Originally posted by SBS6301T:they obviosly are
Go compare a BN/HG to an AM one (In terms of their engine)
Originally posted by SMB228X:BNDEP is worst!!! Soon Lee n Bukit Batok take care their Citaros!!!!
Where got worst? SBS6316B (168) is clean and shiny... Saw it just now with sparkling Mercedes-Benz badge...
Originally posted by SBS6301T:Seriously AM and HG on par?
The side of the rims on those citaros from HG are already black/gret but those from AM are still silver.
Best in terms of rims/citaros should be BB/AR, most still shiny.
I think HG you need to see by services. Those CGA-bound + Sv 109 & usually 151 as well, their rims are often polished. But yes, I do have to say that for HG, yes some Citaros on some particular services are substandard exterior-wise, but interior condition & engine maintenance, HG & AM are on-par I would say.
Plus don't forget HG has much more Citaros than AM yeah. You can't expect HG to treat their greater number of Citaros to the same standard per bus as what AM could manage with a smaller Citaro fleet. And not to mention that half of the Citaros under AM control currently, they are perm on CGA-bound services. It justifies the greater need to keep the condition of the bus in tip-top order, no?
Anyway, if you actually view a bus's condition solely by its exterior apperance, that is quite superficial I would say? Just saying from how I saw the post, no offence.
Go and observe, when the Wrights, KUBs and Citaros first came out, all the depots polished their rims like crazy. But then when more & more went into the various depots, some cared less about the exterior instead.
HGDEP have special treatment for the unique 20 units of tridents.
Their rear exhaust pipe can get really dusty easily just after weeks of service.
And it it still available as spare parts as IIRC, those type of exhaust pipes are still available in the mechanic parts market.
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:I think HG you need to see by services. Those CGA-bound + Sv 109 & usually 151 as well, their rims are often polished. But yes, I do have to say that for HG, yes some Citaros on some particular services are substandard exterior-wise, but interior condition & engine maintenance, HG & AM are on-par I would say.
Plus don't forget HG has much more Citaros than AM yeah. You can't expect HG to treat their greater number of Citaros to the same standard per bus as what AM could manage with a smaller Citaro fleet. And not to mention that half of the Citaros under AM control currently, they are perm on CGA-bound services. It justifies the greater need to keep the condition of the bus in tip-top order, no?
Anyway, if you actually view a bus's condition solely by its exterior apperance, that is quite superficial I would say? Just saying from how I saw the post, no offence.![]()
Go and observe, when the Wrights, KUBs and Citaros first came out, all the depots polished their rims like crazy. But then when more & more went into the various depots, some cared less about the exterior instead.
IMO, i would think BNDEP got some catching up to do when it comes to maintenance. Take 6171B for example, the interior esp the front air con vents at the first few row of seats is extremly dirty/dusty, the left rear CCTV is also missing and it's like that for nearly 3 weeks with nothing done to it.
I would say AR/BB is much better in maintaining but i do not know about the situation for other depot.
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:I think HG you need to see by services. Those CGA-bound + Sv 109 & usually 151 as well, their rims are often polished. But yes, I do have to say that for HG, yes some Citaros on some particular services are substandard exterior-wise, but interior condition & engine maintenance, HG & AM are on-par I would say.
Plus don't forget HG has much more Citaros than AM yeah. You can't expect HG to treat their greater number of Citaros to the same standard per bus as what AM could manage with a smaller Citaro fleet. And not to mention that half of the Citaros under AM control currently, they are perm on CGA-bound services. It justifies the greater need to keep the condition of the bus in tip-top order, no?
Anyway, if you actually view a bus's condition solely by its exterior apperance, that is quite superficial I would say? Just saying from how I saw the post, no offence.![]()
Go and observe, when the Wrights, KUBs and Citaros first came out, all the depots polished their rims like crazy. But then when more & more went into the various depots, some cared less about the exterior instead.
Actually maybe yes i dont really see those CGA ones...
And my reply was just based on the previous post where you talked about the rims so i replied based on the rims. Interior and engine is of course more important (at least to me)
Originally posted by SBS6301T:Actually maybe yes i dont really see those CGA ones...
And my reply was just based on the previous post where you talked about the rims so i replied based on the rims.
Interior and engine is of course more important (at least to me)
Actually my initial post about the rims was to bring out the idea that BN's mechanics seemed to have given up in fitting back the rim covers after tying the lugnuts with the coilwires, while the other depots' mechanics figured out how to tie the coils & yet still fit back the rim covers properly. It's like they (the BNDEP mechanics) can't be bothered with those nifty small stuff like rim covers cause they can/want to focus more on cleaning the interior & engine instead. Something along that line.
Then idk why the replies threw up stuffs like Wrights & KUBs maintenance & difference in maintenance across the depots, oops.
