SBS1971S on svc 3 jam-packed wif ppl (ppl were seen standing on the steps of the entrance door).
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:exchange this bus with kub can let 5 more ppl to board..
Lol but I would rather stand in a jam packed Volvo B10M rather than standing in a jam packed KUB.
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:exchange this bus with kub can let 5 more ppl to board..
Citaro better!
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:exchange this bus with kub can let 5 more ppl to board..
True enough, the next KUB i saw after this B10M was like the same amount of ppl on board, but seem less crowded...
Originally posted by SMB228X:Citaro better!
seriously stop ur fetish abt new buses. Citaro cant solve this problem as it has a very narrow aisle...
SMB208D 106, EDS slightly updated with the spaced out route number.
Originally posted by SBS9C:Lol but I would rather stand in a jam packed Volvo B10M rather than standing in a jam packed KUB.
SMB189A - 912
Originally posted by SMB66X:I Suggest you better change your photo spot(if you were to keep shooting here for times) to prevent yourself from getting trouble from the particular group of people in this background. (:
I suggest next time you pay more attention of where you are typing (if you are to continue like this) so that I don't have to quote them properly for you.
And yes, YOUR photos capture the ppl at the bus stop too, only thet their faces can be seen EVEN CLEARER. I have been taking shots at these kind of junctions for years on oredi, if I am in trouble, u won't see the pic I juz posted. Cheeresee.
paper T plate?
Originally posted by SMB128B:I suggest next time you pay more attention of where you are typing (if you are to continue like this) so that I don't have to quote them properly for you.
And yes, YOUR photos capture the ppl at the bus stop too, only thet their faces can be seen EVEN CLEARER. I have been taking shots at these kind of junctions for years on oredi, if I am in trouble, u won't see the pic I juz posted. Cheeresee.
SMB66X is talking about the NPC in the background.
Originally posted by sinicker:SMB66X is talking about the NPC in the background.
oh ok
Originally posted by SMB128B:I suggest next time you pay more attention of where you are typing (if you are to continue like this) so that I don't have to quote them properly for you.
And yes, YOUR photos capture the ppl at the bus stop too, only thet their faces can be seen EVEN CLEARER. I have been taking shots at these kind of junctions for years on oredi, if I am in trouble, u won't see the pic I juz posted. Cheeresee.
Before you post, please try quoting and check the way you post It's isn't about my picture capturing at the bus stop or clearer(quality), but rather the background will get you into trouble(not serious), ask before replying it barh (:
SBS3046A on Sv 64 :)
Originally posted by SMB128B:I suggest next time you pay more attention of where you are typing (if you are to continue like this) so that I don't have to quote them properly for you.
And yes, YOUR photos capture the ppl at the bus stop too, only thet their faces can be seen EVEN CLEARER. I have been taking shots at these kind of junctions for years on oredi, if I am in trouble, u won't see the pic I juz posted. Cheeresee.
Though to my opinion, the picture is quite good, except that you take the bus picture very far from the bus itself. And the bottom background is the roads.
Originally posted by SBST163:
SBS3046A on Sv 64 :)
Wow! A Wright on 64! But the picture looks like the bus is going to be involved in an accident.
Why no Citaro photos??? :(
Originally posted by SMB228X:Why no Citaro photos??? :(
Because someone here don't like Citaros...or he did not usually board a Citaro infested service.
Another surprise! :) Citaro debut on 147 if im not wrong!
SSBS6175P on Sv 147.
This pic was taken in a rush.
Originally posted by SBST163:Another surprise! :) Citaro debut on 147 if im not wrong!
SSBS6175P on Sv 147.
This pic was taken in a rush.
China bc looks blur!
maybe he's thinking why the freak am i driving a citaro?? i should be driving a B9TL CDGE!!
Originally posted by SBST163:
SBS3046A on Sv 64 :)
today? looks like this bus is rather sticky to Sv64..