Originally posted by SBS 3010C:Saw that BIS said that SBS 3070D has a reformatted LECIP EDS . Compare these two photos : http://www.facebook.com/media/albums/?id=147670…!/photo.php?fbid=368917296482084&set=a.162536603786822.30275.147670341940115&type=1&theater and http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.240456…!/photo.php?fbid=278758165524040&set=a.240456542687536.64461.152959134770611&type=3&theater on facebook from public transport hub and busesingapore… Anymore reformatted EDS spotted ?
Currently as of now, none.
Originally posted by SBS 3010C:Saw that BIS said that SBS 3070D has a reformatted LECIP EDS . Compare these two photos : http://www.facebook.com/media/albums/?id=147670…!/photo.php?fbid=368917296482084&set=a.162536603786822.30275.147670341940115&type=1&theater and http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.240456…!/photo.php?fbid=278758165524040&set=a.240456542687536.64461.152959134770611&type=3&theater on facebook from public transport hub and busesingapore… Anymore reformatted EDS spotted ?
spotted 165 and 80 using reformatted font for the numbers, more rounded numbers similar to that of the Mobitec font.
Originally posted by SBS 3010C:Saw that BIS said that SBS 3070D has a reformatted LECIP EDS . Compare these two photos : http://www.facebook.com/media/albums/?id=147670…!/photo.php?fbid=368917296482084&set=a.162536603786822.30275.147670341940115&type=1&theater and http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.240456…!/photo.php?fbid=278758165524040&set=a.240456542687536.64461.152959134770611&type=3&theater on facebook from public transport hub and busesingapore… Anymore reformatted EDS spotted ?
Originally posted by SBS 3010C:
SBS 3024 M in public transport hub's photo and 3070D in busesingapore photo number 133 http://www.facebook.com/media/albums/?id=147670341940115#!/media/set/?set=a.162536603786822.30275.147670341940115&type=3
You are quoting your own post. I would like to know why?
Originally posted by Gus.chong:You are quoting your own post. I would like to know why?
reformatted rounded font for the LECIP equipped Wright B9TLs. Similar to the round font reformat on the batch 3 VO3Xes, and is currently being formatted also for the CDGE B9TL's LECIP EDS.
Originally posted by buses[IN]gapore!:
reformatted rounded font for the LECIP equipped Wright B9TLs. Similar to the round font reformat on the batch 3 VO3Xes, and is currently being formatted also for the CDGE B9TL's LECIP EDS.
I remembered seeing a reformated 168 font before today (in March) as well.
side EDS for service number font also clearer than long stretched ones
I noticed some b9tl CDGE like svc 76 and also VO3x on JIS svc 249 & 255 EDS font had changed a bit larger for the numbers.
SBS7488P seems to have the reformatted LECIP EDS. The '88' is more rounder and clear but still, too small.
Originally posted by SBS2656X:SBS7488P seems to have the reformatted LECIP EDS. The '88' is more rounder and clear but still, too small.
Reformatted EDS I've seen
9618K (AMDEP70)
9645G (AMDEP 70)
9646D (AMDEP 133)
9638C (AMDEP 56)
Some CDGE B9TL Service 72 uninditified one
They only reformat the LECIP ones??? Hanover not affected???
Originally posted by SBS 1000U:
They only reformat the LECIP ones??? Hanover not affected???
Most of the svc 72's CDGE B9TLs have reformatted EDS - Their '2' is more clearer.
Confirmed : Only SBS7488G of BRBP 88 has reformatted EDS.
Sadly, it's BACK EDS has malfunctioned.
MOST OF AMDEP'S CDGE have reformatted EDS.
72, 88, 161, _0, and so on