Originally posted by carbikebus:With many bsep added i am not really suprised if 2-4 buses back to back reach bus stop during peaks..Ever saw 3 of svc 45 buses back to back in under 6 mins too..Thats bsep for you..LTA will try hard to shut the mouth of the complain kings and queens who say waited more than 40 mins for a bus..hahaha
But I can only imagine if 3 Sv 45 or Sv 99 buses are back to back... Then the next bus will be after 25 mins or so... Or these buses have arrived after 25 mins or so.. And then complain kings and queens will continue to complain... And Sv 45 might get another BSEP WEG add... Hence spacing of buses very important and BCs need to be trained on that.
At Serangoon JC signal on HG Ave 2/3 junction.
2 buses on 119 bunch. First is Citaro that has many standees... and then goes 101 KUB which also has many standees... and next is WEG on 119... that may have 5-7 pax... could see only 2 pax on lower deck...
Hopefully WEG will overtake Citaro near HG Mall... and get some pax... otherwise such a waste...
nowadays bus bunching becomes so often that i lazy to post aready..but this case was rather rare and was quite serious..
Time:1625hrs outside Boon Lay Int
FOUR 243W buses bunch together back to back, waiting to go into interchange, namely SBS6417T, SBS3390E, SBS3835P, SBS3114L (in sequence). Somewhere jam up??
Among Boon Lay feeders, 181 (not really feeder) and 242 are the best managed in terms of keeping to schedule.
240 has often bunching
241 we encourage bunching by design
243 has daily bunching on both G and W variants
* SMB347K & TIB1246J - 960 downrt at the same busstop bef Bt. Panjang Plaza, bunched with TIB1163P. Time: 08.20AM...
3 187 bunch up along Bukit Batok West Ave 4 at 4pm.. 3 in 1 min..
First:SMB246T(WLDEP 187)
Second(30 Secs later) TIB762S(WLDEP 187)
Third(45 Secs later) TIB604R(WLBP 852)
Originally posted by carbikebus:25 buses with more than 19 is rigids for 187 not surprised if they bunching..This svc badly need DDs..At least 6-7 DDs is enough to cover up…
187 should ideally get 18 DDs, 5 SDs... just the opposite of what it is today... this is what it would be if SBST would be managing this service.
Have people standing all throughout.. such heavy loading..
Just to share my observation yesterday:
I was at Sts. Andrew's Cath bus stop to catch a bus to HarbourFront (VivoCity), when I saw SBS3088D and SBS7661Y on 10 (diverted to North Bridge Road due to Nicoll Highway closure). When I boarded my bus (SBS8149D on 100 ftw), SBS3088D stopped just behind my bus, but SBS7661Y just skipped and stopped at the bus stop Opp Peninsula Plaza just in front. So it's not fixed for the BC to stop at any of those stops to drop off/pick up passengers? In the end, SBS3088D took the lead and SBS7661Y followed just behind it for the rest of the route (well, to VivoCity anyway).
Sequence of Sv 78 WEGs back to back at Clementi MRT at 17.40, 17.42, 17.48, 17.50, 18.01, 18.09, 18.21, 18.23, 18.25, 18.32, 18.39 (All DDs no Sd)
I think this pattern could be INTENTIONAL considering there is heavy rush for 78 from Tanjong Penjuru towards both Clementi and JE between 17.45 and 18.15 hours.
I saw a number of about 13 buses back to back in under 8 mins along Bedok North yesterday
39 and 3 bunched up after Tamp East CC at 8.15 towards Yishun/Punggol due to jam towards TPE. Loyang jam spread all the way to Tamp. GG liao
SBS3439A, SBS9601H and SBS3116G on 196 bunched outside UIC Building at 4.31pm.
Ytd afternoon Trident and Esso Wright bunch at Queensway on 153 at 5+
SBS9821P (AMDEP SP) and SBS2741H (AMDEP 21) was on 21 bunched at whampoa drive at around 6.40 p.m.
Yeah i saw you too wearing barney shirt today taking pic at the china woman bc right?
Spotted right now 3 Citaros on sv 325 in a span of 5 minutes. Surprisingly all 3 were empty with may be less than 10 pax on board on each of them. Spotted at: HG Ave 8 towards HG Interchange @ 17.20 hours.
What to do,LTA would say we Singaporeans complain waiting for so long then bus came out full,Now they purposely add buses like no tommorow..3-4 buses empty in a span of 7 mins..Bear with it lor..45 also 3 DDs pass with half empty in less than 9 minutes!
Originally posted by carbikebus:What to do,LTA would say we Singaporeans complain waiting for so long then bus came out full,Now they purposely add buses like no tommorow..3-4 buses empty in a span of 7 mins..Bear with it lor..45 also 3 DDs pass with half empty in less than 9 minutes!
But sv 45 is scheduling issue.. when buses are on time... sv 45 DDs are full... have 75-80 pax... most long distance pax...
Bunching on long distance service still understandable... don't know how you justify on feeder services...
45 routes mostly not jam type,if 51 i can understand..75 pax peak hours only.Feeders also bunching la especially school and peak hours.
45 demand last time is damn jialat.
Aft that residents change their mindset and started taking 45 and now 45 has high demand.. Plus lorong ah soo residents refuse to take 113 due to it's horrigid frequency and switch to 45/53 instead, 45 is getting more DDs.
Originally posted by SBS5010P:45 demand last time is damn jialat.
Aft that residents change their mindset and started taking 45 and now 45 has high demand.. Plus lorong ah soo residents refuse to take 113 due to it's horrigid frequency and switch to 45/53 instead, 45 is getting more DDs.
Agree and whenever I have taken 45 I have seen ppl boarding along AMK Ave 10 and taking it to Lor Ah Soo, people boarding at Serangoon alighting around Eunos and Bedok areas. Lot of long distance travelers, so I will not be surprised if sv 45 gets more DDs (at least SD --> DD conversion very much possible). Also, I noticed 45 loading has increased in both directions.