Originally posted by Rui jing:Then I start to wonder if are there more than 32 buses as of now cause I cant find any buses out. My guess is 1 extra bus for 72A while the 5 new ones for 72B.
Even 2790R 2802R was heading back to back to yck at amk ave 5 today. Didnt manage to catch 3235X on the roads. I will keep a look out.
OK ! But now everyday can see a lot of cameos on 72 also
officially 72 has fleet addition of 5 buses, 1 for 72A, 4 for 72B. But it looks like theres alot of outside schedule buses on 72B these 2 weeks.
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:
Okay, so means the combined info I have at hand seems abit conflicting. I'm not sure if the guy I'm quoting his info from another forum has another account here, or you're that guy, but anyway credits to his info:
SBS9448J SBS9566B
(BN 65)(AR 65)
SBS9822L SBS9830M
(BN 65)(BN SP)
SBS9456K SBS9518R
(BN SP)(AR 65)
But the guy that posted it, he said this round of redeployments was WEF 10 Dec 2012, not Jun last year. Which means they transferred more duties over?
Confusing confusing situation with Sv 10 & 65...
Originally posted by sbs&tibs:
65 was involved in 2 depot transfers last year, one during mid year, second during year end.
So means, BN transferred 2 duties to AR for Sv 65 mid-last year, then another 2 duties again at year-end?
But either way, out of the 4 buses that went into AR 65 latest, I think possibly only 9448J went over in Jun 2012? The remaining 3 (9456K, 9566B & 9518R) were still in BNDEP & cameoing on BN services as of early Dec 2012...so there's some discrepancies here? Or did I miss something out?
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:So means, BN transferred 2 duties to AR for Sv 65 mid-last year, then another 2 duties again at year-end?
But either way, out of the 4 buses that went into AR 65 latest, I think possibly only 9448J went over in Jun 2012? The remaining 3 (9456K, 9566B & 9518R) were still in BNDEP & cameoing on BN services as of early Dec 2012...so there's some discrepancies here? Or did I miss something out?
I feel Bndep should take more duties instead with the near opening of upp changi bus park.
Originally posted by carbikebus:I feel Bndep should take more duties instead with the near opening of upp changi bus park.
well maybe other BN services can take like 14?
and 7 can go back BB/BN, with BN as major
48 also, with BN as major
True but again Arbp is so pack ardy..14 & 48 better transfer to Bbdep.Well Bndep can control Eunos too with 63 minority Arbp control and 93 minor Bndep control.Brbp can part control St mikes and Bishan.
Who edited Service 88's sgwiki page claiming SBS 3186D and SBS 3237R are no longer perms on 88?
Originally posted by SBS7491X:Who edited Service 88's sgwiki page claiming SBS 3186D and SBS 3237R are no longer perms on 88?
go check yourself... SBS3186D is now perm Sv143 accordingly to that guy who edit...
Originally posted by service_238:officially 72 has fleet addition of 5 buses, 1 for 72A, 4 for 72B. But it looks like theres alot of outside schedule buses on 72B these 2 weeks.
but this round, got 3230 3231 3233 3234 3236 (and maybe 3235) + 5052 5087 went in? and also few more SP buses doing Sv72B...
so 3230 3234 3236 5052 5087 went in when sv72B is introduced. just nice 5 buses? but it seem like SBST decide against putting DD on Sv72B and instead put them on Sv72, so random KUBs + 5082/5087/5052 are doing Sv72B...
now 3231 3233 went in, and i think in the process kick out 2790/2802 to 72B?
and 3235 might be perm replacing 9193 slot?
Originally posted by Rui jing:SBS3231G & SBS3233B
(AMDEP 72)
Perm stix pasted above window. There shld be 32 buses instead of 31 and the other bus might be replacing the leyland..
SBS 3235X TO AM 72
spotted perm stix on bus ! as 9199C still in 72 as of today
Originally posted by lemon1974:but this round, got 3230 3231 3233 3234 3236 (and maybe 3235) + 5052 5087 went in? and also few more SP buses doing Sv72B...
so 3230 3234 3236 5052 5087 went in when sv72B is introduced. just nice 5 buses? but it seem like SBST decide against putting DD on Sv72B and instead put them on Sv72, so random KUBs + 5082/5087/5052 are doing Sv72B...
now 3231 3233 went in, and i think in the process kick out 2790/2802 to 72B?
and 3235 might be perm replacing 9193 slot?
never seen 3197 on sv 72 for a while liao !
SBS 6343Y to HG spotted on sv 34 today !
Originally posted by lemon1974:go check yourself... SBS3186D is now perm Sv143 accordingly to that guy who edit...
Hmm... but i still can see this bus on 88 this few days !
Originally posted by Lsk138:never seen 3197 on sv 72 for a while liao !
3197 at amdep lay up corner for few days liao.. think some problem with the bus..
