who knows the BC's name is really Bruce Lee leh.
Originally posted by SBS6234D:who knows the BC's name is really Bruce Lee leh.
The STOMPER shld show the rego
Originally posted by TIB 585L:The STOMPER shld show the rego
doubt he/she will bother about the rego.
So lame this lady chowkia driver.Actual scenario is she drive below 50 in centre lane and when she saw the bus wanna overtake purposely go left lane,Typical Sg car driver.Bet she nvr drove in Malaysia highways where the buses and lorries can even overtook you even when your speedo show 90
Originally posted by carbikebus:So lame this lady chowkia driver.Actual scenario is she drive below 50 in centre lane and when she saw the bus wanna overtake purposely go left lane,Typical Sg car driver.Bet she nvr drove in Malaysia highways where the buses and lorries can even overtook you even when your speedo show 90
tat's why ppl go upnorth get into langa...
Scuffle between young man and elderly woman on bus 167
Unhappy with the 76 year old elderly lady for pressing the bell late, this 25 year old man argued and pushed the elderly lady, causing her to knock against the handrail. The bus stopped at Flame Tree Park bus stop and the police were called in.
The guy's dad later arrived and explain to the police that his son is autistic. The man later went up to the bus and apologised to the elderly woman. SMRT is assisting the police in its investigations.
Next thing, whoever will start to say no more pic taking at BI for good...
Like I say, even if there's anything I dun do BI shot for any bus related feedback for good reason over security.
Beijing cop killed after bus hits and cruses his police car
Chinamen's driving skills kills...
Crushing with bus skill : Max Level.
Bus windscreen smashed by unknown object
Something similar like this just that no one is hurt.
Bus : TIB481C on trip to Woodlands from Tampines.
Originally posted by SBS2656X:===============>~~~LINKIE~~~<===============
Bus windscreen smashed by unknown object
Something similar like this just that no one is hurt.
Bus : TIB481C on trip to Woodlands from Tampines.
TIB481C is back on 961 today. the windscreen is repaired
Originally posted by SBS6234D:
TIB485S, as observed from its SMRT logo. Only TIB485S had such logo as compared to all other O405.
Originally posted by TIB1218R:http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sgseen/in_the_heartlands/1150778/whats_the.html
What's the attraction? Crowd gathers at Bedok Interchange to snap photos
HahaI was queing for the bus at that time
Take MK3 picture la.Ask the stomper go die also take Bus stop shot.Got DD,KUB and Citaro
Originally posted by SBS6234D:
Originally posted by SBS2656X:===============>~~~LINKIE~~~<===============
Bus windscreen smashed by unknown object
Something similar like this just that no one is hurt.
Bus : TIB481C on trip to Woodlands from Tampines.
SMRT: Bus' windscreen had shattered while travelling on Seletar Expressway
Originally posted by SBS6234D:
Check out my new thread!