NEW service: KMB 287X
NEW service: KMB T277
NEW service: KMB T270
NEW service: KMB 268X
First Leg
Second Leg
Bus Fare of Second Leg
68M, 69M/69P, 251M, 264M, 265M/265P, 269M, 279X
68X, 69X, 265B
268B, 268C, 269B, 269C
First Leg
Second Leg
Bus Fare of Second Leg
68M, 69M/69P, 251M, 264M, 265M/265P, 269M, 279X
68X, 69X, 265B
268B, 268C, 269B, 269C
First Leg
Second Leg
Discounted Fare
68M, 68X, 69M, 69X, 251M, 264M, 265B, 268B, 268C, 269B, 269C, 269D, 269M, 279X, 373A, 968/968X
Yuen Long, Hung Shui Kui
First Leg
Second Leg
Discounted Fare
68E, 68M, 68X, 69M, 69X, 251A, 251M, 264M, 265B, 268B, 268C, 269B, 269C, 269D, 269M, 968/968X
Yuen Long, Hung Shui Kiu, Tin Shui Wai
279X, 373A
North District
Originally posted by SBS2601D:A bit hard to say.
The mainteinance cost of the hybrid bus and the high CAPEX might still not make it feasible.
Not sure about reliability of hybrid buses, but the SBST China-made ones were certainly not quite there judging from the down-times they had.
High CAPEX for cleaner environment is a good tradeoff, fuel costs lower plus lower maintenance costs if bus from EUR companies
Euro VI Engine
Euro V Engine
% of Decrease
Hydrocarbons (HC)
Particulate matter (Pm)
Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
全港首部æ�盟第å…代環ä¿�引擎混å�ˆå‹•åŠ›é›™å±¤å·´å£«ã€ŒhBusã€�,由ä¹�巴和巴士生產商三年來共å�Œç ”發,由環ä¿�署資助,已經於月åˆ�率先é�‹æŠµæœ¬æ¸¯ï¼ŒåŠ 盟ä¹�å·´çš„ç’°ä¿�車隊,é �計今年第四å£èµ·æ–¼ä¸‰æ¢�市å�€è·¯ç·šæ��供接載乘客æœ�務。
ä¹�巴將安排「hBusã€�盡快進行é�‹è¼¸ç½²è¦�定的「類型鑒定檢測ã€�å�Šç™¼ç‰Œç¨‹åº�,完æˆ�後便å�¯åœ¨é¦™æ¸¯è¡—é�“上行走載客,åˆ�æ¥æš«å®šå°‡è¡Œèµ°1A [ä¸ç§€èŒ‚å�ª←→尖沙咀碼é ]ã€�104 [å …å°¼åœ°åŸŽ←→白田] å�Š619 [é †åˆ©←→港澳碼é ] ç‰ä¸‰æ¢�市å�€è·¯ç·šã€‚
這 部「hBusã€�榮ç�²ã€Œä¸‰å€‹å…¨æ¸¯ç¬¬ä¸€ã€�,分別是首部混å�ˆå‹•åŠ›é›™å±¤å·´å£«ï¼Œé¦–部é…�å‚™æ�盟第å…代環ä¿�引擎的雙層巴士,以å�Šé¦–部利用電力驅動空調系統的雙層巴士。與 æ�盟第五代環ä¿�引擎雙層巴士比較,é �計hBuså�¯æ¸›ä½Žè€—æ²¹é‡�高é�”30%,並減少主è¦�排放物(例如減少懸浮粒å�50%å�Šæ°®æ°§åŒ–物80%)。
2011å¹´4月,環ä¿�ç½²å�‘立法會財委會申請撥款3,300è�¬å…ƒï¼Œè³‡åŠ©å°ˆç‡Ÿå·´å£«å…¬å�¸è³¼ç½®6部混å�ˆå‹•åŠ›å·´å£«åœ¨æœ¬æ¸¯è©¦é©—行駛,其ä¸ä¹�å·´ä½”3部,æ¯�部價值約港幣550è�¬å…ƒï¼Œå�¦å¤–兩部å�Œåž‹è™Ÿçš„æ··å�ˆå‹•åŠ›å·´å£«åˆ†åˆ¥å°‡æ–¼ä¸‹å‘¨å�Šä»Šå¹´ç¨�後陸續é�‹æŠµæœ¬æ¸¯åŠ å…¥ä¹�巴車隊。