Originally posted by Lsk138:Hmm... but i still can see this bus on 88 this few days !
ask that guy who edit... aka sbs9888y (or sbs7485)...
Originally posted by lemon1974:3197 at amdep lay up corner for few days liao.. think some problem with the bus..
ok ! and this few days keep seeing 3225A(AM 25) on sv 72 !
Originally posted by sbs&tibs:
Mid last year, arbp 65 shifted 2 fullday slots over to bndep 65 (9519M 9621A in, 9227E 9265U out). End last year, bndep 65 gave up 4 fullday slots to arbp 65 (9448J 9456K 9518R 9566B in, 9822L 9830M out). Which means the overall nett loss for bndep 65 was 2 buses.
Uh I see, I understand your explanation now. Many thanks. But I still need some clarification, cause I'm trying to edit Sv 65's fleet on Wiki to update, but I think there's something wrong?
Before Jun 2012: AR had 19 duties, BN had 8.
After Jun 2012: AR now has 17, BN now has 10 (acc to what you said above in quote)
After Dec 2012: AR now has 21? BN now should only have 6? (BN gave 4 over to AR, net loss 2 for BN = 6 duties)
The thing is, I solved the BN's side cause after deleting 9822L 9830M & replacing 9448J with 9519M, BN 65's fleet now is indeed 6 buses. But how come even before I add in 9448J 9456K 9518R 9566B into AR 65, the fleet size for AR 65 is alr 19 buses? That means there's 2 extra AR 65 buses all along? The entire Sv 65 fleet size is unchanged right?
Originally posted by Lsk138:ok ! and this few days keep seeing 3225A(AM 25) on sv 72 !
a lot of cameo buses on sv72.. today also got 7669 /3171...
Originally posted by Gus.chong:That is what I want to ask him. SMB98D don't have the JB stickers, how is it going to enter JB?
I followed what SMB133K said (un-JB-reg) which may mean de-registered from entering JB, which is the removal of JB stickers. The removal of JB stickers is the answer to 'adminstrative evidence'.
so which JB stickers you are referring to? the one with smrt address at the side? the one at the back with the phone number? or the one with the speed limit? so do you mean without these, the buses cant go into JB?
Originally posted by lemon1974:but this round, got 3230 3231 3233 3234 3236 (and maybe 3235) + 5052 5087 went in? and also few more SP buses doing Sv72B...
so 3230 3234 3236 5052 5087 went in when sv72B is introduced. just nice 5 buses? but it seem like SBST decide against putting DD on Sv72B and instead put them on Sv72, so random KUBs + 5082/5087/5052 are doing Sv72B...
now 3231 3233 went in, and i think in the process kick out 2790/2802 to 72B?
and 3235 might be perm replacing 9193 slot?
probably they redeployed the SDs on 72 like 2790 2802 5082 to 72B, then 3 wrights do 72.
so yup looks like what you said.
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:Uh I see, I understand your explanation now. Many thanks. But I still need some clarification, cause I'm trying to edit Sv 65's fleet on Wiki to update, but I think there's something wrong?
Before Jun 2012: AR had 19 duties, BN had 8.
After Jun 2012: AR now has 17, BN now has 10 (acc to what you said above in quote)
After Dec 2012: AR now has 21? BN now should only have 6? (BN gave 4 over to AR, net loss 2 for BN = 6 duties)
The thing is, I solved the BN's side cause after deleting 9822L 9830M & replacing 9448J with 9519M, BN 65's fleet now is indeed 6 buses. But how come even before I add in 9448J 9456K 9518R 9566B into AR 65, the fleet size for AR 65 is alr 19 buses? That means there's 2 extra AR 65 buses all along? The entire Sv 65 fleet size is unchanged right?
fleet size unchanged at 27 buses. 23 R 4 S.
Originally posted by lemon1974:a lot of cameo buses on sv72.. today also got 7669 /3171...
add on 3225A 7711L 7427U 9213U also on 72 today !
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:Uh I see, I understand your explanation now. Many thanks. But I still need some clarification, cause I'm trying to edit Sv 65's fleet on Wiki to update, but I think there's something wrong?
Before Jun 2012: AR had 19 duties, BN had 8.
After Jun 2012: AR now has 17, BN now has 10 (acc to what you said above in quote)
After Dec 2012: AR now has 21? BN now should only have 6? (BN gave 4 over to AR, net loss 2 for BN = 6 duties)
The thing is, I solved the BN's side cause after deleting 9822L 9830M & replacing 9448J with 9519M, BN 65's fleet now is indeed 6 buses. But how come even before I add in 9448J 9456K 9518R 9566B into AR 65, the fleet size for AR 65 is alr 19 buses? That means there's 2 extra AR 65 buses all along? The entire Sv 65 fleet size is unchanged right?