SBS 3358A TO HG ON 161 NOW
SBS3608D to AMDEP, on 55 today!
Here Another WEG cameo on sv 107 today ( SBS 7633D )
Originally posted by Lsk138:Another WEG cameo on sv 107 today ( SBS 7633D )
74, 107 and 153 should get at least 1 or 2 perm WEG. Totally ignored services.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:
74, 107 and 153 should get at least 1 or 2 perm WEG. Totally ignored services.
When those VO3x Batch 1s in the West-district depots go off (ie scrap), those VO3xs that these 3 svcs have currently would become hot property by then in my opinion..esp SLBP~
Originally posted by Lsk138:Here Another WEG cameo on sv 107 today ( SBS 7633D )
Ytd WEG got do sv.74
Originally posted by SBS5111G:Ytd WEG got do sv.74
WEG on 74 is Lecip Wright.
CDGE also on 74 ytd...
Originally posted by SBS5111G:Ytd WEG got do sv.74
WEG & CDGE cameoed on 74 should said common ! it happened many times already not like 107 only once in the blue moon .
74,107 and 153 should get each a B9TL Wright like 161 and 89
Originally posted by SBS5111G:Ytd WEG got do sv.74
today even hv 36xx series on 74
SBS 3605L from BB
72B queues are long. Wondering if students are moving to the upper deck of 72B WEGs considering the route is short. Is the ground staff making sure each bus is taking on 100 pax before it calls the next one?
Haven't got a chance to observe this, but will go next week.
(SLBP SP) - on S174
19 & 20 JUL 2013
Seem like SLBP still keep taking in this new batch 3 WEGs or they r planning to kick out all the VO3X from their svcs to replace with all WEGs .
Originally posted by Lsk138:Seem like SLBP still keep taking in this new batch 3 WEGs
or they r planning to kick out all the VO3X from their svcs to replace with all WEGs .
3612R 97! Saw it at JE Int!
now nice to see sv 74 keep having WEGs cameo from BB side liao ! hope can hv some perm and today saw 2 WEGs on this svc 1 of them is 3605L
Originally posted by Lsk138:now nice to see sv 74 keep having WEGs cameo from BB side liao !
hope can hv some perm and today saw 2 WEGs on this svc 1 of them is 3605L
SBS3619Y and SBS3621P registered today.
INFO:From Singapore Buses
Originally posted by SBS 7603R:3612R 97! Saw it at JE Int!
so today (23/7) we have...
3610 185
3611 334
3612 97
3613 143
Originally posted by azharjj:
coolso today (23/7) we have...
3610 185
3611 334
3612 97
3613 143
Cool... All SLBP... 3 Jurong Int services...
Registered on 25 July 2013:
Huge intake of Wrights by SLBP. Will JIS get some is the million dollar questions!!
For those who it interests: We speculated sv 163 loading to get cannibalized with sv 50. I took the WEG on sv 163 this morning peak.
Sengkang Int (21 pax), Punggol Road (46), Sengkang East Ave (53), Bef Anchorvale (62), Sengkang West Ave (72), Fernvale (78), Jalan Kayu (80), Bef ST Electronics (86 Peak loading), Aft Lentor (54), Bef Upper Thomson (62), Bef AMK Ave 1 (69), Thomson Plaza (54), Sing Ming (53), Bef Bishan Road (56), Bef Lor TPY 6 (53), Lor TPY 4 (48), Bef TPY Int (46).