「hBusã€� 若與一般12ç±³ã€�三軸空調雙層巴士比較,主è¦�分別在於驅動系統,其餘çµ�構與外觀相似。「hBusã€�採用「串è�¯å¼�æ··å�ˆå‹•åŠ›ã€�(Hybrid Series)驅動系統,由æ�盟第å…代柴油引擎驅動發電機,æ��供電力驅動電摩打,電摩打給動力予驅動軸以穩定速度é�‹è¡Œã€‚å�³ä½¿æ··å�ˆå‹•åŠ›é›™å±¤å·´å£«çš„æ�å…引擎油 缸容é‡�較細(6,700ccï¼‰ï¼Œä½†å› ç‚ºæœ‰é›»èƒ½é…�å�ˆï¼Œä»�然馬力å��足。巴士於塞車å�œé “或慢速行駛時,引擎會暫時關上,自動調節改為電力驅動行駛,令巴士在埋站 /塞車å�œé “/慢速行駛時é�”至「零排放ã€�ï¼Œå› æ¤é�©å�ˆè¡Œèµ°å¸‚å�€é�“路。巴士煞車時所產生的動力會化作動能回收並儲å˜æ–¼é›»æ± (16組磷酸é�µé‹°é›»æ± )備用,æ��å�‡èƒ½æº� 效益。
ä¹�巴助ç�†é¦–å¸æ©Ÿæ¢°å·¥ç¨‹å¸«ï¼ˆé�‹ä½œï¼‰è˜‡æ…¶é †è¡¨ç¤ºï¼šã€Œã€ŽhBusã€�在市å�€å·´å£«è·¯ç·šè¡Œé§›æœ€ç‚ºé�©å�ˆï¼Œå�¯ä»¥ä»¤å®ƒçš„ç’°ä¿�功效發æ�®è‡³æœ€å¤§ã€‚市å�€äº¤é€šä¸� 時é�žå¸¸æ“ 塞,巴士在馬路上經常è¦�慢速行駛å�Šå�œè»Šï¼Œå°Žè‡´æŽ’放å�Šæ²¹è€—å¢žåŠ ï¼Œä½†ã€ŽhBusã€�在相å�Œæƒ…æ³�下,內置的智能控制器會暫時關上柴油引擎,改行電力,å�¯ç¯€ çœ�燃料,減少排放,期間轉å�‘å�Šç©ºèª¿ç³»çµ±ç¹¼çºŒé�‹ä½œï¼Œå·´å£«é�‹ä½œæ›´æš¢é †å¯§é�œã€‚ã€�
城市大å¸èƒ½æº�å�Šç’°å¢ƒå¸é™¢å‰¯é™¢é•·å�Šèƒ½é‡�ç ”ç™¼èƒ½æº�ç ”ç©¶ä¸å¿ƒä¸»ä»»æ¢�國熙:「混å�ˆå‹•åŠ›å·´å£«å�¯å¤§å¤§æ¸›å°‘路邊汽車污染物的排放外,煞車時產生的動力å�ˆæœƒå›žæ”¶æ–¼é›»æ± 備用,能æ��å�‡èƒ½æº�效益。ã€�
城市大å¸èƒ½æº�å�Šç’°å¢ƒæ”¿ç–ç ”ç©¶æ‰€ç¸½ç›£å�Šå•†å¸é™¢ç®¡ç�†ç§‘å¸ç³»å‰¯æ•™æŽˆé�¾å…†å�‰ï¼šã€Œæ�盟第å…代引擎的混å�ˆå‹•åŠ›å·´å£«ï¼Œå…¶PM2.5ç²’å�的排放較æ�ç›Ÿç¬¬äº”ä»£å¼•æ“Žæ›´ä½Žï¼Œæœ‰åŠ©æ”¹å–„è·¯é‚Šç©ºæ°£è³ªç´ ã€‚ã€�
「hBusã€�採用的æ�盟第å…代引擎,在排放方é�¢é �計較第五代引擎更佳,表列如下:
排放物 |
æ�盟第å…代引擎 (克ï¼�å�ƒç“¦å°�時) |
æ�盟第五代引擎 (克ï¼�å�ƒç“¦å°�時) |
é �計下é™�比率 |
碳氫化物 |
0.13 |
0.46 |
↓72% |
懸浮粒å� |
0.01 |
0.02 |
↓50% |
氮氧化物 |
0.4 |
2.0 |
↓80% |
「hBusã€�è¦�æ ¼ä¸€è¦½è¡¨
型號 |
亞æ·å±±å¤§ä¸¹å°¼å£«ï¼ˆADL) Enviro 500H 12米空調巴士 |
長�闊�高 |
12000 mm / 2550 mm / 4398 mm |
引擎 |
æ�盟第å…代 Cummins ISB 6.7L 柴油引擎 |
最大馬力 |
280匹 |
發電機 |
三相 640VAC |
電摩打 |
三相600�特/160�瓦 |
é›»æ± |
640ä¼�特 11.2 å�ƒç“¦æ™‚ 磷酸é�µé‹°é›»æ± |
é �計載客é‡�*
*數å—有待確定 |
上層座�:51 下層座�:29 下層��:44 總數:124 |
å�³ä½¿æ··å�ˆå‹•åŠ›é›™å±¤å·´å£«çš„æ�å…引擎油缸容é‡�較細(6,700ccï¼‰ï¼Œä½†å› ç‚ºæœ‰é›»èƒ½é…�å�ˆï¼Œä»�然馬力å��足。
ä¹�巴車務總監Owen Eckford先生(左三)ã€�ä¼�æ¥äº‹å‹™ç¸½ç›£é™³ç¢§å�›å¥³å£«ï¼ˆå�³ä¸€ï¼‰ã€�助ç�†é¦–å¸æ©Ÿæ¢°å·¥ç¨‹å¸«ï¼ˆé�‹ä½œï¼‰è˜‡æ…¶é †å…ˆç”Ÿï¼ˆå·¦äºŒï¼‰è�¯å�Œé�‹è¼¸ç½²ç¸½é�‹è¼¸ç½²ä¸»ä»»æ¨Šå®¹æ¬Šå…ˆç”Ÿï¼ˆå�³äºŒï¼‰å�Šç’°ä¿�署環境ä¿�è·ä¸»ä»»èƒ¡ä»²å¼·å…ˆç”Ÿï¼ˆå·¦ä¸€ï¼‰åœ¨å…¨æ–°çš„「hBusã€�å‰�å�ˆç…§ã€‚
Co-developed by KMB and the bus manufacturer for three years and funded by the Environmental Protection Department (“EPD”), “hBus”, Hong Kong’s first double-deck bus powered by a Euro VI hybrid engine, has joined the KMB fleet after delivery earlier this month. The bus is expected to enter passenger service on three urban routes starting the fourth quarter this year.
