on discovery channel there are documentaries on such topics on 'sprits wandering outside the body'.....
in fact i am surprised my falling dreams could be the cause of 'spirits snapping onto place'.....interesting.
those documentaries were saying about people with near-death experiences often see a spiral image that has light in the centre...and after going thru that light.....they will see a lush green scenery and sometimes even dead relatives or alive ones. even a blind person spoke of such experiences that he even 'saw' a train though he has never seen one before coz he was already born blind.
they are to choose between the door (to return to life) or to continue the journey coz someone told them that their time is still not up yet. so in fact i was scratching my head - then what are they doing here? so literally the meaning of "your life is in ur own hands"?
but, scientists did experiments on people sitting on those spinning machines, that can create a huge pressure on these people. The machine spinning generates the same kind of effects as those on close shave with death. it is due to the huge G force (>10 G) and lack of oxygen to the brain that generates the spiral image...
drugs like ketamine (? cant remember the exact drug) can also generate the same effect...thats how it got popular in discos...and kena banned....