Originally posted by SMB66X:Anyway, what upgrades did 86 get? Still having cocky frequency as usual while waiting at Jalan Kayu
161 the problem is only peak hours, wrong choice of buses sometimes + inconsistant departure(can get lambat, not due to jams but driver left bus park late).
Svc 88 seems to get SDs on/off oftenly, upgraded to "full" DD indeed. Compare with 161, I think 161 is better.
Originally posted by carbikebus:Bro if they make changes for everyone benefits I dun mind at all.We all give SMRT a dozen of times but still no change.Buy powerful buses also no point,Under maintenance,Crappy bus condition,Shortage of parking spaces.If they really interested in buying high capacity buses why not they buy now?SBST already got more than 500 newer DDs never mind they look boring as long there's efficient bus timings
Tell you what.
Till now I still have to put up with 27's inconsistent frequency. And 45 and 163's horrific frequency. But I can frankly tell you, 965's frequency, since the introduction of BSEP, has become better than the past. 45 even with BSEP is still as slow as before.
I'll agree that SMRT is worse than SBST in bus maintenance, reliability and general frequency. However SBST has its own faults too. As you all said nature etc makes no operator perfect, so what gives you all the right to think SBST should be the sole operator in Singapore?
If SBST takes over the whole of Singapore it just let SBST monopolise all bus operations and there will be a lack of competitors. And that will be DISASTROUS. So yes I welcome SBST take over some of SMRT but, please, not all.
SMRT please give up on taxi service, focus on bus and MRT.
Originally posted by SMB128B:Tell you what.
Till now I still have to put up with 27's inconsistent frequency. And 45 and 163's horrific frequency. But I can frankly tell you, 965's frequency, since the introduction of BSEP, has become better than the past. 45 even with BSEP is still as slow as before.
I'll agree that SMRT is worse than SBST in bus maintenance, reliability and general frequency. However SBST has its own faults too. As you all said nature etc makes no operator perfect, so what gives you all the right to think SBST should be the sole operator in Singapore?
If SBST takes over the whole of Singapore it just let SBST monopolise all bus operations and there will be a lack of competitors. And that will be DISASTROUS. So yes I welcome SBST take over some of SMRT but, please, not all.
We wait for the pros like sbst275,2601D comments first.But frankly SMRT nowadays really cmi.1 service improved 3 services neglected.
Originally posted by carbikebus:We wait for the pros like sbst275,2601D comments first.But frankly SMRT nowadays really cmi.1 service improved 3 services neglected.
You're right.
SMRT BSEP is nothing, just flick here flick there. Add svcs if LTA + people request only. If not, 982E and other 2 shift bus svcs will never be svcs.
Originally posted by SMB66X:Minor few for SBS Transit, mainly those earlier ones. SMRT didn't see them, but I only saw Habits/OCs having them. Should be removed by now, and I guess it's getting lesser(for both operators).
It's your cooked up story, grandmother grandfather fairy tales or your dreams?
State rego, or else NPNT
Originally posted by SMB66X:My wish :
SBS Transit / SMRT >> LTA
Reason : Since both the operators aren't 100% reliable, it's time that we see the govt. do the job instead~ Rather than standing there observe, shoot fines like shooting darts, might as well go do the job.OR
All SBS Transit / SMRT Premium svc >> Private operators
SMRT 61/67/190/188 >> SBS Transit
SBS Transit 160/170/Some intratowns >> SMRTAnyway, it's just some suggestions~ The commuters won't be bothered also
It's an expected and common scene. You can start your own operators if you're having eye sore about it. I don't see a point of changing bendy to DDs when Singapore is still increasing.
Which intratown? If you talking about AM and 222, forget about it. Their frequency is already so fcked up and you still suggest SBST surrender them to SMRT? You never learn from that 854 case?
Originally posted by OMSI123:You're right.
SMRT BSEP is nothing, just flick here flick there. Add svcs if LTA + people request only. If not, 982E and other 2 shift bus svcs will never be svcs.
SMRT only good at releasing express services. Out of so many they released and announced, only 2 are trunk/feeder and others are express services. If people really require these express services, it should be private operators taking over instead.