KMB will arrange for hBus to go through the Transport Department’s “type approval test” and licensing procedures before it enters passenger service. Initially, “hBus” will run on three urban routes: 1A [Sau Mau Ping (Central) ←→ Star Ferry], 104 [Kennedy Town ←→ Pak Tin] and 619 [Shun Lee ←→ Macau Ferry].
This hBus can boast three “firsts in Hong Kong” – the first hybrid double-deck bus, the first double-deck bus equipped with a Euro VI engine, and the first double-deck bus with the air-conditioning system powered by electricity. It is expected that hBus can achieve fuel savings of up to 30%, while emissions of major pollutants are reduced (e.g. particulate matter by 50% and NOx by 80%), when compared to Euro V double-deck buses.
In April 2011, EPD applied to the Legislative Council Finance Committee for a funding of $33 million to subsidize franchise bus companies to purchase 6 hybrid buses for trial in Hong Kong and KMB takes up 3 of them, each valued at HK$5.5 million. The other two hybrid buses will be delivered to Hong Kong later this year to join the KMB fleet.
What distinguishes “hBus” from a regular 12-metre, 3-axle air-conditioned double-deck bus is its driveline system, whereas the other structures and appearance look alike. The “hBus” is equipped with a “Hybrid Series” driveline system and a generator driven by diesel engine, supplying electricity to drive an electric motor that powers the axles for movement at a stable speed. Although the Euro VI diesel engine is smaller (6,700cc), the power is adequate given the matching of electric power. The bus will close the diesel engine down and automatically switch to electric power when it encounters traffic congestion or runs at a slow speed, thus achieving “zero emissions”. Given this, this bus is suitable for urban roads. The regenerative braking system captures the otherwise wasted braking energy and stores it in the batteries (16 modules of lithium iron phosphate batteries), making the bus more environmentally efficient.
“It is appropriate that ‘hBus’ operates on urban routes, as its environmental effects will be maximized. Traffic in the urban area is often very busy and buses have to travel slowly and make frequent stops, which consumes more fuel. As regards ‘hBus’, the smart controller will close the diesel engine down in such circumstances and the bus will be powered by electricity, lowering emissions. The steering and air-conditioning systems will not be affected and the bus’s operation will be even quieter,” said So Hing Shun, KMB’s Assistant Principal Engineer (Operations).
Associate Dean, School of Energy and Environment and Director of Ability R&D Energy Research Centre, Hong Kong City University, Dr. Michael Leung said, “In addition to considerably reducing roadside emissions, the hybrid bus can also improve energy efficiency by capturing the otherwise wasted braking energy and storing it in the batteries.”
Director of Energy & Environmental Policy Research Unit and Associate Professor of Department of Management Sciences, Hong Kong City University, Dr. William Chung said, “Equipped with the Euro VI engine, the PM2.5 emission performance of the hybrid bus is better than that of buses equipped with the Euro V engine. This helps to improve roadside air quality.”
Principal Lecturer of School of Biological Sciences, University of Hong Kong, Dr. Billy Hau Chi-hang said, “We anticipate that ‘hBus’ equipped with the Euro VI hybrid engine can start passenger services soon. Road users can expect to breathe fresher air while passengers can look forward to quieter journeys.”
In this 24-month trial period, KMB will exchange views with EPD monthly on the trial performance of “hBus”, including emissions data, fuel efficiency and other performances.
The emission performance of “hBus” equipped with the Euro VI engine is expected to be better than the Euro V engine, as shown below:
Emissions |
Euro VI Engine (g/KWh) |
Euro V Engine (g/KWh) |
% of Decrease |
Hydrocarbons (HC) |
0.13 |
0.46 |
↓72% |
Particulate matter (Pm) |
0.01 |
0.02 |
↓50% |
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) |
0.4 |
2.0 |
↓80% |
Information of hBus
Bus Model |
Alexander Dennis (ADL) Enviro 500H 12M Air-conditioned Bus |
Length/Width/Height |
12000 mm / 2550 mm / 4398 mm |
Engine Type |
Cummins ISB Euro VI 6.7L diesel engine |
280 kw |
Traction Generator |
3-phase 640VAC Induction Generator |
Traction Motor |
3-phase 600V/160 KW Induction Motor |
Battery |
640V 11.2 KWh Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery |
Expected Passenger Capacity |
Upper-deck Seating:51 Lower-deck Seating:29 Standees:44 Total:124 |
This KMB hBus can boast three “firsts in Hong Kong” – the first hybrid
double-deck bus, the first double-deck bus equipped with a Euro VI
engine, and the first double-deck bus with the air-conditioning system
powered by electricity.
Although the Euro VI diesel engine is smaller (6,700cc), the power is adequate given the matching of electric power.
