Originally posted by TIB1218R:Yes
The bus behind is SBS8030L
Originally posted by SMB228X:SMB136C is my fave!!!
Originally posted by SMB228X:SMB136C is my fave!!!
Its ezlink card reader dropped!!! So dangerous!!! Even more dangerous than your K230UBs!!!
Originally posted by SBS6305H:Its ezlink card reader dropped!!! So dangerous!!! Even more dangerous than your K230UBs!!!
Heh heh heh...your tone sounds like him very much.
Originally posted by SBS 3010C:
You only rode on these 2?
I wanna ride 8030 and 8033 someday...
Originally posted by Gus.chong:Heh heh heh...your tone sounds like him very much.
We refer to these as "clonish" or "clone language".
Up till now, nobody understands what he is trying to convey...!
Demonstraters I rode before
Originally posted by Gus.chong:Heh heh heh...your tone sounds like him very much.
Originally posted by SBS6305H:Demonstraters I rode before
Um are you referring to SBS9889U(B10TL CDGE Voith) or SBS9888Y(B10TL Volgren ZF)?
Originally posted by TIB 501 D:Um are you referring to SBS9889U(B10TL CDGE Voith) or SBS9888Y(B10TL Volgren ZF)?
SBS9889U, the one that is running on service 31. Sorry bout the typo..
Originally posted by TIB 501 D:We refer to these as "clonish" or "clone language".
Up till now, nobody understands what he is trying to convey...
Maybe he is just sarcastic.
Originally posted by Gus.chong:Maybe he is just sarcastic.
Yup. Nobody understands my sacarsm. jus kiddin
SBS997A (HGDEP 62 when taken)
SBS1688K (HGDEP 163 when taken)
SBS2888T (BNDEP 518 when taken)
SBS8033D (SLBP 52 cameo when taken)
SBS9888Y (BRBP 88 cameo when taken)
SBS9889U (BRBP 88 cameo when taken)
SMB1H (KJDEP 172 when taken)
SMB136C (AMDEP/YIBP 855 when taken)
SMB138Y (WLDEP 963 when taken)
That's my list. :/
Demonstrators [ Repeated ]
1688K on 84
2888T on Exp. 518
8888D on 109
9888Y on 88
Originally posted by SBS2656X:Demonstrators [ Repeated ]
1688K on 84
2888T on Exp. 518
8888D on 109
9888Y on 88
Ha. I caught SBS9888Y when it cameoed on service 88 also.
mine is 8030L
SMB138Y has been transferred to AMDEP according to the others.
Good news or bad news?
For me, good news of course!
Originally posted by TIB1138M:SMB138Y has been transferred to AMDEP according to the others.
Good news or bad news?
For me, good news of course!
not necessarily
Originally posted by TIB1138M:SMB138Y has been transferred to AMDEP according to the others.
Good news or bad news?
For me, good news of course!
Great news man!
Now got 2 demos in AMDEP, SMB136C and SMB138Y...
If SMB138Y perm 811 or 853 or 854, it will be great.
Originally posted by TIB1218R:Great news man!
Now got 2 demos in AMDEP, SMB136C and SMB138Y...
If SMB138Y perm 811 or 853 or 854, it will be great.
The most impossible : Went to perm 812 as fleet add
Originally posted by SBS2656X:The most impossible : Went to perm 812 as fleet add
If not, then replace his favourite TIB1218R, which we guess wont happen
Took all existing demos before.
Newest Bus Ride Video
The Volgren Demonstrator Bus Montage (SBS1688K):