Anyway I think two of the services out of the 9/10 bus services that will be WAB next might be 222 and 229.
Originally posted by Gus.chong:Anyway I think two of the services out of the 9/10 bus services that will be WAB next might be 222 and 229.
222 i agree.229 not so sure
My guess : 77,853,859,941,947,963,966,980
Originally posted by TIB1218R:My guess : 77,853,859,941,947,963,966,980
77 Maybe
853 only got cameos
859 maybe
941 defit not
947 no
963 maybe
966 75% sure
980 for sure!
SMRT : 4 New WAB svc from 1st July
Svc 75, 77, 177, 700.
Originally posted by SMB66X:SMRT : 4 New WAB svc from 1st July
Svc 75, 77, 177, 700.
700 going to have a makeover soon jz like 187 did last time
Originally posted by SMB66X:SMRT : 4 New WAB svc from 1st July
Svc 75, 77, 177, 700.
Why 177??? Didn't expect 700 to turn WAB
Originally posted by TIB1218R:Why 177??? Didn't expect 700 to turn WAB
Well nobody expect 187 to turn WAB too last time. Even myself.
Originally posted by TIB 585L:Well nobody expect 187 to turn WAB too last time. Even myself.
950 also
Originally posted by TIB1218R:950 also
950 is the last service i expect become WAB. I expect 167 or 960 though
177 & 927 indirectly WAB cause of their fleets.I expect in August it will be 167,173,853,911 & 985.
When will SBS Transit be releasing theirs?
i dont get it, why 167 missed it again. It's fleet seems highly possible to turn WAB leh.
Ya lor,I expect 167 to be WAB rather than part time 177.WL side need at least another 5 WAB for 167,AM side 99% WAB ardy.980 should be WAB too.
Services 33, 78, 79, 96, 97, 98/98M, 124, 125, 197, 243 to be WAB from 25 June 2012. Source: SGF User TIB868X
SMB134H was spotted to ferry a PIW on 911 last few weeks back, with WAB decal (:
Originally posted by SBS7557R:Services 33, 78, 79, 96, 97, 98/98M, 124, 125, 197, 243 to be WAB from 25 June 2012. Source: SGF User TIB868X
Yeah. Saw the poster at Clementi just now.
Here's what I would want:
New WAB services by August
SBST > 56, 62, 70, 139, 163 & 195
SMRT > 67, 167, 927 & 966
Next round I predict 95%:167,853,980
Originally posted by Myhabit:Here's what I would want:
New WAB services by August
SBST > 56, 62, 70, 139, 163 & 195
SMRT > 67, 167, 927 & 966
67 still not yet hit the quota.
167 there is a chance, As a passenger I don't mind scanias but MAN will be great for a downtown service.
966 no chance
927 yes.
Originally posted by carbikebus:Next round I predict 95%:167,853,980
167 maybe 853 no 980 yes
173 and 961 no
882 no 927 yes 963 no 975 no
67 no 804 no 859 no and the remaing 2 no.
Originally posted by TIB783G:67 still not yet hit the quota.
167 there is a chance, As a passenger I don't mind scanias but MAN will be great for a downtown service.
966 no chance
927 yes.
Then Svc 67 will be WAB by September, Svc 167 must become WAB by August, Svc 966 should intake 12 - 14 MANs in the 3xx series and become WAB by October.
Service 700 No WAB bus SGWiki still say its WAB.How can they select Service 700 to be a WAB?