ran shao ba, ran shao ba.....huo niao~~!!!
For the benefit of the non-Chinese, this is a stanza from a really really old Chinese song that says: Burn, burn, phoenix~~!!!
Originally posted by Jason Lim WD:
from one of your group ppl....my source..Not everybody in your group is happy about one big group continually do such shit to others including beginning to doubt if you kids actually know what you all are heading into already.
Source also confirmed with me 388S, IDGAF 228X among other clones are made by your group....
Not that I didn't expect you to post it - apart from my sources, i had also heard that you all had planned to do something towards him....so that's why i posted about Izzul getting caught by KJDEP security on Monday.
Kids, it's time to stop your nonsense once and for all. Last year, I gave a warning.....Of course everyone too blinded by hate to fully realise each and every word typed by you kids who not even mature to realise you're doing more harm to yourself than good....
BIS is the only legal F1RST and Xclusive page to provide pictures of Mandy Lion City G so all true bus fans must like BIS for best quality picture and accurate info~ Friends of BIS are legal info and most reliable~
Info from BIS~
Originally posted by Jason Lim WD:
from one of your group ppl....my source..Not everybody in your group is happy about one big group continually do such shit to others including beginning to doubt if you kids actually know what you all are heading into already.
Source also confirmed with me 388S, IDGAF 228X among other clones are made by your group....
Not that I didn't expect you to post it - apart from my sources, i had also heard that you all had planned to do something towards him....so that's why i posted about Izzul getting caught by KJDEP security on Monday.
Kids, it's time to stop your nonsense once and for all. Last year, I gave a warning.....Of course everyone too blinded by hate to fully realise each and every word typed by you kids who not even mature to realise you're doing more harm to yourself than good....
what warning u gave? imaginary warning? hahaha kid's imagination always go wild.
Originally posted by azharjj:
SBS8900B met accident with what vehicle?wow, the impact must be very strong judging from the damage. hmmm bus in fast speed then langgar ?
sad that it goes off early... like 7440 case
It wasn't worth our time anyways. SBST can get into accident means they also have the $$ to replace that ad. In fact, we're actually paying for the replacement/lay-up fee of the bus.
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:It wasn't worth our time anyways. SBST can get into accident means they also have the $$ to replace that ad. In fact, we're actually paying for the replacement/lay-up fee of the bus.
Agree~ Try save KUB is waste money got so many but save SBS1688K is worth because it is special only one bus~
Yesterday saw bus fans standing at divider at Bukit Panjang and CCK...turns out they waiting for 388S...point finger at others point at yourself first. One boy even stand at divider snap, bus departing and he run in front of it to make it stop to board....
SMB388S, you also better stop your shit.
You are working with them, the SPT kids to use a clone account like what you did with SMB228X and SMB355L to do shit. Nothing is further away from that truth.
not to mention the lack of accountability by this page....
Originally posted by azharjj:
SBS8900B met accident with what vehicle?wow, the impact must be very strong judging from the damage. hmmm bus in fast speed then langgar ?
sad that it goes off early... like 7440 case
some say it hit wall in BNDEP? i think it might be the case of the driver mis-step on the acceralator? i am infact more concern about the driver.. judging from the driver cabin damage, it seem like the driver should be ok?
I heard(not whether true or not) the BC was trapped for 30 mins to 1 hr and sustained some superficial leg injuries.
Not sure true or what..Heard some SMRT drivers conversing with one another saying that there's OT if the bus is stuck in the jam or any other reason. Is it true??
Originally posted by lemon1974:some say it hit wall in BNDEP? i think it might be the case of the driver mis-step on the acceralator? i am infact more concern about the driver.. judging from the driver cabin damage, it seem like the driver should be ok?
what is the bus doing at BNDEP?
when service 48 extended to serve Bedok Nth Depot, is this amendment before or after the accident?
After la if not why an Arbp bus doing there?
Wright Eclipse Gemini II bodywork
Info from BIS~
SBS8900B was scrapped 4 days ago. but still registered
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:SBS8900B was scrapped 4 days ago. but still registered
It is always the case for most buses...the O405s, Leyland Olympians are some I could remember.
See~ Is proven BIS is innocent and SPT kiddos are troublemakers~
Where your accountability SPT kiddos????? WELL DONE COME I CLAP FOR YOU
Originally posted by SMB388S:http://sgforums.com/forums/1279/topics/468658
See~ Is proven BIS is innocent and SPT kiddos are troublemakers~
Where your accountability SPT kiddos????? WELL DONE COME I CLAP FOR YOU
No accountability cos they dun take bus spotting as a priority in life.
What u need in life is money and networking, not debut photo of bus or exclusive stuff.
U dun keep urself full with photo of bus nor exclusive stuff dun u?
Originally posted by SMB388S:http://sgforums.com/forums/1279/topics/468658
See~ Is proven BIS is innocent and SPT kiddos are troublemakers~
Where your accountability SPT kiddos????? WELL DONE COME I CLAP FOR YOU
I've been wondering.
The part where it shows ''today''
Did he post it today?
Using this outdated photo as a front everytime....
Info from BIS~
Originally posted by SMB388S:The SBST Wright bodied B9TL's interior colour scheme feels pretty pleasing and just right, though the front lower deck feels a bit dull due to a bit too much~
Info from BIS~
Now he realised? Obviously posted randomly when the page hasn't have any good updates...
But the awkwardness went away when I saw a KUB being scrapped
Info from BIS~
I applaud this SMRT BC for his actions.
Incident happened on 26 April 2013, at 8pm. He was driving SMB353S - 911/911E and was heading back to Woodlands Int for his last trip. Tru-out the trip, he realised that a old man have been on his bus for the past few trips(didn't alight). Instead of ignoring, he asked the old man. Given that the old man was lost, he stop at Blk882 and called the police for help. Pax. were also transferred to another bus and it went off service.
I don't know how the driver managed to called his grandson/daughter before the police arrived, but it was indeed a great job done by him.
He's non other than the former 900Ax969 driver, currently driving 911 splits(S102/S201).