Previous Years Come out too late.I will keep updating.Anyway...
Current models only; Retired models are omitted. For details about the features of a particular model just follow the links to see more photos. Use the tags to help you find a specific feature you are looking for.
SBS Transit
Volvo B10M Mark IV DM (Duple Metsec) (SBS882Y - SBS996C)Deregistering
Volvo B10M Mark IV "Strider" (Walter Alexander) Deregistering
(SBS1896B - SBS1999M, SBS2593T - SBS2688D)
Volvo B10M Mark IV DM3500 (Duple Metsec) (SBS2689B - SBS2838M)
Volvo B10BLE Diesel (Volgren) (SBS1688K)
Volvo B10BLE CNG (Volgren) (SBS2988M - SBS2999G)
Scania L94UB (Volgren) (SBS2888T, Training Bus not in Revenue Service)
Volvo B7RLE Mark II (Soon Chow) (SBS8030L)
Scania K230UB Demonstrator (Gemilang) (SBS8033D)
Scania K230UB (Euro IV, Gemilang)
(SBS8034B - SBS8561X, & SBS8888D)
(SBS8562T - SBS8999S less SBS8888D, SBS5001R - SBS5252H)
Sunlong SLK6121 Hybrid (SBS8000Z - SBS8001X)
Higer KLQ6129G "GreenLite" (Not in Revenue Service)
Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro (Evobus) (SBS6000L - Deliveries Ongoing)
SBS Transit King Long XMQ6121G (said to be diesel electric hybrid bus)
Leyland Olympian (Walter Alexander) (SBS9000S - SBS9199C)Deregistering
Volvo Olympian 2-Axle Non-Airconditioned (Walter Alexander)Deregistering
(SBS7198T - SBS7297R)
Volvo Olympian 3-Axle, Batch One (Walter Alexander)
(SBS9200G - SBS9400X)
Volvo Olympian 3-Axle, Batch Two (Walter Alexander)
(SBS9401T - SBS9600K)
Volvo Olympian 3-Axle, Batch Three (Walter Alexander)
(SBS9601H - SBS9670H)
please help me do smrt one.thanks
SMRT Buses
Mercedes-Benz O405 Mk II, Original Air-Con (Hispano)
(TIB425R - TIB561E, TIB572Z - TIB634D, TIB798P - TIB832Z)
Mercedes-Benz O405 Mk II, Converted Air-Con (Hispano)
(TIB725A - TIB797S)
Scania L113CRL "Strider" (Walter Alexander)
(TIB562C - TIB571B, TIB635B - TIB674M) - Deregistering
Scania L113CRL (ELBO, Converted Air-Con)
(TIB833X - TIB837K, TIB839E - TIB848D)
DAF SB220 (Walter Alexander) (TIB675K - TIB724C) - Deregistering
Hino HS3KRKA Demonstrator (Volgren) (TIB905Y)
Hino HS3KRKK (Volgren) (TIB947B - TIB957Y)
Mercedes-Benz O405 (Volgren) (TIB958U - TIB972C)
Uses minor details to tell a HS3KRKK and O405 apart; look at the rear of the bus.
Dennis Lance 245 UMW (Duple Metsec) (TIB906U - TIB946D, TIB1257C)
Dennis Lance 245 UK (Duple Metsec) (TIB1002X - TIB1018B)
Dennis Lance 245 (Volgren) (TIB1017D, TIB1018B) - Training Bus not in Revenue Service
Mercedes-Benz O405G (Hispano Mk I)
(Demonstrator TIB838H, TIB849B - TIB904A)
Mercedes-Benz O405G (Hispano Mk II)
(TIB973A - TIB1001Z)
Mercedes-Benz O405G (Hispano Habit)
(TIB1019Z - TIB1023K, TIB1025E - TIB1177A, TIB1198P - TIB1247G)
Mercedes-Benz O405G (Volgren) (TIB1024H, TIB1178Y - TIB1197S)
Demonstrator TIB1024H is currently only different in interior and seating from the rest.
Mercedes-Benz OC500LE (Gemilang/Thonburi)
Batch One (SMB1H - SMB67T), Batch Two (SMB68R to SMB134H)
Delivered in two batches, only slightly different in interior and seat colours.
