Originally posted by SBS494J:780P and/Or 781L weekend perm 969.
Yeah saw both buses on 969 today and all weekends
Originally posted by SBS494J:780P and/Or 781L weekend perm 969.
780P and 781L are starting full day on saturday.
780P is starting on full day on Sundays/PH. 781L starts on PM Shift.
Originally posted by SBS494J:SMB 226 - 230 Into 966 replace what?
I know 494R out for sure, but what else out?
TIB482A, TIB494R, TIB499C and TIB777A are out of 966 as of now.
TIB816X spotted at 4pm today on 966 at WRI
TIB545C is out of WLDEP 963.
SMB216E now perms on Service 307. I saw it operating since last week.
Originally posted by TIB783G:TIB545C is out of WLDEP 963.
Ya.i bn observing that cameo-ing on other bus
TIB962G and TIB966X
(WL SP WL 912)
TIB448A and TIB449Y
(WL 912 WL SP)
(WL SP WL 858)
Originally posted by TIB770T:TIB962G and TIB966X
WL 912)
TIB448A and TIB449Y
(WL 912
WL 858)
502B cnfm,i tot someone said that 962 and 966 are temporary replacement some time ago?
Originally posted by TIB 585L:502B cnfm,i tot someone said that 962 and 966 are temporary replacement some time ago?
Even with 449Y back on service, it has not been on 912, so most likely 962G and 966X are replacing 448A and 449Y.
Originally posted by TIB770T:Even with 449Y back on service, it has not been on 912, so most likely 962G and 966X are replacing 448A and 449Y.
Alrite shall observe for another week
Originally posted by SMB189A:This 2 buses alway do 912
Can see that too
Originally posted by TIB770T:TIB962G and TIB966X
WL 912)
TIB448A and TIB449Y
(WL 912
WL 858)
TIB502B is already WLDEP 858 sometime ago.
Originally posted by Gus.chong:TIB502B is already WLDEP 858 sometime ago.
Yea I know, just wanted to observe a while longer just in case 502B does not do 858 anymore.
Originally posted by WRIGHT_B9TL_L0V3R:SBS 3015P (BNDEP SP >BNDEP 168. )
Perm stix spotted! Maybe replacing SBS 9458E
Ouh ok good then,i bn observing ths bus and board this bus for some time
[WLDEP SP] - on Service 963 today
Originally posted by Gus.chong:TIB502B is already WLDEP 858 sometime ago.
welcome the ultimate chiongster bus back to SV858 (Y)
Can the person who placed 669D as 178's perm bus please revert back to SP. 656R's replacement is still at large, For 4 months straight I don't see a fixed bus on that slot. As for 791H 793C 794A I have to observe them for some more time.
Originally posted by SBS7557R:SMB249K
[WLDEP SP] - on Service 963 today
yup, saw it too
Originally posted by TIB770T:Yea I know, just wanted to observe a while longer just in case 502B does not do 858 anymore.
without fail, this bus it on 858 EVERYDAY till now.
Confirm liao, wif perm ad somemore.
Originally posted by WRIGHT_B9TL_L0V3R:SBS 3015P (BNDEP SP >BNDEP 168. )
Perm stix spotted! Maybe replacing SBS 9458E
Woah, even 9458E is out? Did anyone posted 9458E on cameo recently? 168 is going WAB status already by the looks of them in taking the Batch 2 Wrights like crazy.
(KJDEP 925) (KJDEP 67)
Replaces TIB475X temporarily due to refurbishment.