Originally posted by SBS2601D:165 can xfer its DDs to 74. CCL has makan its load and AMK to HG route is duplicated by many services.
I'm actually thinking if facilities allow, 165 can extend into Jurong...
The TradeHub21 area
wah these clone kids....... you all drink Ribena is it. what time already. go sleep.
Originally posted by SBS2601D:165 can xfer its DDs to 74. CCL has makan its load and AMK to HG route is duplicated by many services.
Originally posted by SBS5010P:
Hey bro, i personally think that 165 no need dds now. So empty.. During peak hours the load can be lesser than a sd load. Dds should be xfered to svcs in hg instead of the empty 165..
Replace with Citaros, give Wrights to 151!
Originally posted by SMB228X:Replace with Citaros, give Wrights to 151!
Yea! Give wrights to 151 man! 165 full fleet citaro!
And yes, I dont care if its LO or VO or DT or whatever. 74 needs them. Nothing short of full DD fleet.
Just stop throwing B10Ms on 74. Its getting very sickening to be unable to board the bus at any given time of the day.
147 has comparable load. Why does it have a higher DD-SD ratio then 74?? And 165. Nowadays even peak hour also can find sits on SD. Really no need DDs anymore.
151 needs DDs now. And 95 and 96 dont need them.
95 I think they re-did the schedule.. more frequent during AM off peak liao
Originally posted by SBS2656X:Actually I DO NOT THINK 82 SHOULD BE AMENDED TO PLY PUNGGOL INT. BECAUSE THERE IS NO DIRECT LINK FROM HOUGANG SOUTH AND SERANGOON AREA TO PUNGGOL ROAD END. NOW WITH 84, MANY PEOPLE NEEEDED TROUBLE TO TRANSFER FROM 82 TO 84. NOW NOT MUCH PPL TAKE 82 LE. CAN JUST TAKE 62. 882 is the only service plying Sembawang End Park. Uncle, ppl also live there. If you remove it, people will complain to SMRT as other than Taxi and driving your own vehicle, there is no other ways of using PUBLIC TRANSPORT to get there. Pity those living there. I agree. Withdraw 84 and replace it with 82. I prefer the original route :)
This is because of the opening of the new Serangoon interchange. As there are limited parking slots, both services 81 and 82 were shortlisted and hence made to loop around Serangoon Central instead.
Also by taking 82 out from Serangoon interchange, there is no more terminating points therefore it got to terminate at Punggol interchange instead. Service 84 was introduced to cover the missing links between Punggol interchange to Punggol Road end.
Any imrpovement on 95's part is probably off-set by the NUS shuttle problems.
Originally posted by SBS2601D:Any imrpovement on 95's part is probably off-set by the NUS shuttle problems.
Alrdy A1 & A2 koyak alrdy
oh ya
Suddenly reminded about this.
The trunk - feeder classification has to be clear...
That leads to the 'hybird' svs... Seriously, only Sv 38 is worth to be kept.
Anyone has any idea of how to minimise the local commuter's woes for waiting for 160 & 170 especially during festive seasons & M'sian school holidays?
Originally posted by sbst191:Give 151 50 wrights and citaros! Problem solved! No need to sniff for the speed and frequency of buses!
Even if ALL the WEGs and Citaros on 151 [ 100 buses ] , but you have not enough bus drivers. That makes it useless even if you put more bus services on that service. Now, SBS is facing lack of bus drivers, not lack of buses. Figure it again, thats why there are tons of spare buses in depots. If not, there will be lesser than 15 spare busesif there is sufficient bus drivers. Putting more buses does not mean more rides. You need more bus drivers instead. Same to all others who are complaining about SBS/SMRT putting more freaking buses into the service. Does it help? It only helps to decrease the number of buses available to other services. So, stop nagging here for 'MORE CITAROS! MORE WRIGHTS!' Isnt a Vo3x enough already? If you nag again, YOU GO BE A BUS CAPTIAN INSTEAD. THAT WILL SOLVE THE LACK OF BUS CAPTAINS. SBS AND SMRT NEED A TOTAL OF 3600 BCs. YOU CAN HELP THEM REDUCE THE NUMBER TO 3599.
Bear with it. The foreigners bus captains are impatient. But they helped us to solve the problem of lack of BCs by 1. So, spare SBS and SMRT's life by just calling people to become BCs instead of the usual "MORE WRIGHTS! MORE CITAROS!" mindset. SBS and SMRT cannot do a thing even if you make a riot. So please, remove that mindset and be a BC to solve the problem. Maybe all buses will become WAB in 2014 if BC problems are solved. So, CONTRIBUTE!
Btw I am too young to be a BC. XD
Originally posted by SBS2656X:Even if ALL the WEGs and Citaros on 151 [ 100 buses ] , but you have not enough bus drivers. That makes it useless even if you put more bus services on that service. Now, SBS is facing lack of bus drivers, not lack of buses. Figure it again, thats why there are tons of spare buses in depots. If not, there will be lesser than 15 spare busesif there is sufficient bus drivers. Putting more buses does not mean more rides. You need more bus drivers instead. Same to all others who are complaining about SBS/SMRT putting more freaking buses into the service. Does it help? It only helps to decrease the number of buses available to other services. So, stop nagging here for 'MORE CITAROS! MORE WRIGHTS!' Isnt a Vo3x enough already? If you nag again, YOU GO BE A BUS CAPTIAN INSTEAD. THAT WILL SOLVE THE LACK OF BUS CAPTAINS. SBS AND SMRT NEED A TOTAL OF 3600 BCs. YOU CAN HELP THEM REDUCE THE NUMBER TO 3599.
