i have been playing cs source on steam.
those people there are insane, i really wonder do they have wall hack or some kind, the way they use the awp is just . they aim at the wall and hit someone else !!
i need some tips on how to play better any cs-pros wanna give tips ?
i am damm bad with awp, i usually take mp5, or carbine or ak47.
yea lor..some ppl hack de...hmm.practice makes perfect
i use to play cs too but not good at it so i quit.lol
anyone got tips to share ?
or who here also play cs-source ?
yeah i hate those hackers too..
its spoilting e game le..
I also like to play cs source although i also sucks in it . But nevertheless i still can play like nothing even after getting killed within the first few mins or even seconds after game commences cos i never let it bother me . But sometimes i also get to kill up to 5 pples in 5 mins heee . Yeah i met those hackers many times but i never bother abt it also :P , I read somewhere is you aim slightly above the head as the games mechanism will cause your bullet to go down gradually simulating gravity pulls then you will get to hit their head for a nice headshot .
My game nick is either yuquan or twe , hope to see you in the game .
so far.. not alot of sg ppl hack. but australian servers alot la.
alot of aussie ppl hack. i play iceworld >.<
by the way. its not wallhack la. should be aimbot.
got one speed one and aimbot.
Erm whats iceworld ? Is it another mmorpg ? Nice anot ? Been sometime i last played another mmorpg already .
iceworld refer to a map, where the guns are on the floor, u don't have time to buy weapon, just take and chiong. very small map.
those guys in cs-source they use awp, like rocket launcher, 1 hit = die, never miss.
got one SGGB server i think..AWP_India V2..one word: "SHIONG". The top players inside are so crazy
I only play Condition zero.
CSS is sooo real
used to play but i got really annoyed since almost everyone bought AWP and got kills too easily. now i play team fortress 2
I have my Counterstrike Source installed in computer for the past few years, but I only play it like once every few months.
Not many players use AWP nowadays. Most players use carbine or ak47 because you can still kill easily with a aimed headshot even at a distance.
How to become a better CS player? At individual level, learn to make use of grenades, know where to hide, where to shoot, where to run. Learn to walk and listen for footsteps. At team level, you need to do some planning and coordination with your teammates.
The only way to become an expert in this game is to play it regularly and see how the experts play.
selling CS-SOURCE ORIGINAL, who want PM me.... selling at $30 brand newwwwww