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:Actually my initial post about the rims was to bring out the idea that BN's mechanics seemed to have given up in fitting back the rim covers after tying the lugnuts with the coilwires, while the other depots' mechanics figured out how to tie the coils & yet still fit back the rim covers properly. It's like they (the BNDEP mechanics) can't be bothered with those nifty small stuff like rim covers cause they can/want to focus more on cleaning the interior & engine instead. Something along that line.
Then idk why the replies threw up stuffs like Wrights & KUBs maintenance & difference in maintenance across the depots, oops.
imo bndep maintanece is quite good. that time when 8418 had something wrong with the engine, it was repaired in two days time!
Originally posted by SBS6305H:imo bndep maintanece is quite good. that time when 8418 had something wrong with the engine, it was repaired in two days time!
each depot all have their ''favourite'' buses where they take care of very well and dont care about the rest
Originally posted by SBS6301T:each depot all have their ''favourite'' buses where they take care of very well and dont care about the rest
True that. I think the CGA-bound services are the clearest examples of the preferential treatment. Either AMDEP (Sv 24 & 53) or HG (Sv 27 & 34), you look at the KUBs & Citaros perm on those services, you will notice that they have a higher tendency on average to appear with polished rims. That's exterior wise.
Engine-wise, for some like Sv 24, the KUBs yes some have chaotah rims, but if you board them, they sound horrendous (like the driveshaft grinding or something of that kind), but heck, they accelerate way faster than the other non-CGA bound KUBs even with that weird noise. Even with kickdown / slip-gear (I forgot what's the exact term you call for KUBs when BC floor all the way for the turbo to spool), the non-CGA perms have slightly worse acceleration. Try taking a Sv 24 perm & a KUB cameo on Sv 24 in the same day, you'll notice the difference.
Citaros wise, you can't tell by acceleration directly. But you;ll notice for some of the Citaro cameos on the CGA-bound svcs, some of the Citaro cameos seemed to have lacking turbo pressure already. No kid. Try taking any Sv 151 Citaro on Sv 27, then compare with the CGA perms, those few cameos turbo kick in from 2nd-3rd gear, the acceleration like nothing much. LOL.
BNDEP uh, idk why but they don't seem to care much about sv 36 exterior-wise. Just keep dumping ads onto the KUBs. BNDEP's way of doing things. LOL. But those perms on Sv 36 do have better acceleration as well. Try taking 8641Z or any of the 36 perms recently and you'll know what I mean too.
Sorry for going slightly off-topic. Oops.
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:True that. I think the CGA-bound services are the clearest examples of the preferential treatment. Either AMDEP (Sv 24 & 53) or HG (Sv 27 & 34), you look at the KUBs & Citaros perm on those services, you will notice that they have a higher tendency on average to appear with polished rims. That's exterior wise.
Engine-wise, for some like Sv 24, the KUBs yes some have chaotah rims, but if you board them, they sound horrendous (like the driveshaft grinding or something of that kind), but heck, they accelerate way faster than the other non-CGA bound KUBs even with that weird noise. Even with kickdown / slip-gear (I forgot what's the exact term you call for KUBs when BC floor all the way for the turbo to spool), the non-CGA perms have slightly worse acceleration. Try taking a Sv 24 perm & a KUB cameo on Sv 24 in the same day, you'll notice the difference.
Citaros wise, you can't tell by acceleration directly. But you;ll notice for some of the Citaro cameos on the CGA-bound svcs, some of the Citaro cameos seemed to have lacking turbo pressure already. No kid. Try taking any Sv 151 Citaro on Sv 27, then compare with the CGA perms, those few cameos turbo kick in from 2nd-3rd gear, the acceleration like nothing much. LOL.BNDEP uh, idk why but they don't seem to care much about sv 36 exterior-wise. Just keep dumping ads onto the KUBs. BNDEP's way of doing things. LOL. But those perms on Sv 36 do have better acceleration as well. Try taking 8641Z or any of the 36 perms recently and you'll know what I mean too.
Sorry for going slightly off-topic. Oops.
Yes, i agree with the red parts. T he counter behind 6035 is so dirty. Cant judge wif one bus though. Maybe forgotten to clean it.
Originally posted by nfshp253:It’s a shame to see Citaros so dirty and without their rimcaps. They looked gorgeous when on their 1st and 2nd week of service. Some are terribly dirty in the interior, especially around the air vents. I must say the cleaning is terribly done. It seems like no one cares about dust, just sweeping away any left-behind trash. Just look at the Wrights’ bottom deck ceiling. You can see the dust and dirt stains and the fingerprints of those who unknowingly touched them. Eew.
However, I must still give credit to the maintenance crew especially at HGDEP for maintaining the Citaro engines and gearboxes so well. They are all extremely smooth even after weeks of flooring by some BCs. The acceleration and turbo whistle at 2nd and 3rd gears are amazing. First gear is useless, but once the turbo kicks in in 2nd or 3rd, it’s just awesome.
The counter behind the granny seat on 6035 is so dusty! Didnt even borther to clean it! But i cant just say that because of a single bus.