Originally posted by SMB66X:For Weekends for Intra-towns like 911/912(obtaining bendies instead of rigids), 184 getting back some bendy buses, 963 getting bendy during peak, 962x971E getting bendy etc. [It's on/off pattern]
Anyway, I'm mentionning about the reliability of the arrival timing, not the type of buses used. You've somewhat misread my first post mentionning about DDs/Bendy stuff together with the top 2 paragraph.
And let me ask you, even if you have full fleet DDs, can the frequency be improve always? Likewise for the no. of buses used, can it help to improve the frequency always?
They also have another point, and that is being able to take up more pax, so there wouldn't be alot of people waiting for a bus at the same time. Why don't you try to take over one of the companies(either SBST or SMRT) instead of getting yourself flamed here. At least you do something more meaningful. Even if you take over one of those companies, I doubt it will survive for long or rather you will survive for long.
Originally posted by Simply.90:I have no intention of joining this debate or war whatsoever, but some things you have said are at best nit-picking, or simply ridiculous.
IIRC Sv 184 and Sv 963's fleet have pretty much remained the same except for those BSEP rigids and the period when:
- 184 went from KJ to WL which saw some bendies disappearing (seems to always happen when services get handed to WL huh?)
- 963 almost had its bendy fleet suffered the same fate as Sv 61.
I don't think these really count as visible improvements.
If you are describing things as being "on/off", then for the love of god I really have to pray very hard daily that the starter is kind enough to always deploy bendy on the slot that I take.
For the last part on frequency, increase in fleet size would always result in better frequencies, but as we all know that's theoretical in nature due to road conditions etc.
However, with more DDs in the fleet, even when frequencies happen to get badly distorted resulting in a build-up of passengers at a certain bus stop, the DDs that arrive have a higher chance to clear the bus stop and at least passengers can board and continue their journey. This buffer makes a hell lot of difference. Can't say so for SMRT services (Sv 857 anyone?).
For the first part, I'm sure BusAnalyser can furnish you with the information.
The complain about Sv 88 is the real nit-picking part. So what having an SD appearing? If I'm not mistaken that usually occurs on weekends when the loading is less brutal. Heck, even when the loading is high I'm sure the KUB can take a little bit of punishment.
Lastly, to be honest, nobody (at least 2601) intends to sound condescending or dismiss ideas/thoughts/explanations provided by you but clearly they must be well thought-out, logical and substantiated. As a young person, I guess it helps a lot if you give a moment of thought when you reply to posts and craft your responses in more proper sentences and language.
Well, å¿ è¨€ç»ˆç©¶é€†è€³ï¼Œyou can either take what I have written so far as bullcrap or you could actually find some use in it. I hoped I have sounded reasonable thus far.
I don't really share the same view about the DDs part. Yes I agree that the DD gets to clear off the load more, BUT if you see 161, after getting full fleet DD, it's still didn't perform to expectation like 168 does. You'll get delayed departure from the driver, further more, the interval isn't like 168. I don't mind waiting longer for bunch ups, but seriously svc161(and some others) are like some of the SMRT services.
How can it really prove to me fully that DDs are better? The interchange is known to filled the bus to at least 90% or more, why isn't it improve then? By right, all buses won't be packed to the door during peak, after leaving Wdl Int, even a Citaro(168) does it.
"Increased in fleet size =/= better frequencies" doesn't apply to all service, some of the services is just adding more buses to join the jam[Usually didn't see bunches, and first 1-2 ones are full].
For 963/184 part, it only happen on and off. By saying on and off, it really means that it's not so consistant already. And indeed, their frequency during peak hours is more like normal frequencies during off peak. I'm not sure if it's lack of buses or what, but I'm sure at least some buses come in bunches.
88 - I'm just abit irritated by the SDs appearance. No bunches somemore and the bus is somewhat full when I last board it.
Originally posted by sbst275:another thing.. SMRT’s routes… peakish in nature…
Ya.. keep on adding more normal buses on 106, 700 esp during AM peak… but more empty buses pushed back from CBD.
