Originally posted by 23ispolo:75 splits (suspected): SMB326X, SMB328R, SMB329M, SMB1345J, SMB3031B, TIB445H, TIB631L, TIB787X, TIB792E, TIB797S
77 splits: TIB613P, TIB627A
169 splits (Weekdays, suspected): SMB3032Z, TIB749G, TIB1055T, TIB1081S, TIB1094E (does 187 on weekends), TIB1095C, TIB1107C, TIB1109Y, TIB1124C, TIB1225U, TIB1228L
173 splits: SMB220S, TIB588D, TIB625E, TIB626C
188 splits: SMB200A, SMB201Y, SMB3046J, TIB548U, TIB591T, TIB810L, TIB828L, TIB854K, TIB988H, TIB1065P, TIB1118X
169 some are wrong
Formerly AMDEP side
Summary: All bendies from AMDEP are splits.
WLDEP side
779U, 1107C,1109Y, 3032Z are splits
The rest are full days. Note i said formerly AMDEP side so u shld know wich bus from AMDEP came to WLDEP.
Originally posted by TIB 585L:169 some are wrong
Formerly AMDEP side
Summary: All bendies from AMDEP are splits.
WLDEP side
779U, 1107C,1109Y, 3032Z are splits
The rest are full days. Note i said formerly AMDEP side so u shld know wich bus from AMDEP came to WLDEP.
Oh, thanks! Now, I forgot TIB1225U is 169AP07 (replaced by TIB815Z on Weekends/PHs) and TIB1228L is also AP... Silly me! I think TIB779U/TIB735X is 169TQ1 on Weekends, since I occasionally see it between TIB815Z and TIB747L (on another TQ slot). So the 169 splits: SMB3032Z, TIB747L, TIB749G, TIB779U, TIB1055T, TIB1081S, TIB1094E, TIB1095C, TIB1107C, TIB1109Y, TIB1124C
858 splits: SMB330H - SMB335U, SMB3001M
925 S1 splits (WLDEP): TIB457Z - TIB462H (also do AP slots on Saturday)
927 split: TIB519D
965 splits: SMB3007Y, SMB3056E, TIB471G (TQ on Weekends/PHs), TIB472D, TIB473B, TIB474Z
966 splits: SMB316A (suspected), SMB1380G, SMB13081D, SMB3041Y - SMB3043S, SMB3062L, TIB516L, TIB584P, TIB587G, TIB777A, TIB780P, TIB781L
SMRT keep registering rigid buses. I wonder when SMRT will buy high capacity bus? No matter how many SMRT keep registering Man A22 rigid buses,these buses cannot cope loadings. Why the heck SMRT are wasting money to change their livery? Instead,they can use that money to buy high capacity buses.
Originally posted by SBS 6238T:SMRT keep registering rigid buses. I wonder when SMRT will buy high capacity bus? No matter how many SMRT keep registering Man A22 rigid buses,these buses cannot cope loadings. Why the heck SMRT are wasting money to change their livery? Instead,they can use that money to buy high capacity buses.
Heard that the orders been made for high capacity buses, just waiting to be delivered, starting this year or next year...
Originally posted by SBS 6238T:SMRT keep registering rigid buses. I wonder when SMRT will buy high capacity bus? No matter how many SMRT keep registering Man A22 rigid buses,these buses cannot cope loadings. Why the heck SMRT are wasting money to change their livery? Instead,they can use that money to buy high capacity buses.
As of now 199 out of the latest 200 MANs ordered by SMRT are registered (regardless of whether they are under BSEP)...and probably is that high capacity buses are for one-to-one replacements unless some bendies get lifespan extensions later this year? Maybe that's why high capacity buses are probably coming in once some bendies are scrapped.
Originally posted by Gus.chong:As of now 199 out of the latest 200 MANs ordered by SMRT are registered (regardless of whether they are under BSEP)...and probably is that high capacity buses are for one-to-one replacements unless some bendies get lifespan extensions later this year? Maybe that's why high capacity buses are probably coming in once some bendies are scrapped.