SMB1H is a demonstrator, currently Training Bus not in Revenue Service.
Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro (Evobus)
Delivered in two batches excluding demonstrator SMB136C.
Batch One (SMB139U - SMB147X) uses ZF except SMB148T which uses Voith
Batch Two (SMB149R - SMB188C) uses Voith and other slight exterior and interior differences.
MAN NL323F (MCV Evolution) (SMB138Y)
MAN NL323F (Gemilang) (SMB189A - Deliveries Ongoing)
Current models only; Retired models are omitted. For details about the features of a particular model (such as the various retrofitted EDS, refurbished interior, etc.) just follow the links to see more photos.
Originally posted by SBS3174M:
Previous Years Come out too late.I will keep updating.Anyway...
Current models only; Retired models are omitted. For details about the features of a particular model just follow the links to see more photos. Use the tags to help you find a specific feature you are looking for.
SBS Transit
Volvo B10M Mark IV DM (Duple Metsec) (SBS882Y - SBS996C)Deregistering
Volvo B10M Mark IV "Strider" (Walter Alexander) Deregistering
(SBS1896B - SBS1999M, SBS2593T - SBS2688D)
Volvo B10M Mark IV DM3500 (Duple Metsec) (SBS2689B - SBS2838M)
Volvo B10BLE Diesel (Volgren) (SBS1688K)
Volvo B10BLE CNG (Volgren) (SBS2988M - SBS2999G)
Scania L94UB (Volgren) (SBS2888T, Training Bus not in Revenue Service)
Volvo B7RLE Mark II (Soon Chow) (SBS8030L)
Scania K230UB Demonstrator (Gemilang) (SBS8033D)
Scania K230UB (Euro IV, Gemilang)
(SBS8034B - SBS8561X, & SBS8888D)
(SBS8562T - SBS8999S less SBS8888D, SBS5001R - SBS5252H)
Sunlong SLK6121 Hybrid (SBS8000Z - SBS8001X)
Higer KLQ6129G "GreenLite" (Not in Revenue Service)
Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro (Evobus) (SBS6000L - Deliveries Ongoing)
SBS Transit King Long XMQ6121G (said to be diesel electric hybrid bus)
Leyland Olympian (Walter Alexander) (SBS9000S - SBS9199C)Deregistering
Volvo Olympian 2-Axle Non-Airconditioned (Walter Alexander)Deregistering
(SBS7198T - SBS7297R)
Volvo Olympian 3-Axle, Batch One (Walter Alexander)
(SBS9200G - SBS9400X)
Volvo Olympian 3-Axle, Batch Two (Walter Alexander)
(SBS9401T - SBS9600K)
Volvo Olympian 3-Axle, Batch Three (Walter Alexander)
(SBS9601H - SBS9670H)
(SBS9800A - SBS9849K, SBS9888Y)Demonstrator (SBS9889U)(SBS9671E - SBS9690A)(SBS7300P - SBS7499A)Scania K310UD (Gemilang) (SBS7888K)Batch One Wright (SBS7500D - SBS7686B)Batch Two Wright (SBS7700T - SBS7729L)
- No visible difference, Batch One uses ZF transmission while Batch Two uses Voith transmission. Hanover Displays EDS
Batch Three Wright (SBS3000G - Deliveries Ongoing)
- Voith transmission, LECIP EDS, 100% low floor chassis
I would suggest that you divide the Euro IV and Euro V Scania into 2 batches each, what do you think?
Originally posted by SMB189A:SMRT Buses
Mercedes-Benz O405 Mk II, Converted Air-Con (Hispano)
(TIB725A - TIB797S)
Scania L113CRL "Strider" (Walter Alexander)
(TIB562C - TIB571B, TIB635B - TIB674M) - Deregistering
Scania L113CRL (ELBO, Converted Air-Con)
(TIB833X - TIB837K, TIB839E - TIB848D)
DAF SB220 (Walter Alexander) (TIB675K - TIB724C) - Deregistering
Hino HS3KRKA Demonstrator (Volgren) (TIB905Y) - Training Bus not in Revenue Service
Hino HS3KRKK (Volgren) (TIB947B - TIB957Y)
Mercedes-Benz O405 (Volgren) (TIB958U - TIB972C)
- Uses minor details to tell a HS3KRKK and O405 apart; look at the rear of the bus.