The return leg are as good as big losses, or even wipe out whatever peak dir’s profits.
SMRT could have used ADDs to resolve some of these fleet issues say on 106… Than keep on throwing more and more buses to like no tomorrow…
And to make it clear.. it’s alrdy a big joke to SMRT.. 106 1st bus stop need downroute alrdy…
I dare say.. 106 is alrdy beginning to be a massive loss making bus rt thanks to the ops method…
made worst is use of MAN buses… narrow aisle… I ever saw it took 1 min for pax to alight at typical bus stop cos aisle too narrow…
The easiest svc I do see is only 960/963/966 buses. Not sure about the rest, but I can assure that these few(especially 966), do not have consistant frequencies for the whole peak hours. And even after peak(9pm), there's still lack of buses.
That's why I've said, the unreliable part of SMRT and the contributing ones are mostly from the trunks.. vice versa for SBS Transit.
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:It's your cooked up story, grandmother grandfather fairy tales or your dreams?
State rego, or else NPNT
How about you yourself go explore the Citaro first before coming to talk? Some Citaro are really in poor condition state fyi.. They are almost the same as SMRT Citaro, poor maintenance.
Originally posted by SMB66X:The easiest svc I do see is only 960/963/966 buses. Not sure about the rest, but I can assure that these few(especially 966), do not have consistant frequencies for the whole peak hours. And even after peak(9pm), there's still lack of buses.
That's why I've said, the unreliable part of SMRT and the contributing ones are mostly from the trunks.. vice versa for SBS Transit.
Originally posted by sbst275:
did you realise how difficult it is for buses w/ better frequency and having to pass through difficult roads like Tampines Ave 4/ Tampines Ave 5 to maintain the headways properly? Even 179 can have 3 - 4 buses brunching during acad sem time during the AM peak by the time bus leaves NTU campus... Till to this day, you still can't explain 911's erratic freq... 3 - 5 mins but in reality it can be 10 mins per bus...
3-5mins after observations ONLY occurs from 5-6pm. Likewise for 6-6:30pm, it's more of 5-20mins, thereafter 6:30pm to 7:15pm, 3-15mins.
There's obviously lack of buses running AND poor allocation. There's only 6 buses running, 1 on rest. Out of the 6 buses, 2 are SDs. And incase you're unaware, CIQ area cock up a little can delay the arrival badly. You throw DDs on the svc, lagi worst. And the delay from 6-6:30pm are normally caused by the gap after the last SD n first Bendy.
Originally posted by sbst275:
You sure it's consistent over a longer period of time and especially for 963... the bottleneck at Bt Batok East?
DO NOT have consistent as mentioned.
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:Which intratown? If you talking about AM and 222, forget about it. Their frequency is already so fcked up and you still suggest SBST surrender them to SMRT? You never learn from that 854 case?
If SBS Transit so many buses, how come they don't improve these svc then? Before the introduction of 269A, waiting for 269 is seriously more than the stated time. These are town-link buses, not trunk or less demand service. At least I don't see much of that in some SMRT feeder/trunks.
Further more, how come they don't bring back DDs to 269? Passengers won't move up?
Originally posted by SMB66X:3-5mins after observations ONLY occurs from 5-6pm. Likewise for 6-6:30pm, it's more of 5-20mins, thereafter 6:30pm to 7:15pm, 3-15mins.
There's obviously lack of buses running AND poor allocation. There's only 6 buses running, 1 on rest. Out of the 6 buses, 2 are SDs. And incase you're unaware, CIQ area cock up a little can delay the arrival badly. You throw DDs on the svc, lagi worst. And the delay from 6-6:30pm are normally caused by the gap after the last SD n first Bendy.
Don't forget how much better is 138's headway than 927 on weekdays. If they can deploy 6 buses on 927 on a public holiday like today, they can do it on weekdays as well.
Originally posted by SBS7557R:Don't forget how much better is 138's headway than 927 on weekdays. If they can deploy 6 buses on 927 on a public holiday like today, they can do it on weekdays as well.