SBS2784J on 243G with 243W side desto. Asked the BC if he is on G on W but BC just gave me a dao look...left int back to back with SBS3200X
TIB555Z with weird front EDS. Small 172 with normal route details..i doubt can see the number from far...
* TIB528C "DOOR CLOSING" chime not working...
* TIB781L on 966, using other svc rear desto...
Saw a standby Bndep BCs follow svc 93 & 154 and overheard the the green man say "Learn svc first depot might take the svc in future" hmm hints of Bndep partial control these svc later?
SBS Transit's new way of identifying buses from depots. Currently only BNDEP/CGBP and AMDEP/BRBP have it. The other depots should follow soon.
BNDEP/CGBP (green dot sticker):
AMDEP/BRBP (yellow dot sticker):
Originally posted by SMB42P:SBS2784J on 243G with 243W side desto. Asked the BC if he is on G on W but BC just gave me a dao look...left int back to back with SBS3200X
erm.. there is no reason for the G/W to ply thru the same bus stop along the road.
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:erm.. there is no reason for the G/W to ply thru the same bus stop along the road.
Boon Lay Bus interchange (a reason why i mentioned int above)..there was a 243G (SBS3200X) just behind SBS2784J so i tot 2784J may have entered the wrong i asked...
1) SMB240J with exposed rear SMRT livery...
2) TIB447C using paper rear desto. Bus was on 187S105..was a nice bus with great aircon, not bouncy also means spring is ok unlike 546A. A pity this bus will be de-registered in less than 10 days from now.
3) TIB492X on 187 today using paper rear desto too!
4) SBS6341C on 335 with front desto in front...EDS working fine.
5) SBS9656A spotted in NTU (go past Lee Wee Nam Library stop and followed 179 route but with 255 eds on) -- spotted around 11am.
Originally posted by SBS9C:SBS Transit's new way of identifying buses from depots. Currently only BNDEP/CGBP and AMDEP/BRBP have it. The other depots should follow soon.
BNDEP/CGBP (green dot sticker):
AMDEP/BRBP (yellow dot sticker):
tts correct, only saw it this morning on BN/AM buses though...
admire this Shawn ong keep on critising SMRT lousy and not up to standard services. bus fares increased already, the bloody bus services in Bt Panjang seem dropping!
Originally posted by phillipC:admire this Shawn ong keep on critising SMRT lousy and not up to standard services. bus fares increased already, the bloody bus services in Bt Panjang seem dropping!
Aiya..he wants every 190 bus to appear infront of his face every 1min mah And like the fare increase only applies to SMRT...joke sial
Some observations...
> Many paper desto started to appear..
> Saw a desto with "PLEASE DO NOT TAKE" on the back..
Hmm..somebody is stealing??
Originally posted by TIB429E:Some observations...
> Many paper desto started to appear..
> Saw a desto with "PLEASE DO NOT TAKE" on the back..Hmm..somebody is stealing??
Is like everywhere i go, i saw paper desto on alot of svc. Even 911E have one :P
Originally posted by TIB 585L:Is like everywhere i go, i saw paper desto on alot of svc. Even 911E have one :P
or is it the plastic destos are going away, so these become a hot item.
or paper desto are the new trend.
Originally posted by TIB 585L:Is like everywhere i go, i saw paper desto on alot of svc. Even 911E have one :P
TIB812G and TIB832Z both on 187 with paper rear desto today
Originally posted by TIB 585L:Is like everywhere i go, i saw paper desto on alot of svc. Even 911E have one :P
Yeah...apparently TIB467U is on 911E now, using 900 desto covered with paper. And TIB487L is on 900/900A with 900 desto...
SMB6U on 172AP01 today...but the BC console is keyed in as 17204 (means 172AP04).. so throughout whole trip the bus was "32-34 mins ahead of schedule"...
* SBS2838M using LEDs for side desto lighting...
* TIB761U hand-written 187 rear desto...
* TIB1141C front-right bumper cracked...
*TIB582U (WLDEP SP) - the only O405 with the rear emergency door button on the left (towards the A/C filter), unlike all other buses with them on the right...
SBS3257H (HGDEP 107) – front doors pause halfway when closing, rear doors shake and bang when closing…
*SBS8266Z (CGBP 29) and SBS8565K (BNDEP 36) with yellow paint spotted on rear door arms...
SBS8578Z (BNDEP 36) - noisy radiator and 'hub gear' sound after gearshift...
TIB476T (WLDEP SP) - repainted aircon ducts, like TIB465A, TIB472D and TIB473B...
TIB493T (WLDEP 176) - front 'BUS STOPPING' sign similar to TIB426M... Aisle seat (of 4th last row on the right)
back cushion tombalik...
TIB494R (WLBP 178) - front has randomly swapped aircon ducts from Batch 2 buses, but none at the rear...
TIB500G (WLDEP SP) – one of the few Batch 1 buses with all original aircon ducts (excluding the A/C filters, doors and driver’s console) swapped with Batch 2 aircon ducts… Screws (small) holding the aircon ducts together are in a different arrangement, but is original…
TIB502B (WLBP 858) – one the few Batch 1 buses with
all original aircon ducts (excluding the A/C filters, doors and driver’s
console) swapped with Batch 2 aircon ducts… Rear left floor metal plate from a
Volgren O405… Nice bus!
TIB576M (WLBP 961) – rear door aircon vents (facing the steps) removed… Rear door closes the same way as the front doors… One of the very few buses with a nice and unique ZF!
TIB596E (KJDEP 67) – Transit Media EDS! Front doors close together, aircon ducts super shiny, almost looks repainted...
TIB629U (WLDEP 167/980) – one of the few buses
with a super green EDS… Interior still has the Fisherman’s Friend ads, though
one at the rear has been removed… One of the few Batch 2 buses with green seats. Nice bus!
TIB983X (WLDEP 176) – rear trailer exit door panel
shaky… Both ‘DOOR CLOSING’ chimes
spoilt, only middle sign working… Terrible bus…
SMB210X on 307AP05 today (214K slot). Morning did AM05 as usual but spotted it off service back to Kranji Depot along CCK WAY at 4.20pm...
*SBS9636H (CGBP 23/10e) repainted!
SBS8214Z (CGBP 291) - rear pole modified and joint repainted dark purple... 2nd priority seat from the exit door has orange bottom cushion... 'DOOR CLOSING' chime slightly distorted, but still nice... Nice engine!
SBS8241U (AMDEP 13) - distorted 'DOOR CLOSING' chime...
TIB529A (WLBP 925) - interior still has Marigold fruit juice ads... 3rd last row aisle seat on the right with the stand under it repositioned, leaving holes from the original postion of the screws... One of the vents at the rear door missing... 'DOOR CLOSING' sign stays on without blinking when on... Nice aircon!
TIB547Y (KJDEP 188) - front with additional new sticker showing fines for offences, beside the original one...
TIB817T (AMDEP 67) - rear with new sticker showing fines for offences below the CCTV...
Originally posted by SMB42P:
TIB812G and TIB832Z both on 187 with paper rear desto today
TIB822C with 969 paper desto today...
SBS5100 on Sv269 went the wrong route this morning at 830am.. BC forget to turn right to ave 4 from Ave 5.. end up go straight all the way to ave 8, then make a left turn to YCK mrt there and then turn back to ave 6/5/4.... big detour...