Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:How do you know some people here are not working for LTA/SBST/SMRT in the first place? Even if they are not supposed to, they still can do it from their homes. no!?
Who knows indeed? ^^
I leave you to that thought....
Originally posted by SBS2601D:Who knows indeed? ^^
I leave you to that thought....
Yeah bro... Because sometimes you get real insider info here... And then you wonder "how would this person know?" And when I send them PM to ask more detail, they just say a friend of theirs from there shared it... Could be true but could be they themselves as well.
I would just reveal here openly that I was from LTA. No big deal.
But you cannot and should not expect others to reveal their work scope. Please understand that much of what they do cannot, and should not be revealed to public.
But c'mon....
LTA is so big.
They have 4k+ people, and will be expanding more.
And I wasn't working with bus/rail side anyway.
Good experience though, my stint with them.
There's much to learn beyond what you would expect and wish to as long as you are willing!
So there you go, this is why I am constantly telling you guys to try it yourself. ^^
For SBST, here are the list of services which have yet to be WAB
6, 8, 9, 11, 23, 26, 28, 31, 35, 37, 40, 42, 65, 74, 81, 83, 84, 89, 90, 91, 92, 103, 107/M, 115, 139, 153, 155, 159, 160, 161, 170, 179, 191, 193, 200, JIS, 262, 401, 405
so which one is next? haha. hmm majority here come from tpy lol
Out of these the ones higlighted in red already have maximum WAB fleet and can be made WAB easily if the infra is in place.
6, 8, 9, 11, 23, 26, 28, 31, 35, 37, 40, 42, 65, 74, 81, 83, 84, 89, 90, 91, 92, 103, 107/M, 115, 139, 153, 155, 159, 160, 161, 170, 179, 191, 193, 200, JIS, 262, 401, 405
42 will be the last in BNDEP to gain WAB service after everybody in BNDEP had been converted
All SLBP, AMDEP and BRBP had no problems in having WAB service. JIS services will have to wait for their turn after 193 and 179 had been finished which will be converting in two years.
246 will be the first in January 2014 followed by 257.
251 will be the very last in June 2016.
103 will be the last in HGDEP to gain WAB service after everybody in HGDEP had been converted
160 and 170 will be the last in BBDEP to gain WAB service
I believe 161 will turn WAB once HGDEP clears off all the B1 VO3x by next year.
74, 89, 107 and 153 might wait a little longer. Unless SLBP decides to take in B2 and B3 VO3x for use on JIS services.
Cross boarder possible if other depots transfer another 40 KUBs to BBDEP..
161 could go WAB in next round.
It looks like services 40 and 90 will go WAB in the next 03 Dec wave...
26, 155, 179 likely to go WAB too...
Isn't there any posters regarding the newest WAB services as of now? There's only one week left to World Disability Day which is 3 December 2013...
Should be 161. Maybe AMDEP should help HGDEP in deploying WAB buses on 161.
26, 155, 262 already have full WAB fleet yet they are not WAB.
Originally posted by SBS8676Z:It looks like services 40 and 90 will go WAB in the next 03 Dec wave...
26, 155, 179 likely to go WAB too...
40 should be confirm.. either 90 or 139 or both.. 26/155 are not going WAB this round (ett is for 2/12/13).... and may be 6/83/262.....
what about 28??
Originally posted by SBS 7603R:what about 28??
26, 28, 139, 145 all can go WAB but stuck coz of Toa Payoh Infrastructure.
161 going WAB in next round. 74 will follow in the round after that.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:26, 28, 139, 145 all can go WAB but stuck coz of Toa Payoh Infrastructure.
oh i see..
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:26, 28, 139, 145 all can go WAB but stuck coz of Toa Payoh Infrastructure.
145 is already WAB
Originally posted by SBS9192X:https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1471748_10201975656785921_1955091256_n.jpg
6, 40, 90, 139 turn WAB from dec 3
looks like 161's turn not yet haha
Originally posted by azharjj:
6, 40, 90, 139 turn WAB from dec 3looks like 161's turn not yet haha
nevermind 161 WAB or not WAB bah as long can take out some VO3X and replace some WEGs is ok