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:True that. I think the CGA-bound services are the clearest examples of the preferential treatment. Either AMDEP (Sv 24 & 53) or HG (Sv 27 & 34), you look at the KUBs & Citaros perm on those services, you will notice that they have a higher tendency on average to appear with polished rims. That's exterior wise.
Engine-wise, for some like Sv 24, the KUBs yes some have chaotah rims, but if you board them, they sound horrendous (like the driveshaft grinding or something of that kind), but heck, they accelerate way faster than the other non-CGA bound KUBs even with that weird noise. Even with kickdown / slip-gear (I forgot what's the exact term you call for KUBs when BC floor all the way for the turbo to spool), the non-CGA perms have slightly worse acceleration. Try taking a Sv 24 perm & a KUB cameo on Sv 24 in the same day, you'll notice the difference.
Citaros wise, you can't tell by acceleration directly. But you;ll notice for some of the Citaro cameos on the CGA-bound svcs, some of the Citaro cameos seemed to have lacking turbo pressure already. No kid. Try taking any Sv 151 Citaro on Sv 27, then compare with the CGA perms, those few cameos turbo kick in from 2nd-3rd gear, the acceleration like nothing much. LOL.BNDEP uh, idk why but they don't seem to care much about sv 36 exterior-wise. Just keep dumping ads onto the KUBs. BNDEP's way of doing things. LOL. But those perms on Sv 36 do have better acceleration as well. Try taking 8641Z or any of the 36 perms recently and you'll know what I mean too.
Sorry for going slightly off-topic. Oops.
Yes CGA service buses will always be in better condition than normal buses.
But from what i observe it isnt just between CGA service buses and normal service buses.
Like for Svc 852, SMB190U rims are polished quite often and is mostly shiny but for 189A and for it is always/seldom polished. It's interior is also dirtier than 190U.
Also when both SMB109G and 133K were both perm 858 which goes to CGA, 133K was much cleaned much more often and engine was much better than 109G
Anyway sorry for being off-topic...
SBS6335X of rimguard has been removed and spots at tampines interchange but I'm not sure which depot or bus park.
Originally posted by Syed Luqman:SBS6335X of rimguard has been removed and spots at tampines interchange but I'm not sure which depot or bus park.
Obviously no other then Bulldog North Bus Depot
Originally posted by Syed Luqman:SBS6335X of rimguard has been removed and spots at tampines interchange but I'm not sure which depot or bus park.
Parked in BNDEP as of 6pm+ today at the Service 3's parking lot. There's another new BSEP Citaro parked a few lots down from 6336T, but not sure if its 6335 or another BSEP Citaro. (6337 perhaps?)
This bus is without rim covers as well. Like I said, BNDEP mechanics somehow forgot how to fit back the rim covers after tying the lugnuts. LOL.
Originally posted by SBS6301T:Yes CGA service buses will always be in better condition than normal buses.
But from what i observe it isnt just between CGA service buses and normal service buses.
Like for Svc 852, SMB190U rims are polished quite often and is mostly shiny but for 189A and for it is always/seldom polished. It's interior is also dirtier than 190U.
Also when both SMB109G and 133K were both perm 858 which goes to CGA, 133K was much cleaned much more often and engine was much better than 109G
Anyway sorry for being off-topic...
Yeaps, there's also some services that will get more attention than the other services. Just look at Sv 90 & 94 initially when the Euro IV & V KUBs came out. They kept swapping the KUBs from the older ones with the newer ones. Then the DDs arrived and Wrights replaced LOs too. It's just a trend, we can't do anything about it.
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:SBS6336T
Parked in BNDEP as of 6pm+ today at the Service 3's parking lot. There's another new BSEP Citaro parked a few lots down from 6336T, but not sure if its 6335 or another BSEP Citaro. (6337 perhaps?)This bus is without rim covers as well. Like I said, BNDEP mechanics somehow forgot how to fit back the rim covers after tying the lugnuts. LOL.
Wonder If lemon can pass down to AMDEP and help me comfirm if 6329P under AMDEP, I saw a 632x citaro parking in AMDEP. The others were 633x series.
SBS6335X was featured in this video..lol
Originally posted by bus555:Obviously no other then Bulldog North Bus Depot
Caught the discrimination fever? now start to call bulldog instead of dog ar
Originally posted by Jason Lim WD:
Caught the discrimination fever?now start to call bulldog instead of dog ar
When is that discrimination?
Originally posted by SBS6301T:Yes CGA service buses will always be in better condition than normal buses.
But from what i observe it isnt just between CGA service buses and normal service buses.
Like for Svc 852, SMB190U rims are polished quite often and is mostly shiny but for 189A and for it is always/seldom polished. It's interior is also dirtier than 190U.
Also when both SMB109G and 133K were both perm 858 which goes to CGA, 133K was much cleaned much more often and engine was much better than 109G
Anyway sorry for being off-topic...
I do think that SMRT might have cleaned up SMB190U's body since its advert is already removed.
SMB189A may get a cleanup once its advert is removed? Im not sure though.