, probably a time when she last remembered seeing him, which was when she was 12 years old.
She then said to her father, "I Love you daddy and I miss you so very much."
He finally said to her, "I Love you too Sherri, I always have, never a day went by that I didn't love you"...
He then bent down on his knee, one elbow resting on the knee, he looked down with a sad face and then looked up at his daughter, and said "I was murdered Sherri"...
And then she woke up...she got her answer....
to be continued...