Originally posted by OMSI123:I love the Batch 1 decelerate
The Batch 1 deceleration sound after kickdowns very nice! Some Batch 1 MANs with nice engine sound: SMB206J (aka my favourite MAN), SMB319S and SMB343X. Also like the Batch 2s with the older retarder, such as: SMB1341U, SMB1393U and SMB1405U. Hate those Batch 2s with the newer retarder...
Wake up, thread! Anyway, just saw the new livery on SMB3078S (WLDEP 981, cameo on 700 today) today for the first time! Actually, I think the livery doesn't look bad at all!
Love the creativity of using those square pixels and SMRT cleverly using silver as the base colour of the livery!
Originally posted by lemon1974:dun need bother to reply to SMB66X lah.. we have so many arguments with him already over different topics here... if anyone still remember, he is the famous weiteck96......
Originally posted by Scania:I should had typed that standard reply out earlier and copy and pasted it had I known that you are so thick in the head.
Originally posted by SBS2601D:Tolong, friend. Please understand that leaking such information in public domain can literally kill at times. Do you know what is called "pre-empt"? Its not that simple as well! I won't go into details but it may not be in SMRT's interest to even reveal the existence of the bus (if any).
Go figure.
Originally posted by Bus Stopping:Have you seen how the comments were? There was even someone who tagged SMRT and questioned them rudely if it belonged to them. Was that appropriate behaviour? Now let me ask you this, do you think that the photo being posted online publically was appropriate? From your replies, it seems that u do not think that Adams has done anything wrong by posting the photos (even the b9tl ones previously), which as a matter of fact they clearly crossed the line.
Originally posted by Scania:Are you sure it hasn't affected industry players? Do you work in the industry? If you think it wouldn't affect them, then why are non-disclosure agreements in place in the corporate world, and why are the photos removed? We have to be serious regarding this as, the photo was removed, if it was ok to have rumours circulating around, they wouldn't have removed it. Yes the damage has been done, but as I said, removal of the photos is a signal for all to handle the information with care. And here is the deal, every thing anyone says online can be used as evidence against them when there is a need.
Best posts during November 2013 flame war.
Originally posted by SBS3004X:Best posts during November 2013 flame war.
Oh please!
Originally posted by SMB388S:For those curious what's happening just now about the PC2086J and bus hobby filming post, BIS is filming for the Singapore Memory Project/ iremembersg by National Library Board about the bus hobby. The person in charge found and contacted this page and stuffs happened from there. There's gonna be a video.
Info from BIS~ number one most popular and official bus fan page on Singapore buses~
Fake SMRT bus
Originally posted by SBS3004X:Fake SMRT bus
Is Ex-SMRT Zhongtong demonstrator, SMB137A...
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Is Ex-SMRT Zhongtong demonstrator, SMB137A...
Look at the last photo. The rego is PC2086J.
Originally posted by SBS3004X:Look at the last photo. The rego is PC2086J.
The original rego was SMB137A during it's trial with SMRT. It was returned to the dealer after the trial and the SMRT logos were removed. It was then sold and the bus was re-registered as PC2086J.
there is no bendies on 950.
just happens the SL keys in the code for 950 svc and its full route details.
saw the bendy in Yishun Int, was doing 856.
not too long another bendy on 856, 868X
Or on 24/27/34/36/53
Originally posted by carbikebus:Wah lao weh ppl pls wake up,Then next time when i drive the PA Lance i also wanna press svc 858 if i stop at Tampines MRT and see any bus kiddos got post or not..Bendies for 950 might as well Wrights on 160/170
the SL later changed it to 856.
Wrights on 160/170 is way off.
please don't any how play with the EDS.
randomly put odd service numbers, e.g. Wrights on 169, Habits with 293 destination
SBS8993H on 854
Lol, KUBs on SMRT svc
371 hangers...
Just took TIB549S on 188R earlier... Had a friendly chat with the Chinese BC (He was doing duty 188RAM01 today) and a normal auntie (middle-aged)... We talked about the speed of 188 vs 188R, train breakdowns and the aircon on the bus... He said 'message' in English, when the BC was doing something (at Bukit Batok West Ave 5 > Bukit Batok Road junction) and the auntie asked what he was doing... Very friendly BC! Have you met any BCs like this one?
Originally posted by SBS3004X:Ever have bendy on 73 before.
TIB1191H showed 73 on the EDS during the Volgren O405G tour...
Originally posted by 23ispolo:TIB1191H showed 73 on the EDS during the Volgren O405G tour...
Saw that on YouTube. Not just 73, but many SBST services.
Originally posted by SBS2671B.:It was stupid for you guys to go against fark_off versions. you did not leave him alone according ot my observations, so you guys are also partly to blame.
i did not post this ???
SPAMMED!! I was asleep by then
HOW Can i be a junior member???
no offense to u peeps
HenryMan may for all be the fark_off joker. I never talk until so mature what
This was posted by user SBS2671B.
Can you spot the problem?
Originally posted by SBS 7603R:AS - Ate Shit
Happy Valentine's Day!
Took PA4139M (Sentosa Bus 2) on Bus 3 earlier. BC started trip at 4.30p.m... He sped all the way and reached the Sentosa Resort/Spa stop at 4.48p.m. However, the bus got stuck, because of a Mini Cooper (SGJ3033J) was parked at the left side of the driveway to the taxi stand/bus stop and the driver was blocked. He had no choice but to let the passengers off at the side. He horned repeatedly, but no response... He quickly whipped out his Samsung Galaxy S3 and took a photo of the car. He also spoke through a walkie-talkie, to inform the authorities about the matter... Finally, the owners of the car (a causcasian couple) drove away and the bus jerked towards the bus bay, although he got blocked by a Toyota Corolla with cargo being loaded into the boot. He finally left at 4.53p.m and managed to reach Beach Station at 5p.m. How fast was he?
Nicknames for buses anyone?
Here's one: PA4136X = Alex
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Nicknames for buses anyone?
Here's one: PA4136X = Alex