KMB Operations Director Mr. Owen Eckford (third left), Corporate Affairs
Director Ms. Vivien Chen (first right), Assistant Principal Engineer
(Operations) Mr. So Hing Shun (second left) took a photo with Chief
Transport Officer of Transport Department Mr. Vincent Fan (second right)
and Environmental Protection Officer of EPD Mr. Charles Wu (first left)
in front of the new “hBus”.
Date: | 01/09/2014 |
Topic: | NWFB and Citybus Introduce Hybrid Double Decker Buses |
日期: | 01/09/2014 |
標題: | 新巴城巴引入混�動力雙層巴士 |
Originally posted by Acx1688:2014-09-13
Hong Kong’s First Euro VI Hybrid Double-Deck Bus “hBus” to Serve Urban Routes for Best Environmental Protection Effects
Co-developed by KMB and the bus manufacturer for three years and funded by the Environmental Protection Department (“EPD”), “hBus”, Hong Kong’s first double-deck bus powered by a Euro VI hybrid engine, has joined the KMB fleet after delivery earlier this month. The bus is expected to enter passenger service on three urban routes starting the fourth quarter this year.
KMB will arrange for hBus to go through the Transport Department’s “type approval test” and licensing procedures before it enters passenger service. Initially, “hBus” will run on three urban routes: 1A [Sau Mau Ping (Central) ←→ Star Ferry], 104 [Kennedy Town ←→ Pak Tin] and 619 [Shun Lee ←→ Macau Ferry].
This hBus can boast three “firsts in Hong Kong” – the first hybrid double-deck bus, the first double-deck bus equipped with a Euro VI engine, and the first double-deck bus with the air-conditioning system powered by electricity. It is expected that hBus can achieve fuel savings of up to 30%, while emissions of major pollutants are reduced (e.g. particulate matter by 50% and NOx by 80%), when compared to Euro V double-deck buses.
In April 2011, EPD applied to the Legislative Council Finance Committee for a funding of $33 million to subsidize franchise bus companies to purchase 6 hybrid buses for trial in Hong Kong and KMB takes up 3 of them, each valued at HK$5.5 million. The other two hybrid buses will be delivered to Hong Kong later this year to join the KMB fleet.
What distinguishes “hBus” from a regular 12-metre, 3-axle air-conditioned double-deck bus is its driveline system, whereas the other structures and appearance look alike. The “hBus” is equipped with a “Hybrid Series” driveline system and a generator driven by diesel engine, supplying electricity to drive an electric motor that powers the axles for movement at a stable speed. Although the Euro VI diesel engine is smaller (6,700cc), the power is adequate given the matching of electric power. The bus will close the diesel engine down and automatically switch to electric power when it encounters traffic congestion or runs at a slow speed, thus achieving “zero emissions”. Given this, this bus is suitable for urban roads. The regenerative braking system captures the otherwise wasted braking energy and stores it in the batteries (16 modules of lithium iron phosphate batteries), making the bus more environmentally efficient.
“It is appropriate that ‘hBus’ operates on urban routes, as its environmental effects will be maximized. Traffic in the urban area is often very busy and buses have to travel slowly and make frequent stops, which consumes more fuel. As regards ‘hBus’, the smart controller will close the diesel engine down in such circumstances and the bus will be powered by electricity, lowering emissions. The steering and air-conditioning systems will not be affected and the bus’s operation will be even quieter,” said So Hing Shun, KMB’s Assistant Principal Engineer (Operations).
Associate Dean, School of Energy and Environment and Director of Ability R&D Energy Research Centre, Hong Kong City University, Dr. Michael Leung said, “In addition to considerably reducing roadside emissions, the hybrid bus can also improve energy efficiency by capturing the otherwise wasted braking energy and storing it in the batteries.”
Director of Energy & Environmental Policy Research Unit and Associate Professor of Department of Management Sciences, Hong Kong City University, Dr. William Chung said, “Equipped with the Euro VI engine, the PM2.5 emission performance of the hybrid bus is better than that of buses equipped with the Euro V engine. This helps to improve roadside air quality.”
Principal Lecturer of School of Biological Sciences, University of Hong Kong, Dr. Billy Hau Chi-hang said, “We anticipate that ‘hBus’ equipped with the Euro VI hybrid engine can start passenger services soon. Road users can expect to breathe fresher air while passengers can look forward to quieter journeys.”
In this 24-month trial period, KMB will exchange views with EPD monthly on the trial performance of “hBus”, including emissions data, fuel efficiency and other performances.
The emission performance of “hBus” equipped with the Euro VI engine is expected to be better than the Euro V engine, as shown below:
Euro VI Engine
Euro V Engine
% of Decrease
Hydrocarbons (HC)
Particulate matter (Pm)
Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
Information of hBus
Bus Model
Alexander Dennis (ADL)
Enviro 500H 12M Air-conditioned Bus
12000 mm / 2550 mm / 4398 mm
Engine Type
Cummins ISB Euro VI 6.7L diesel engine
280 kw
Traction Generator
3-phase 640VAC Induction Generator
Traction Motor
3-phase 600V/160 KW Induction Motor
640V 11.2 KWh Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery
Expected Passenger Capacity
Upper-deck Seating:51
Lower-deck Seating:29
This KMB hBus can boast three “firsts in Hong Kong” – the first hybrid double-deck bus, the first double-deck bus equipped with a Euro VI engine, and the first double-deck bus with the air-conditioning system powered by electricity.