Dennis Lance 245 UMW (Duple Metsec) (TIB906U - TIB946D, TIB1257C)
Dennis Lance 245 UK (Duple Metsec) (TIB1002X - TIB1018B)
Dennis Lance 245 (Volgren) (TIB1017D, TIB1018B) - Training Bus not in Revenue Service
Mercedes-Benz O405G (Hispano Mk I)(Demonstrator TIB838H, TIB849B - TIB904A)
Mercedes-Benz O405G (Hispano Mk II)
(TIB973A - TIB1001Z)
Mercedes-Benz O405G (Hispano Habit)
(TIB1019Z - TIB1023K, TIB1025E - TIB1177A, TIB1198P - TIB1247G)
Mercedes-Benz O405G (Volgren) (TIB1024H, TIB1178Y - TIB1197S)
Demonstrator TIB1024H is currently only different in interior and seating from the rest.
Mercedes-Benz OC500LE (Gemilang/Thonburi)
Batch One (SMB1H - SMB67T), Batch Two (SMB68R to SMB134H)
Delivered in two batches, only slightly different in interior and seat colours.
SMB1H is a demonstrator, currently Training Bus not in Revenue Service.
Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro (Evobus)
Delivered in two batches excluding demonstrator SMB136C.
Batch One (SMB139U - SMB147X) uses ZF except SMB148T which uses Voith
Batch Two (SMB149R - SMB188C) uses Voith and other slight exterior and interior differences.
MAN NL323F (MCV Evolution) (SMB138Y)
MAN NL323F (Gemilang) (SMB189A - Deliveries Ongoing)
Current models only; Retired models are omitted. For details about the features of a particular model (such as the various retrofitted EDS, refurbished interior, etc.) just follow the links to see more photos.
Oh yes, you missed the O405 OACs btw
Superlong SBS997A missing.
MAN SBS8031J missing.
Originally posted by SBS2656X:Superlong SBS997A missing.
MAN SBS8031J missing.
Originally posted by SBS2656X:Superlong SBS997A missing.
MAN SBS8031J missing.
SMB137A is Zhongtong not Yutong.
Edit: SMB137A is still not deregistered yet.
Best fool on earth. Typing the words "Sticky:" with the colon sign doesn't make this a sticky thread immediately. Don't you know that? You tried too hard to fool everyone, but oh too bad.
How I know? If it's an official sticky thread, any new post will make this thread go all the way up to the top of the list, above the Redeployments & Cameos thread. Look at where it is now. Joke uh. Boy, don't think you can fool everyone.
Somemore now it's only Oct 2012, you can predict the future already? Besides, even if there's any Newcomer thread, I think your level of knowledge wouldn't suffice to create the thread. Cheers.
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:Best fool on earth. Typing the words "Sticky:" with the colon sign doesn't make this a sticky thread immediately. Don't you know that?
You tried too hard to fool everyone, but oh too bad.
How I know? If it's an official sticky thread, any new post will make this thread go all the way up to the top of the list, above the Redeployments & Cameos thread. Look at where it is now. Joke uh. Boy, don't think you can fool everyone.
Somemore now it's only Oct 2012, you can predict the future already? Besides, even if there's any Newcomer thread, I think your level of knowledge wouldn't suffice to create the thread. Cheers.
That "cheers" at the very end could hardly neutralise the sourness of this post..HAHA!
But I agree with what's being said. SIck of the constant bombardment of useless new threads springing up from that couple of new users with new bus regoes..
It's good to be helpful, but no thanks to overzealousness.
You will see the new nicknames will go off once school holidays term is over...
Originally posted by SBS9C:SMB137A is Zhongtong not Yutong.
Edit: SMB137A is still not deregistered yet.
Laid-up for now, yeah
MODS:sticky this thread and remove the sticy word i accidentally copied in.
Originally posted by Simply.90:That "cheers" at the very end could hardly neutralise the sourness of this post..HAHA!
But I agree with what's being said. SIck of the constant bombardment of useless new threads springing up from that couple of new users with new bus regoes..