I hear the delivery starts June 2014.
How many BSEP bus units are remaining to be registered for WEGs, Citaros and MANs? Anyone has an idea...
A/P slots: SMB28G, SMB136C, SMB162B - SMB166R, SMB175P, SMB176L, SMB3072H (855AP90, BSEP fleet add), TIB814B
Split: TIB506R, TIB509H, TIB579E, TIB583S (all do TQ slots on Weekends/PHs)
855 need 13 full day not 11.See their runtime you can vomit blood sia
Originally posted by carbikebus:855 need 13 full day not 11.See their runtime you can vomit blood sia
I've already said this before. 855 breaks at HarbourFront Int between duty runs is damn tight, because of so few buses! The frequency sucks badly....
169 Weekend fleet:
Unknown Bus
TIB815Z (169AP07)
TIB779U (169TQ1)
TIB747L (169TQ2?)
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:
I hear the delivery starts June 2014.
Yes, that's when the time for bendies to go off is coming near?
Originally posted by carbikebus:First batch of DDs probably replace the MK I Hispanos first then the Town bound bendies deploy on feeders/intratowns first
It will be like JIS. Newest buses will go to 106, 190 and the older buses will move to Woodland feeders.
Something doesnt sit right for 966 duties
Full days i can confirm
SMB276G to SMB279Z
SMB310R to SMB315C
SMB1380G and SMB1381D (Former 432U and 434P)
Sgwiki stated 10 AP but i saw 12 AP not 10. 1380G and 1381D are always spotted together. I always saw this bus between 10pm and 10.15pm on weekdays.
I cant confirm 316A duty coz there are times this bus does split and there also other occasion where i saw 316A at 10+pm leaving Woodlands.
Originally posted by TIB 585L:Something doesnt sit right for 966 duties
Full days i can confirm
SMB276G to SMB279Z
SMB310R to SMB315C
SMB1380G and SMB1381D (Former 432U and 434P)
Sgwiki stated 10 AP but i saw 12 AP not 10. 1380G and 1381D are always spotted together. I always saw this bus between 10pm and 10.15pm on weekdays.
I cant confirm 316A duty coz there are times this bus does split and there also other occasion where i saw 316A at 10+pm leaving Woodlands.
I've seen SMB316A on 171 twice, that's why I know it's split...
Originally posted by 23ispolo:I've seen SMB316A on 171 twice, that's why I know it's split...
And how does 316A on 171 conclude that it is split? SMB281R doing 966 means 281R is a split bus?
Originally posted by TIB 585L:And how does 316A on 171 conclude that it is split? SMB281R doing 966 means 281R is a split bus?
No, it was doing 171 on Weekends and I know that the A/P MANs (SMB276G - SMB279Z, SMB310R - SMB315C) hardly skip around...
Originally posted by 23ispolo:No, it was doing 171 on Weekends and I know that the A/P MANs (SMB276G - SMB279Z, SMB310R - SMB315C) hardly skip around...
Still that does not conclude it is a perm split bus. SMB338L (WLBP 961) also split but never on other service.
Thus the deduction that a bus have to skip around must be a split is wrong. U are making a deductive reasoning
Originally posted by TIB 585L:Still that does not conclude it is a perm split bus. SMB338L (WLBP 961) also split but never on other service.
That bus did TQ slot yesterday though...
Originally posted by TIB 585L:Still that does not conclude it is a perm split bus. SMB338L (WLBP 961) also split but never on other service.
Thus the deduction that a bus have to skip around must be a split is wrong. U are making a deductive reasoning
I checked the A/P slots for 966 and on both Weekdays and Weekends, the number is still the same! Unless you mean that the bus does TQ slot on Weekends...
Originally posted by 23ispolo:That bus did TQ slot yesterday though...
It is not convincing enough to prove 316A is split though. Random full day bus also can do that slot
Originally posted by TIB 585L:It is not convincing enough to prove 316A is split though. Random full day bus also can do that slot
That happens when the number of A/P slots decrease on Weekends...