Originally posted by carbikebus:COE for cars already raised to $72-78k Motorbike also increase like mad..Sooner they will also reduce the COE for bikes...And trains keep on breakdowns and newer added buses sooner also crowded after 6.9m target is achieved..Looks like never ending story here
See liao also xia swey can... Tell ppl to join Singapore because bla bla bla, but ended up experiencing a total difference..
Originally posted by vicamour:Now it's not about the road problems and car problems. Population problems, yes. Unless you can vote out the government to stop their scheme in increasing the population.
The problems caused by bendies is obvious in places where public buses use only,where other vehicles are out of bounds, like interchanges, depots, bus lanes and stops. And they affect other buses and bus services as well. If SMRT still insist it's own way of operations and not contributing to improving it's bus services as a whole with LTA and SBST, sooner or later, SMRT might as well stop operating bus services.
Well, probably that might be a blessing in disguise.
How it isn't ? [bolded]
I believe SMRT do see the needs, but where's the money? Their train also kinda crappy, most of it are old trains(C151). Plus the buses, tracks etc., all requires big cost.
SBST is rather "organised" in the sense that they focus much on land transport and bits on railway. Plus, their 2 railways are rather new. Their bus models(before KUB enters) are rather narrowed, majority Volvos. This makes operations easier.
SMRT wise, they handle the first railways line which lasted for more than 20years(correct me if I'm wrong). Their fleet are all "second hand" type, from TIBs. The wrong move by TIBs is to introduce multi-model fleet at the start of the operation. Even if TIBs can handle it, but can the new comer, SMRT, handle it?
Plus LTA, given their years of expert in handing the land transport. Aren't they able to answer why are there major breakdowns or at least compare the past n present?
Originally posted by carbikebus:COE for cars already raised to $72-78k Motorbike also increase like mad..Sooner they will also reduce the COE for bikes...And trains keep on breakdowns and newer added buses sooner also crowded after 6.9m target is achieved..Looks like never ending story here
If you can afford a car, just get one.
Public transport is not reliable.
Still wants to increase the population when many issues have tons of problems. One area, transport, forced to take public transport by artificially inflating the prices of cars and ever unreliable, overcrowded and price increasing public transport.
Originally posted by TIB429E:How it isn't ? [bolded]
I believe SMRT do see the needs, but where's the money? Their train also kinda crappy, most of it are old trains(C151). Plus the buses, tracks etc., all requires big cost.
SBST is rather "organised" in the sense that they focus much on land transport and bits on railway. Plus, their 2 railways are rather new. Their bus models(before KUB enters) are rather narrowed, majority Volvos. This makes operations easier.
SMRT wise, they handle the first railways line which lasted for more than 20years(correct me if I'm wrong). Their fleet are all "second hand" type, from TIBs. The wrong move by TIBs is to introduce multi-model fleet at the start of the operation. Even if TIBs can handle it, but can the new comer, SMRT, handle it?
Plus LTA, given their years of expert in handing the land transport. Aren't they able to answer why are there major breakdowns or at least compare the past n present?
As I have said earlier, facilities like bus interchanges, depots, bus lanes and stops are out of bounds to other vehicles. But because of the use of bendies, operations screws up because of bus queues, jams and delays caused by bendies.
One of the reasons that SBST can be more organised and more successful in its bus operations because they choose not to use bendies, despite trials of demos. They are able to see that the operations will not be favourable in the long run if they run a fleet of bendies.
Thus if SMRT really wants to improve its bus services, they have to forgo their use of bendies and use standard fleets to make their management more organised and easier, like what SBST did.
Although SBST may not be the world's best bus operator, but at least it has proven to be much reliable out of the 2 in Singapore.
Originally posted by vicamour:As I have said earlier, facilities like bus interchanges, depots, bus lanes and stops are out of bounds to other vehicles. But because of the use of bendies, operations screws up because of bus queues, jams and delays caused by bendies.
One of the reasons that SBST can be more organised and more successful in its bus operations because they choose not to use bendies, despite trials of demos. They are able to see that the operations will not be favourable in the long run if they run a fleet of bendies.
Thus if SMRT really wants to improve its bus services, they have to forgo their use of bendies and use standard fleets to make their management more organised and easier, like what SBST did.
Although SBST may not be the world's best bus operator, but at least it has proven to be much reliable out of the 2 in Singapore.
Hmm I don't see it that way. They are rather organised is rather due lesser multi-models fleet in the past. Even their bendy are from Volvo. And I guess the bendy are rejected as most of their route requires higher capacity buses(DD). [bolded para]
SMRT can introduce DD, but the problem is the difficulties in turning over the fleet with limited amount of $$...
Anyway, in this case, we shouldn't talk about which company is more successful. Both operators are handling different types of fleet leh :o
Originally posted by vicamour:As I have said earlier, facilities like bus interchanges, depots, bus lanes and stops are out of bounds to other vehicles. But because of the use of bendies, operations screws up because of bus queues, jams and delays caused by bendies.
One of the reasons that SBST can be more organised and more successful in its bus operations because they choose not to use bendies, despite trials of demos. They are able to see that the operations will not be favourable in the long run if they run a fleet of bendies.
Thus if SMRT really wants to improve its bus services, they have to forgo their use of bendies and use standard fleets to make their management more organised and easier, like what SBST did.
Although SBST may not be the world's best bus operator, but at least it has proven to be much reliable out of the 2 in Singapore.
North and northwest towns should have a separate terminal for Intratowns and feeders which should be bendy-friendly and transfer-friendly too...
Becoz trust me, using DDs for most (if not all) SMRT Intratowns and feeders is as good as suicide...
Originally posted by vicamour:If you can afford a car, just get one.
Public transport is not reliable.