Although the Euro VI diesel engine is smaller (6,700cc), the power is adequate given the matching of electric power.
KMB Operations Director Mr. Owen Eckford (third left), Corporate Affairs Director Ms. Vivien Chen (first right), Assistant Principal Engineer (Operations) Mr. So Hing Shun (second left) took a photo with Chief Transport Officer of Transport Department Mr. Vincent Fan (second right) and Environmental Protection Officer of EPD Mr. Charles Wu (first left) in front of the new “hBus”.
Oops! Kmb themselves made a small mistake on the specs. 280hp not kw.
Numerous important arterial roads in CBD, CWB and MK are seized by protestors, more than 100 svcs affected, dozens of services cancelled, including key services eg. 1, 23, 101, 701
Accurate as of time of posting
Will begin updates of HK bus routes affected daily
2014 09 28 19:41
æ–° å·´ 城 å·´ 部 分 港 島 å·´ 士 ç·š é ˆ 改 é�“
æ–° å·´ 城 å·´ 表 示 , ç”± æ–¼ ä¸ å�€ 主 è¦� é�“ è·¯ å°� é–‰ , æ–° å·´ ã€� 城 å·´ ç´„ 80 æ¢� è·¯ ç·š 需 è¦� 改 é�“
å…¶ ä¸ 13 ã€� 15C ã€� 18 ã€� 18P ã€� 18X ã€� 23 ã€� H1 ã€� H2 ã€� 590 ã€� 5B ã€� 5X ã€� 11 ã€�
12 � 12A � 12M � 3B � 103 � 307 � 619 � 690 � 681 線 暫 � � 務 。
Many bus services suspended
Bus services are being severely affected by the protests in Central and Admiralty.
Many have been suspended completely while New World First Bus and Citybus said a large number of routes were being diverted.
2014 09 28 21:18
ä¹� å·´ 21 æ¢� é�Ž æµ· ç·š ä¸� 經 金 é�˜ ä¸ ç’°   8 è·¯ ç·š æš« å�œ
ä¹� å·´ 宣 布 , å› æ‡‰ ä¸ å�€ é�“ è·¯ å°� é–‰ , 有 21 æ¢� é�Ž æµ· å·´ 士 è·¯ ç·š ä¸� 經 金 é�˜ å�Š ä¸ ç’° 。
å…¶ ä¸ 101 ã€� 103 ã€� 104 ã€� 109 ã€� 111 ã€� 113 ã€� 115 å�Š 182 ç·š å°‡ æš« å�œ æœ� å‹™ 。
2014 09 29 0:27
� 巴 6 � 通 宵 � 海 巴 士 線 暫 �   1 � 改 �
� 巴 表 示 , 就 港 島 � 路 � 閉 影 響 , 有 6 � 通 宵 � 海 巴 士 路 線 暫 � � 務 。
� 影 響 的 路 線 包 括 N121 � N182 � N368 � N619 � N680 � N691 。
� 外 , N122 行 車 路 線 則 會 改 � 。
N216�N293 | 往紅磡�旺角方�改以��城為終點站 |
N271�N281�270S | 改經窩打�� |
KMB Routes
Temporary Arrangement
N118�N121� N122�N171�N182�N368�N619�N680�N691
Service Suspension
Hung Hom and Mong Kok bound service terminates at Mei Foo
N216�N293 | Hung Hom and Mong Kok bound service terminates at Kowloon City |
N271�N281�270S | Divert via Waterloo Road |
2014 09 29 9:06
å�— ä½” ä¸ å½± 響 二 百 多 æ¢� å·´ 士 è·¯ ç·š 改 é�“ 或 æš« å�œ
å�— ä½” ä¸ å½± 響 , 多 å�€ 有 å°� è·¯ , 有 200 多 æ¢� å·´ 士 è·¯ ç·š è¦� 改 é�“ 或 æš« å�œ 。 在 ç´… 隧 å�£ å·´ 士 ç«™ , å·´ 士 å…¬ å�¸ æ´¾ è�· å“¡ å�‘ 乘 客 講 解 。
*rthk pix
Roads closed, bus, tram services hit
The protests around the territory are continuing to disrupt traffic, with busy roads closed, and bus and tram services affected.
The Transport Department said at 7.40am that vehicles travelling through the Cross Harbour Tunnel and west-bound traffic on the Eastern Corridor were being diverted through Wanchai North and Lung Wo Rd. Traffic headed for Wanchai was diverted to Gloucester Rd, Inner Gloucester Rd and O'Brian Rd.
In Causeway Bay Tung Lo Wan Rd has been switched to westbound traffic between Moreton Terrace and St Paul Hospital, and Moreton Terrace was closed to all traffic except buses.
Vehicles heading for Central through the Western Harbour Crossing could not enter Pedder Street and were being diverted to Lung Wo Rd, Man Kwong Street and Man Yiu Street.
Yiu Sing St, Queensway, Harcourt Rd, Yee Wo Street, East Point Rd and Great George Street are all closed.
The MTR Corporation said normal services have now resumed on the Tsuen Wan Line and Island Line. But some exits in Mong Kok, Admiralty and Causeway Bay are closed.
KMB, Citybus and New World First Bus have all reported problems to services, with more than 200 suspended and others re-routed.