Bear with it. The foreigners bus captains are impatient. But they helped us to solve the problem of lack of BCs by 1. So, spare SBS and SMRT's life by just calling people to become BCs instead of the usual "MORE WRIGHTS! MORE CITAROS!" mindset. SBS and SMRT cannot do a thing even if you make a riot. So please, remove that mindset and be a BC to solve the problem. Maybe all buses will become WAB in 2014 if BC problems are solved. So, CONTRIBUTE!
Btw I am too young to be a BC. XD
R U BC???
Originally posted by SMB228X:Then add some Citaro Gs!!
There's a reason why SBST did not keep 998Y and 999U.....
Originally posted by Scania:Nowadays kids when they type for some reasons like CAPS and always wall of text one, only make people skip their post.
Really no to bendy buses on trunk svs
This morning saw the worst at Opp Raffles Town Club bus stops...
5 bendies appearing together at 1 go: 190, 190, 960, 700, 190...
Wa laoz eh
Originally posted by SBS2656X:Even if ALL the WEGs and Citaros on 151 [ 100 buses ] , but you have not enough bus drivers. That makes it useless even if you put more bus services on that service. Now, SBS is facing lack of bus drivers, not lack of buses. Figure it again, thats why there are tons of spare buses in depots. If not, there will be lesser than 15 spare busesif there is sufficient bus drivers. Putting more buses does not mean more rides. You need more bus drivers instead. Same to all others who are complaining about SBS/SMRT putting more freaking buses into the service. Does it help? It only helps to decrease the number of buses available to other services. So, stop nagging here for 'MORE CITAROS! MORE WRIGHTS!' Isnt a Vo3x enough already? If you nag again, YOU GO BE A BUS CAPTIAN INSTEAD. THAT WILL SOLVE THE LACK OF BUS CAPTAINS. SBS AND SMRT NEED A TOTAL OF 3600 BCs. YOU CAN HELP THEM REDUCE THE NUMBER TO 3599.
Bear with it. The foreigners bus captains are impatient. But they helped us to solve the problem of lack of BCs by 1. So, spare SBS and SMRT's life by just calling people to become BCs instead of the usual "MORE WRIGHTS! MORE CITAROS!" mindset. SBS and SMRT cannot do a thing even if you make a riot. So please, remove that mindset and be a BC to solve the problem. Maybe all buses will become WAB in 2014 if BC problems are solved. So, CONTRIBUTE!
Btw I am too young to be a BC. XD
Heh heh heh.
Originally posted by SBS5010P:
Hey bro, i personally think that 165 no need dds now. So empty.. During peak hours the load can be lesser than a sd load. Dds should be xfered to svcs in hg instead of the empty 165..
His sentence already tell you that your opinion is the same the his.
Originally posted by SBS8676Z:This is because of the opening of the new Serangoon interchange. As there are limited parking slots, both services 81 and 82 were shortlisted and hence made to loop around Serangoon Central instead.
Also by taking 82 out from Serangoon interchange, there is no more terminating points therefore it got to terminate at Punggol interchange instead. Service 84 was introduced to cover the missing links between Punggol interchange to Punggol Road end.
Though I still have a strong feeling that the current service 84 will be withdrawn sooner or later as it might be a temporary service.
Originally posted by Gus.chong:Though I still have a strong feeling that the current service 84 will be withdrawn sooner or later as it might be a temporary service.
Me thinks the other way. There's a reason why they chose to keep Pungool Road end plyable with a service 84 even though 82 got re-routed.
hmmm improvements....
1) change svc 502, 506, 518 into normal trunk svcs (renumbering nt necessary) & charge normal fares. put DDs on 518 only durin peak hrs. alternative 'fast' route in comparison to mrt & may increase ridership.
2) amend or withdrawn svc 11; or amend 175 to serve the 11's route, & then looping/'terminating' at/infront kallang leisure park mall, increases ridership at stadium area, current ridership seems like less than 10 passengers per ride/loop O.o, waste oil XD
Originally posted by scaniaB7RLE:hmmm improvements....
- change svc 502, 506, 518 into normal trunk svcs (renumbering nt necessary) & charge normal fares. put DDs on 518 only durin peak hrs. alternative 'fast' route in comparison to mrt & may increase ridership.
To be more exact, the DDs should be on the shortworking 518A (if it ever happens) instead because it gets people from Pasir Ris to Suntec way faster. And if they do put DDs on 518A, depending on what is the distance covered by the pax, I think it would be something similar to a Premium service, but if i'm not wrong still be cheaper than the current flat fare charged by the Premium services.
It would certainly attract a lot of people to use 518A instead of the MRT if they know they are guaranteed of a seat.
Originally posted by scaniaB7RLE:hmmm improvements....
1) change svc 502, 506, 518 into normal trunk svcs (renumbering nt necessary) & charge normal fares. put DDs on 518 only durin peak hrs. alternative 'fast' route in comparison to mrt & may increase ridership.2) amend or withdrawn svc 11; or amend 175 to serve the 11's route, & then looping/'terminating' at/infront kallang leisure park mall, increases ridership at stadium area, current ridership seems like less than 10 passengers per ride/loop O.o, waste oil XD
The Stadium area is currently undergoing construction works. That's why 16 was amended to skip that area in 2010 and the Stadium Direct Services were withdrawn.