Still wants to increase the population when many issues have tons of problems. One area, transport, forced to take public transport by artificially inflating the prices of cars and ever unreliable, overcrowded and price increasing public transport.
Originally posted by SMB128B:North and northwest towns should have a separate terminal for Intratowns and feeders which should be bendy-friendly and transfer-friendly too...
Becoz trust me, using DDs for most (if not all) SMRT Intratowns and feeders is as good as suicide...
Originally posted by SMB128B:North and northwest towns should have a separate terminal for Intratowns and feeders which should be bendy-friendly and transfer-friendly too...
Becoz trust me, using DDs for most (if not all) SMRT Intratowns and feeders is as good as suicide...
Don't even see the need for bendy friendly interchanges. What if SBST takes over these places or some of the services one day? And LTA now has more pressing issues to improve services reliability, making things standardised will only help them achieve things faster, not the other way round.
It's wasting many limited land space just to cater for bendies where they can be used to build other more useful structures, like hospitals. And building standardised bus facilities helps to make planning easier, more efficient and less costly.
Suicide is an overstatement. In that case, all SBST feeders and intratown services will have gone terribly bad. But in fact, they still operates better than SMRT, with better frequency SDs, and they are still successful in using DDs on these services too. It is all about how SMRT wants to operate and standardised their fleet to make their planning and management easier, more organised and less costly.
Stop living in the past and think of the future. Given SMRT current situation, it is better that they better buck up and makes their operations planning easier to manage to stop giving more screw ups. Be realistic.
Originally posted by TIB429E:Hmm I don't see it that way. They are rather organised is rather due lesser multi-models fleet in the past. Even their bendy are from Volvo. And I guess the bendy are rejected as most of their route requires higher capacity buses(DD). [bolded para]
SMRT can introduce DD, but the problem is the difficulties in turning over the fleet with limited amount of $$...
Anyway, in this case, we shouldn't talk about which company is more successful. Both operators are handling different types of fleet leh :o
Do you know that SBS almost wanted to trial the bi-articulated bus in the 1990s?
Money is not a problem for SMRT, since it can reap millions of annual profits. Problem is: do they have the heart and sincerity to walk the talk or just being NATO about improving its bus services. Now is the best time for them to switch to DDs, since all of their bendies are to be scrapped within the next 5 years.
I am excited that SMRT will get DDs. If it wants to get more bendies, no problem - I am not against them, but should be used only for intra town, feeder, height restriction areas.
DDs way better for trunks.
SMRT is the real big problem ...
i would wished the TIBS get revived. and the not a problem with all the bendies.
SBST decided to go with DD, which is a lot easier than some odd length buses i.e. the bendies and the 14.5m.
before anyone says LTA says no to bendies. may i point to the new Yishun Bus Interchange which had a number of bendy lots in addition to 12m lots.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:I am excited that SMRT will get DDs. If it wants to get more bendies, no problem - I am not against them, but should be used only for intra town, feeder, height restriction areas.
DDs way better for trunks.
a mix of bendies and DDs usually have more flexibility than just either DD or bendies for high capacity.
Originally posted by TIB429E:The question now is - will they or will they not first ?
Did you see them removing on the SD then?
SMRT is already bent on screwing bendies, why do you think they would not do that on the DDs?
if they ever do it on the SD or rigids, all hell will boil over.
how soon? where is that so call MAN DD that suddenly appear in this forums? any follow up? technically smrt might no even need any bendies or DDs after 2015 as DTL mrt open and that where capacity of the passengers will go down taking bus. and mrt system will be full of people. during that 2015 to 2016 i wonder if PAP still has fully control over Singapore.
Originally posted by wsy1234:how soon? where is that so call MAN DD that suddenly appear in this forums? any follow up? technically smrt might no even need any bendies or DDs after 2015 as DTL mrt open and that where capacity of the passengers will go down taking bus. and mrt system will be full of people. during that 2015 to 2016 i wonder if PAP still has fully control over Singapore.
Ur bolded sentences abit like how govt. plan liao...
As you are not sure of the future population, it's hard to say whether there's a need for high capacity buses.
The future population MIGHT not be what it is today..
Originally posted by carbikebus:If in future theres no need for high capacity buses why SBST die2 order hell lots of DDs then?
keep as spare buses? where got so much space?
replace SDs with DDs? maybe, but not all svcs
actually not lots of DD buses for sbst, most of them one to one replacement for old buses and by the time DTL start to operate, there are few new hdb town coming up so most sbst and smrt buses might use for those new hdb towns. no need so many high capacity for both bus operators. both company can use back those buses where the route affected by DTL.
there is an other thomson line coming, i can see by that time buses on the road will be reduced.
one way to use DD buses is to have service like 190 59 23 966 etc running on expressway and going to high demand area where no mrt can reached or a distance away. LTA should has plan for semi-express services and parallel service for long term. As MRT system can break down causing delay like last week. lucky has service parallel to the system. SD buses will be better as most of the time passenger demand not that high as long as the waiting time is reasonable.
Originally posted by wsy1234:actually not lots of DD buses for sbst, most of them one to one replacement for old buses and by the time DTL start to operate, there are few new hdb town coming up so most sbst and smrt buses might use for those new hdb towns. no need so many high capacity for both bus operators. both company can use back those buses where the route affected by DTL.
there is an other thomson line coming, i can see by that time buses on the road will be reduced.
Actually buses will cap or increase, COE has gone very high.
it is better for bus to reduce, as to reduce pollution and traffic in singapore, that what LTA try to do. maybe with less heavy vehicle traffic on the road, COE and ERP will drop as more space for cars. and with better manage on public transport people can give up using cars. also COE will drops.
Hopefully TCH don't become the next PM, he is no better than LHL or even worse. Hope to see SMRT has DD bus on the road soon. replace all those rotten long buses.