Originally posted by Sbs6750E:110 tio infested with shitaros sia! They want all airport svc with full fleet citaro is it?
Any bangdies (A24's/O405G's) on 110?
Originally posted by AntiDennisLance:Any bangdies (A24's/O405G's) on 110?
Originally posted by Sbs6750E:372 is bound to lose quite a lot of pax… Blk 306 Anchorvale stop can see around 30 pax boarding 372 during am peak.
This route can be changed
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Originally posted by SMB1368T:Like that we know why 858 A22s are taken away already
So it seems like the Airport is becoming Shitaro City save the few A24's on 858. No wonder more A22's are appearing on 812 recently instead of the usual Shitaros.
Originally posted by Sbs6750E:372 is bound to lose quite a lot of pax… Blk 306 Anchorvale stop can see around 30 pax boarding 372 during am peak.
I think distance from that bus stop to Sengkang central is about the same on 110 and 372...
Originally posted by AntiDennisLance:Any bangdies (A24's/O405G's) on 110?
Interchange not bendy friendly. 0405s can’t go to airport also
If 110 not using bendy, then why was the bus service given to SMRT instead of SBS Transit?
Originally posted by AntiDennisLance:So it seems like the Airport is becoming Shitaro City save the few A24's on 858. No wonder more A22's are appearing on 812 recently instead of the usual Shitaros.
Yes, Svc 27's KUBs have been deployed to other services in exchange for citaros
Originally posted by SBS5010P:Yes, Svc 27's KUBs have been deployed to other services in exchange for citaros
I wonder what is the reason to turn Airport into Shitaro City. Aesthetics? Branding? Image?
Or security reason (for example, they may have secretly developed a secret scanner that can comprehensively scan every inch of every bus but so far only developed the scanner template for Shitaros)?
Originally posted by AntiDennisLance:I wonder what is the reason to turn Airport into Shitaro City. Aesthetics? Branding? Image?
Or security reason (for example, they may have secretly developed a secret scanner that can comprehensively scan every inch of every bus but so far only developed the scanner template for Shitaros)?
Probably to impress the foreigners, considering Citaro is an award-winning bus imported from Germany.
Originally posted by SBS5010P:Yes, Svc 27's KUBs have been deployed to other services in exchange for citaros
is like also, giving up the trend of using iPhones. Now is Samsung Android phones.
Originally posted by Waynechew1003:Interchange not bendy friendly. 0405s can’t go to airport also
Compassvale can accomodate bendies la,The sideway facing Compassvale Rd 2 bendies can park there without causing obstruction.
Originally posted by AntiDennisLance:I wonder what is the reason to turn Airport into Shitaro City. Aesthetics? Branding? Image?
Or security reason (for example, they may have secretly developed a secret scanner that can comprehensively scan every inch of every bus but so far only developed the scanner template for Shitaros)?
Wonder why also..MB OC500LE,Scania K230UB is all 12m,MAN A22 is at 11.98m while Citaro is at 11.96m..Comfort and Power wise belong to A22 but the bus is notoriously known for sudden jerk upon acceleration and consume more fuel than others,OC & KUB known for their jerky brakings and the high portion doesn’t favour senior citizens but can carry 2 PIWs..Citaro is the least powerful but most buses got good brake retarders.
Originally posted by AntiDennisLance:I wonder what is the reason to turn Airport into Shitaro City. Aesthetics? Branding? Image?
Or security reason (for example, they may have secretly developed a secret scanner that can comprehensively scan every inch of every bus but so far only developed the scanner template for Shitaros)?
Originally posted by carbikebus:110 is under Hougang-Sengkang contract and not Sembawang-Yishun package..Its same like 944.
Hi mr carbikebus, can confirm? Hougang-Sengkang contract under Sbs transit but 110 operated by smrt? I heard 110 is under sembawang-yishun contract. Cheers. Thanks.
Originally posted by dupdup77:Hi mr carbikebus, can confirm? Hougang-Sengkang contract under Sbs transit but 110 operated by smrt? I heard 110 is under sembawang-yishun contract. Cheers. Thanks.
Hougang-Sengkang contract supposedly to have 30 svc but only 29 so far.LTA out of goodwill awarded SMRT probably SMRT got bendy experience should the service encounter higher loadings in future.944 supposedly to be run by TTS but again LTA awarded to SMRT because of cost issue.
And BSEP already reached its target 80 new service.68 postponed until further notice.
381 is an additional svc for Go-Ahead.944 supposed to be additional svc for TTS but already been compensated by CD 663 & 665.
Originally posted by SBS5010P:Yes, Svc 27's KUBs have been deployed to other services in exchange for citaros
What about 53? What fleet is it using now?
Originally posted by carbikebus:Hougang-Sengkang contract supposedly to have 30 svc but only 29 so far.LTA out of goodwill awarded SMRT probably SMRT got bendy experience should the service encounter higher loadings in future.944 supposedly to be run by TTS but again LTA awarded to SMRT because of cost issue.
944 not in CCK package with 61?
Originally posted by Zinger Burgor:Probably to impress the foreigners, considering Citaro is an award-winning bus imported from Germany.
That's fucking nonsense! Citaros are the last buses you wanna deploy on such a performance demanding svc like 858!
And bruh! MAN buses have been awarded even high awards! Keep in touch!
Originally posted by AntiDennisLance:I wonder what is the reason to turn Airport into Shitaro City. Aesthetics? Branding? Image?
Or security reason (for example, they may have secretly developed a secret scanner that can comprehensively scan every inch of every bus but so far only developed the scanner template for Shitaros)?
Fuck that! It's just the ridiculous decision by some autistic retard who has no idea how 858 looks like!
They think standardisation is good.. hey then why can't SMRT get their basics right by just spending a few dollars to buy some green paint for their BELOVED Shitaros ffs!
I'm seriously done with the rubbish SBSMRT Taros! Far inferior in its fleet, has low capacity (just exactly what 858 pax needs ayyy!!), and is jerky and noisy af!
Originally posted by SMB128B:That's fucking nonsense! Citaros are the last buses you wanna deploy on such a performance demanding svc like 858!
And bruh! MAN buses have been awarded even high awards! Keep in touch!
as if the other CGA routes arent performance demanding too Too bad LTA just wants to screw ard with not having a centralised bus ter i guess.
With T5 nxt on the list, rly hope they can do smth abt it, or they can just simply screw things again, pampering "T5 only" routes and then spam DDs LOLs
Also I think it's time AM gets their shit right! Wanna standardise, yet take in all those B9s and mess up the depot even more. Now wanna deploy the wrong buses to different services!
Maybe it's time for 858 to transfer back to WL! it's like 969 now during its traumatizing period at LY!
Originally posted by SMB128B:Fuck that! It's just the ridiculous decision by some autistic retard who has no idea how 858 looks like!
They think standardisation is good.. hey then why can't SMRT get their basics right by just spending a few dollars to buy some green paint for their BELOVED Shitaros ffs!
I'm seriously done with the rubbish SBSMRT Taros! Far inferior in its fleet, has low capacity (just exactly what 858 pax needs ayyy!!), and is jerky and noisy af!
Chill bro haha. While I agree that the standardisation part is still a bit off, why not u just say, the stupid retards has passed down their intelligence to the nxt gen when previously they decided to stretch 858 so long until like asdfghjkl, when they can allocate 2 services?