It's good to be helpful, but no thanks to overzealousness.
I was being straightforward, cause I realised alot of us here had been putting up with this nonsense, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who felt so.
They're like just obsessed with cameos, post counts, redeployments. Like die die must go find cameos, die die must act like a redeployment pro and anyhow post & edit redeployments here & on wiki. Posting just for the sake of posting, what's the point? LOL.
I see no point in providing a newcomer thread with only pictures for that matter. Give them the Sgwiki page link, and use the information listed there instead. Perm status & ads of all the buses, tech & engine info, pictures of buses etc. The list there is quite comprehensive already compared to 7 years or more ago when alot of us the older ones started.
And honestly, just take the Newcomer threads provided by other more senior bus fans from years ago and just remove the de-reged models & add in the newcomer models, that's all. Why need to create another yearly thread? Unless they can't find it, but I'm sure Google or the mods know where it is.
Originally posted by SBS3174M:MODS:sticky this thread and remove the sticy word i accidentally copied in.
I'm sure the mods will know whether to lock or sticky this thread. But given that the previous Newcomer threads were quite well-done-up, and it's still Oct 2012..hmm.
And god, your statement didn't even have a 'please'. Not trying to be picky, but courtesy uh if you know you're levels down in terms of seniority.
IMO, the photos in SGBuses are kind of outdated btw, try Public Transport Hub on Facebook instead (Just a recommendation)
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:I was being straightforward, cause I realised alot of us here had been putting up with this nonsense, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who felt so.
They're like just obsessed with cameos, post counts, redeployments. Like die die must go find cameos, die die must act like a redeployment pro and anyhow post & edit redeployments here & on wiki. Posting just for the sake of posting, what's the point? LOL.
I see no point in providing a newcomer thread with only pictures for that matter. Give them the Sgwiki page link, and use the information listed there instead. Perm status & ads of all the buses, tech & engine info, pictures of buses etc. The list there is quite comprehensive already compared to 7 years or more ago when alot of us the older ones started.
And honestly, just take the Newcomer threads provided by other more senior bus fans from years ago and just remove the de-reged models & add in the newcomer models, that's all. Why need to create another yearly thread? Unless they can't find it, but I'm sure Google or the mods know where it is.
Why not let me update the existing thread, its photos, and let the moderator change the title to "2012/2013 Newcomer's Guide to Singapore Buses" at the end of this year?
The intention of that thread is to serve as an introductory guide for newcomers with little or no background knowledge to be familiarised with the bus models. If they want to know more about each specific model, they can follow the individual links on the guide for find out its features and technical details. This is more than sufficient.
There is no need to expose the newcomers to the political and toxic world of cameos and deployments, as this will set them heading at a totally wrong direction. The last thing anyone wants here is for more newcomers to become obsessed with new bus models, cameos and redeployments.
Ok, let's get back to topic, btw may I request that newer photos to be used.
I'm pretty sure the Mk1 bendies are mostly using Gorba EDS now. Not the Transit Media one.
Originally posted by sgbuses:Why not let me update the existing thread, its photos, and let the moderator change the title to "2012/2013 Newcomer's Guide to Singapore Buses" at the end of this year?
The intention of that thread is to serve as an introductory guide for newcomers with little or no background knowledge to be familiarised with the bus models. If they want to know more about each specific model, they can follow the individual links on the guide for find out its features and technical details. This is more than sufficient.
There is no need to expose the newcomers to the political and toxic world of cameos and deployments, as this will set them heading at a totally wrong direction. The last thing anyone wants here is for more newcomers to become obsessed with new bus models, cameos and redeployments.
Yeah bro, that will do pretty well with your idea.
But dude, I've to say that even without alot of the older bus fans exposing them to cameos & such, they picked those stuffs up on their own haphazardly. Not our fault in any case though IMO..
Well said I just saw a boy assuming just only 13 years old use flash at Eunos int around 7 pm and the BC is totally pissed off with his attitude.That Chinaboy got the cheek to hide behind the Interchange kiosk Somemore,I was kinda wtf is wrong with this kid.Its the 3rd time I see this Chinaboy.Pls la whoever you are dun use flash as it may cause unhappiness to the bc itself.