Originally posted by SMB42P:Oops i realised xD Yea..SMB340D (307AP01) could be out...
SMB340D back on 307AP01 yesterday
Svc 4N buses crossover to which svc?
as we know tat:
Svc 1N buses crossover to 133/162M
Svc 2N buses crossover to 65
Svc 3N buses crossover to 195
Svc 5N buses crossover to 502
Svc 6N buses crossover to 132
129 and 374 do not have Bus Schedules.
302 timetable revised.. additional AP slot 302AP09
Kiv whether fleet add or rplc S shift
Originally posted by SMB3163D:302 timetable revised.. additional AP slot 302AP09
Kiv whether fleet add or rplc S shift
302 already spammed with so many buses still need additional bus?
172 has a timetable change from 240417, description: sup city direct
City direct crossover from 172?
Originally posted by SMB42P:172 has a timetable change from 240417, description: sup city direct
City direct crossover from 172?
2 Sv172 duties crossover to 657..
Originally posted by SMB315C:2 Sv172 duties crossover to 657..
Arh icic! Which other services also does crossover to city direct?
Originally posted by SMB42P:Arh icic! Which other services also does crossover to city direct?
169 cross 656
Originally posted by SMB42P:Arh icic! Which other services also does crossover to city direct?
And 700 x 653..
Thanks for the info.. anyway when i boarded 983 (SG5065T) last week, think i saw the description as City Direct too... is there crossover slots from 983 as well?
Originally posted by SMB42P:Thanks for the info.. anyway when i boarded 983 (SG5065T) last week, think i saw the description as City Direct too... is there crossover slots from 983 as well?
Only know that there's 2 other slots for 653 AM.. But unsure whether it does cross to/from any other service..
Originally posted by SMB315C:Only know that there's 2 other slots for 653 AM.. But unsure whether it does cross to/from any other service..
Alrights! Thanks for the info.. will try to look out for 983 if i can to confirm if it does cross to 653 :)
Svc 3 School Holiday schedule
Weekdays:15AM-14PM / 5SS Morning 6 DD Afternoon 4 DD.
Saturdays:14AM-13PM / 3SS / 2TQ Morning 3 DD Afternoon 3 DD.
Sundays:13AM-12PM / 2 SS / 3TQ Morning 4 DD Afternoon 2 DD.
Svc 3 new roster
Weekdays:15AM-13PM / 6SS reduction of 1 duty.
AM 10SD / 5DD - PM 9SD / 4DD - SS 4SD / 2DD.
Saturdays:14AM-13PM / 2SS / 2TQ
AM 11SD / 3DD - PM 10SD / 3DD - SS & TQ all SD
Sundays:13AM - 12PM / 2SS / 2TQ
AM 11SD / 2SD - PM 9SD / 3DD - SS 1DD / 1SD & TQ all SD.
Its confirmed that there is now a slot from 302 that will do crossover duty to 172 during AM peak..
Spotted SMB8032R with 302A EDS along CCK Drive this morning. Upon reaching North 5 junction, BC first changed to 302 EDS, then changed to 172 EDS...
Subsequently spotted it leaving CCK INT on 172 at around 735am...
Svc 25 (after extension to Upper East Coast)
Wkd: unknown
Sat: no idea cos the schedule so messy
Sun: 13AM-13PM / 1E / 2S / 4T
Not all 912 buses will start their trip towards the East loop.. Some are scheduled to start towards the West loop..