All lanes of Nathan Road near Argyle Street in Mong Kok have been cut off.
Tram services between Victoria Park and Western Market and the Happy Valley loop have been suspended.
They are still running between Shau Kei Wan and Victoria Park and between Kennedy Town and Western Market.
2014 09 29 12:14
港 島 北 � 旺 角 交 通 癱 瘓   巴 士 線 改 � 或 暫 �
示 å¨� 人 士 ç¹¼ 續 ä½” æ“š å�„ å�€ 主 è¦� é�“ è·¯ , å°Ž 致 港 島 北 å�Š æ—º 角 主 è¦� é�“ è·¯ å°� é–‰ , 交 通 ç™± 瘓 。 超 é�Ž 200 æ¢� å·´ 士 è·¯ ç·š è¦� 改 é�“ 或 æš« å�œ , 大 批 市 æ°‘ 改 æ� 港 é�µ 上 ç� 。
ç”± æ–¼ 金 é�˜ 港 é�µ ç«™ 有 多 個 出 å�£ å°� é–‰ , 有 上 ç� 市 æ°‘ 說 , 花 多 å�Š å°� 時 æ‰� 到 é�” ç›® çš„ 地 ï¼› 亦 有 市 æ°‘ ä¸� 滿 示 å¨� 人 士 å µ å¡ž 交 通 。
Video link:
Many bus services suspended
Bus services are being severely affected by the protests in Central and Admiralty.
Many have been suspended completely while New World First Bus and Citybus said a large number of routes were being diverted.
å¾€è�¯å¯Œæ–¹å�‘ï¼šæ”¹è¡Œå …æ‹¿é�“橋(ä¸�入波斯富街ã€�ç¦®é “é�“)
往沙田方å�‘:改行黃泥涌é�“ã€�å …æ‹¿é�“西ã€�è�–æ‹¿é�“橋(ä¸�入軒尼詩é�“ã€�告士打é�“)
改以ä¹�é¾�塘為終點站,抵é�”ä¹�é¾�塘後經窩打è€�é�“/æŒå’Œè€�è¡—/æ ¹å¾·é�“/æ²™ç¦�é�“/窩打è€�é�“/多實街/德雲é�“/æŒå’Œè€�街返回è�¯å�ˆé�“往慈雲山方å�‘
252B �259B �259C �260B �261B �267S
往香港方å�‘:改以西消防街調é 載返ä¹�é¾�
å¾€å�—å�€æ–¹å�‘:巴士駛至紅隧香港出å�£ï¼Œæ”¹è¡Œå …æ‹¿é�“橋原路。
å¾€ä¹�é¾�æ–¹å�‘:巴士駛至摩ç�†è‡£å±±é�“å¾Œï¼Œæ”¹ç¶“å …æ‹¿é�“æ©‹ã€�紅隧原路。
å¾€å�—å�€æ–¹å�‘:巴士駛至紅隧香港出å�£ï¼Œæ”¹è¡Œå …æ‹¿é�“橋原路。
å¾€ä¹�é¾�æ–¹å�‘:經黃泥涌é�“å¾Œï¼Œæ”¹ç¶“å …æ‹¿é�“æ©‹ã€�ç¶åœ’é�“ã€�永興街ã€�英皇é�“原路。
æ”¹ç‚ºä¾†å¾€å¥§æµ·åŸŽè‡³å …å°¼åœ°åŸŽ
駛至干諾é�“ä¸æ�±è¡Œï¼Œæ”¹åœ¨ç•¢æ‰“街掉é ,干諾é�“ä¸è¥¿è¡Œï¼Œç§Ÿåº‡åˆ©è¡—,德輔ä¸è¥¿è¡Œå›žåŽŸè·¯ã€‚ä¸ç’°ã€�金é�˜å�€ä»¥å¾Œç«™ä½�å�–消
æ”¹åœ¨äº¤æ˜“å»£å ´ç«™å¤–èµ·è¼‰ï¼Œè¡Œå¹²è«¾é�“ä¸æ�±è¡Œï¼Œç•¢æ‰“街掉é ,干諾é�“ä¸è¥¿è¡Œï¼Œç§Ÿåº‡åˆ©è¡—,å�³è½‰å¾·è¼”é�“ä¸è¥¿è¡ŒåŽŸè·¯ã€‚天å�Žè‡³åˆ©æº�æ�±è¡—一段車站å�–消。
KMB Routes
Temporary Arrangement
N118�N121� N122�N171�N182�N368�N619�N680�N691
Service Suspension
Wa Fu Bound: Divert via Canal Road Flyover
Sha Tin Bound: Divert via Wong Nai Chung Road, Canal Road West, Canal Road Flyover
N216�N293 (Start servicing at Kwun Tong, Tseung Kwan O )
Bus journey shortened, U-turn at Kowloon City roundabout
N241 (Start servicing at Tsing Yi)
Hung Hom bound service terminates at Mei Foo
N271�N281�270S (New Territories Bound)
Divert via Waterloo Road
Normal Service
Service Suspension
373�601P�641�680X�960A�960B�968X (Night time special trip)�603P�621
Service Suspension
Terminates at Kowloon City roundabout
at Kowloon Tong. After reaching Kowloon Tong will go via Waterloo Road/
Cornwall Street/ Kent Road/ Suffolk Road/ Waterloo Road/ Dorset
Crescent/ Devon Road/ Cornwall Street and back to Junction Road towards
Tsz Wan Shan
Terminates at Cheung Sha Wan Road
Yee Kok Court becomes first stop towards NT (Yee Kok Court one direction to Cheung Hong)
Terminates at Mei Foo
Terminates at Tai Po Road
Kowloon bound service: Will not stop in Nathan Road near Prince Edward Road West and Waterloo Road
New Territories bound service: Diverts via Waterloo Road
Territories bound service: Diverts via Waterloo Road, Pui Ching Road,
