Originally posted by TIB1234T:* New BSEP Enviro debut on 61, 176 & 965...
* New Non-BSEP continue to pump into 190 fleet with 5013R & 5015K, 963 fleet with 5019A & 5020U latest to cover missing slots...
on 176?? how?? DDs cant do Henderson road all this while coz of low hanging branches... trimmed?
SMB3552P and SMB5014M (sorry, not BSEP but DD) reported to be on 176 today... Look out for SMB3552P, might be replacing SMB3010L.
Unless its height restriction,I dun see why they(Nparks) cant trimmed/Cut those branches.Now i do understand why SMRT order 40 A24s first.Right now i am predicting svc like 67,167,172,180,184,187,189,851,854,960 will get a few DDs
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:on 176?? how?? DDs cant do Henderson road all this while coz of low hanging branches... trimmed?
That's why I took TIB1154R today and the trees there were really crazy big, near & low... lol... Wonder if the DDs are going at the outerlane...
Originally posted by carbikebus:Unless its height restriction,I dun see why they(Nparks) cant trimmed/Cut those branches.Now i do understand why SMRT order 40 A24s first.Right now i am predicting svc like 67,167,172,180,184,187,189,851,854,960 will get a few DDs
Maybe 67 & 960 last, cos NParks still didn't do anything to Nweton area... lol
Originally posted by 23ispolo:SMB3552P and SMB5014M (sorry, not BSEP but DD) reported to be on 176 today... Look out for SMB3552P, might be replacing SMB3010L.
yesterday 3010 on 972 lol
To be honest, Hillview Ave is still very dangerous for DDs... As you know Hillview Ave only has 2 lanes per direction, if left lane is obstructed by a breakdown vehicle or roadworks, changing to right lane can cause serious damage and injury... The trees are not even trimmed on the right lanes after seeing some big branches...
And for the Henderson Rd where 176 plies, I didn't see any trim marks on the big trees (From Bt. Merah > Bt. Panjang direction) and so far no hazards, so possibly that direction is DD passable... The other direction heading to Bt. Merah Int I'm still not sure yet...
If its pass then it pass,Modern DDs i believe is still lower than old DDs.I dont believe SMRT or LTA would allow DDs to pass the roads without doing stingent testings
Originally posted by carbikebus:If its pass then it pass,Modern DDs i believe is still lower than old DDs.I dont believe SMRT or LTA would allow DDs to pass the roads without doing stingent testings
Really, just now onboard 176 DD, the right side almost kenna old & big branch when BC changed lane to the right, not even inside the right lane somemore already very close to the window... If really sway sway, it'll end up like SBS7499A, crumpled roof...
Even BKE from Wlands Ave 3 entrance, Lane 1 those trees are overhanging out above the vehicles... Say touchwood anything happened and only Lane 1 is passable, the DDs won't be able to do it, the right side of the roof will get rip off...
They will bear the responsibilities if any mishap happens,Try feedback them!
Originally posted by TIB1234T:Really, just now onboard 176 DD, the right side almost kenna old & big branch when BC changed lane to the right, not even inside the right lane somemore already very close to the window... If really sway sway, it'll end up like SBS7499A, crumpled roof...
Even BKE from Wlands Ave 3 entrance, Lane 1 those trees are overhanging out above the vehicles... Say touchwood anything happened and only Lane 1 is passable, the DDs won't be able to do it, the right side of the roof will get rip off...
Ai ya almost every road have similar situation whereby trees near centre divider are not trim/protrude out.
Originally posted by TIB1234T:Really, just now onboard 176 DD, the right side almost kenna old & big branch when BC changed lane to the right, not even inside the right lane somemore already very close to the window... If really sway sway, it'll end up like SBS7499A, crumpled roof...
Even BKE from Wlands Ave 3 entrance, Lane 1 those trees are overhanging out above the vehicles... Say touchwood anything happened and only Lane 1 is passable, the DDs won't be able to do it, the right side of the roof will get rip off...
Even SBST DD approved routes also will face this~ some even swipe the windows
Originally posted by Guides anyone?:Even SBST DD approved routes also will face this~ some even swipe the windows
Swipe the windows I know, those are small branches... what i meant was the blg branch that do not break easily unless saw it off, like 7499A case at Bt. Timah...
Then what do you suggest?Almost everywhere got this kinda things..
Originally posted by TIB1234T:Swipe the windows I know, those are small branches... what i meant was the blg branch that do not break easily unless saw it off, like 7499A case at Bt. Timah...
Small twigs, tiny branches ok. If it's big... LTA needs to take action in trimming it down. And I don't see what the fuss is... Anyway we are chopping forests to make way for HDBs and MRT... So trimming a few branches or chopping should be doable... Pls feedback LTA to do the same.
Originally posted by TIB1234T:To be honest, Hillview Ave is still very dangerous for DDs... As you know Hillview Ave only has 2 lanes per direction, if left lane is obstructed by a breakdown vehicle or roadworks, changing to right lane can cause serious damage and injury... The trees are not even trimmed on the right lanes after seeing some big branches...
And for the Henderson Rd where 176 plies, I didn't see any trim marks on the big trees (From Bt. Merah > Bt. Panjang direction) and so far no hazards, so possibly that direction is DD passable... The other direction heading to Bt. Merah Int I'm still not sure yet...
963 is doing v well on Hillview... No complaints reported yet.. Maybe from our naked eye we feel this way, but in reality the DDs might be doing okay.
Not sure where to post these so I will leave it here as it might happen eventually.
Read it somewhere in ST's online newspaper that Sengkang and Tampines (Not Tampines North) will have their interchange expended by (I think) 12 bus bays, and they will be built beside the existing ones (So it is kind of seperated by a road).
Seletar Airport will be redeveloped, for how long, I am not sure, but 103 will probably be affected.
Sources for both is somewhere in ST's website, probably under transport. They are posted recently.
If got 12 extra bays, can add how many service? 4-6?
12 bays by right is 4 svc la Doctor BA
SBS6068S and SBS6723J bunched up before even reaching the first bus stop.
All, LTA announced that sbs 43 and sbs 43M will serve a pair of new bus stop along Punggol central outside Blk 264 from Sunday 7 December 2014. This in in tandem with the development of more flats along the west side of Punggol central road. Cheers.
189 to serve CLE Ave 1? Wasn't it deemed unfeasible for bus stops to be built along that stretch of road? Also, bus stops along C'wealth Ave West are within range from the flats there.
Already serving la bro..
Originally posted by iveco:189 to serve CLE Ave 1? Wasn't it deemed unfeasible for bus stops to be built along that stretch of road? Also, bus stops along C'wealth Ave West are within range from the flats there.
Bus is operational there and its a very good move for the blocks such as 405/406 that are not close to C'Wealth Ave West + the schools there. Bold and good move!
Originally posted by dupdup77:All, LTA announced that sbs 43 and sbs 43M will serve a pair of new bus stop along Punggol central outside Blk 264 from Sunday 7 December 2014. This in in tandem with the development of more flats along the west side of Punggol central road. Cheers.
Soon, we can expect a bus stop at Punggol west way before flyover as well once the condo/flats there are operational.
I feel that 980 got an additional full day BSEP under Wldep,Can Sbw IC check it out?