Princess Margaret Road and resumes to original routeing
Tsim Sha Tsui bound service: Diverts after Heep Woh Primary School via Sai Yee Street to Mody Road
252B �259B �259C �260B �261B �267S
Terminates at Cheung Sha Wan Road
Terminates at Olympian City
Operates between Olympian City and Des Voeux Road
Hong Kong bound service terminates at Western Fire Services Street
Hong Kong bound service: terminates at Tin Hau
Hong Kong bound service diverts via Gloucester Road and Victoria Park Road, then resumes to original routeing from Causeway Road
Kowloon bound service: Diverts via Hing Fat Street and Victoria Park Road
Southern District bound service: Diverts after Cross Harbour Tunnel via Canal Road Flyover
Kowloon bound service: Diverts after Morrison Hill Road via Canal Road Flyover
Southern District bound service: Diverts after Cross Harbour Tunnel via Canal Road Flyover
Kowloon bound service: Diverts after Wong Nai Chung Road via Canal Road Flyover
Hong Kong bound service: Operates from Cross Harbour Tunnel
Kowloon bound service: terminates at Cross Harbour Tunnel
Kowloon bound service: terminates at Cross Harbour Tunnel
Kong bound service: Operates from Cross Harbour Tunnel and go via Cross
Harbour Tunnel, Victoria Park Road, Gloucester Road and resumes to
original routeing
Kowloon bound service: Diverts via Hing Fat Street and Victoria Park Road and terminates at Cross Harbour Tunnel
Operates between Olympian City and Kennedy Town
373A�960�961�968 Hong Kong Bound
via Connaught Road Central eastbound, U-turn at Pedder Street, take
Connaught Road Central westbound, Jubilee Street, turn right at Des
Voeux Road Central westbound to original route.
948 Kowloon Bound
change to pick up passengers from outside Exchange Square, go via
Connaught Road Central eastbound, U-turn at Pedder Street, take
Connaught Road Central westbound, Jubilee Street, turn right at Des
Voeux Road Central westbound to original route.
934�935Kowloon Bound
Start servicing at Wing Kut Street stop, Des Voeux Road Central
678 Sheung Shui Bound
Start servicing at Tin Hau Bus Termini
2014 09 29 19:27
新 巴 城 巴 多 � 巴 士 線 暫 � � 務
由 於 主 � � 路 � 閉 , 新 巴 城 巴 宣 布 多 � 巴 士 路 線 暫 � � 務 ,
包 括 1 � 3B � 6A � 11 � 12 � 12A � 12M � 103 � 13 � 15C � 18P � 18X � 23
� 25A � 26 � 66 � 101 � 104 � 109 � 111 � 113 � 115 � 182 � 590A � 601P
� 621 � 629A � 641 � 680X � 681P � 701 � 720 � 722 � 780 � 788 � 789 �
969A � 969B � 967X � H1 � H2 。
ä¹�巴宣佈,員工接é€�車ç¶æŒ�æœ�å‹™ã€‚å…¶ä¸ 01Kã€�04å�Š09員工接é€�車將會改路行駛。
KMB announces that all crew buses will remain service. The routeing of crew buses 01K, 04 and 09 will be diverted.
2014 09 30 1:44
新 巴 城 巴 多 � 巴 士 線 暫 � � 務 或 改 �
æ–° å·´ å�Š 城 å·´ 表 示 , ç”± æ–¼ ä¸ å�€ å�Š ä¹� é¾� å�€ 有 主 è¦� é�“ è·¯ å°� é–‰ , æ—— 下
8 � 巴 士 路 線 包 括 N121 � N122 � N182 � N619 � N680 � N691 � N118 � N171 暫
� � 務 。
� 外 , 13 � 路 線 需 � 改 � 。
ä¹�巴員工接é€�車ç¶æŒ�æ£å¸¸æœ�å‹™ (9月30æ—¥)
Crew bus services remain normal. Due to road closures in Mong Kok, the routeing of crew buses 01K, 04 and 09 will be diverted.
2014 09 30 5:54
新 巴 城 巴 � 巴 多 � 路 線 暫 � � 務
ç”± æ–¼ ä¸ å�€ å�Š ä¹� é¾� 有 主 è¦� é�“ è·¯ å°� é–‰ , æ–° å·´ ã€� 城 å·´ å�Š ä¹� å·´ 多 æ¢� è·¯ ç·š æš« å�œ æœ� å‹™ 。
å…¶ ä¸ æš« å�œ çš„ æ–° å·´ 城 å·´ è·¯ ç·š 包 括 1 ã€� 3A ã€� 3B ã€� 5C ã€� 5P ã€� 5S ã€� 5X ã€� 6A ã€� 12 ã€� 12A ã€� 12M ã€� 13 ã€� 15C ã€� 18P ã€� 18X ã€� 23 ã€� 23B ã€� 26 ã€� 40M ã€� 66 ã€� 93 ã€� 93A ã€� 101 ã€� 101X ã€� 103 ã€� 103P ã€� 104 ã€� 109 ã€� 111 ã€� 111P ã€� 113 ã€� 115 ã€� 115P ã€� 182 ã€� 301 ã€� 305 ã€� 590A ã€� 629A ã€� 701 ã€� 969A ã€� 969B ã€� 967X ã€� H1 ã€� H2 。 å¸ æ ¡ è·¯ ç·š 40P ã€� 93C 亦 æš« å�œ æœ� å‹™ 。
� 外 , 有 超 � 100 � 路 線 需 � 改 � 。
ä¹� å·´ æ–¹ é�¢ , 有 38 æ¢� è·¯ ç·š æš« å�œ æœ� å‹™ , 當 ä¸ åŒ… 括 13 æ¢� ä¹� é¾� å�Š æ–° ç•Œ å·´ 士 è·¯ ç·š , 以 å�Š 16 æ¢� é�Ž æµ· ç·š 。 é�Ž æµ· å·´ 士 è·¯ ç·š 101 ã€� 103 ã€� 104 ã€� 108 ã€� 109 ã€� 111 ã€� 113 ã€� 115 ã€� 117 ã€� 182 ã€� 103P ã€� 111P ã€� 115P ã€� 301 ã€� 305 ã€� 603S æš« å�œ æœ� å‹™ 。
2014 09 30 7:03
逾 200 巴 士 線 � 影 響   � 輸 署 籲 用 公 共 交 通
å�— ä½” ä¸ è¡Œ å‹• å½± 響 , 本 港 多 處 有 é�“ è·¯ å°� é–‰ , 超 é�Ž 200 æ¢� å·´ 士 ç·š å�— å½± 響 , é�‹ 輸 ç½² 呼 ç±² 市 æ°‘ 改 用 é�ž è·¯ é�¢ çš„ å…¬ å…± 交 通 , 包 括 港 é�µ 。
MTR normal, buses still disrupted
MTR trains were running normally on Tuesday morning, although some exits
at Central and Causeway Bay Stations were closed because of the ongoing
protests for "genuine" democracy.
However, dozens of New World First Bus, Kowloon Motor Bus and Citybus services were either suspended or were re-routed.
Much of the tram network was also paralysed.
2014 09 30 18:36
æ—º 角 示 å¨� 者 æ‹’ å·´ 士 駛 èµ°   å…� 讓 è·¯ 予 æ•‘ è· è»Š
數 百 � 市 民 繼 續 � 集 在 旺 角 彌 敦 � � 亞 皆 � 街 交 界 , 秩 � 大 致 良 好 。
è¦ æ–¹ 談 判 å°ˆ 家 下 å�ˆ 到 å ´ , 轉 é�” å·´ 士 å…¬ å�¸ 希 望 駛 èµ° å�œ 在 ç�¾ å ´ çš„ å·´ 士 , 但 被 æ‹’ 絕 。
å�¦ 外 , å°� æ–¼ 特 首 æ¢� 振 英 指 ä½” ä¸ å½± 響 ç·Š 急 æ•‘ è· æœ� å‹™ , 有 ç³¾ 察 表 示 會 讓 è·¯ 予 æ•‘ è· è»Š , ä¸� 會 å½± 響 ç·Š 急 æœ� å‹™ 。
Video link:
2014 09 30 22:28
æ–° å·´ 城 å·´ é‡� 陽 節 增 è¨ 4 æ¢� 特 別 è·¯ ç·š
æ–° å·´ 城 å·´ å°‡ æ–¼ 10 月 2 æ—¥ é‡� 陽 節 期 é–“ 增 è¨ 388 ã€� 389 ã€� 971R
å�Š 347 , å…± 4 æ¢� 特 別 è·¯ ç·š , 分 別 來 å¾€ 柴 ç�£ 墳 å ´ å�Š å‰� å¾€ å�— å�€ å�„ 墳 å ´ 。 ç”± æ–¼ è–„ 扶 æž— ã€� 香
港 ä»” å�Š 柴 ç�£ å�‡ 有 å°� è·¯ å�Š 改 é�“ 措 æ–½ , 上 è¿° è·¯ ç·š 或 å› æ‡‰ ç�¾ å ´ è¦ æ–¹ 指 示 å�Š 實 æ–½ 情 æ³� , 作 出
調 整 。
為 é…� å�ˆ 人 æ½® 管 制 , 當 æ—¥ ä¸ ç’° 交 易 廣 å ´ ã€� ç² ç®• ç�£ å·´ 士 總 ç«™ å�Š 柴 ç�£ ç’° ç¿ é�“ å°‡ è¨ ç½® 臨 時 å·´ 士 ç«™ , 並 會 æ–¼ 相 é—œ å·´ 士 ç«™ å¼µ è²¼ 通 å‘Š 。
å�¦ 外 , ç”± æ–¼ 當 æ—¥ ä¸ å�€ 部 分 主 è¦� é�“ è·¯ å°� é–‰ , 城 å·´ 629 ç·š å°‡ 會 改 以 天 å�Ž 作 為 å·´ 士 總 ç«™ 。