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å�¦å¤–,網上有巴士迷質疑,ä¹�巴先在ä¹�月把全部改用空調巴士行走沙田,本月份輪到屯門,是藉ç�€å�€è°æœƒå› é�¸èˆ‰è€Œæš«å�œé�‹ä½œçš„時機,é�¿é�Žè«®è©¢åœ°å�€ã€‚
ç›®å‰�ä¹�巴尚餘八å��架「熱狗ã€�巴士,涉å�Šç´„二å��多æ¢�路線,é �計明年內悉數退役。
even S51's desto plate can get stolen as the Darts were retiring..
can someone help to translate into english?
Originally posted by Darkness_hacker99:
can someone help to translate into english?
I'll try to do a summarised version.
Basically, the background of the story is that the last remaining NAC VO3x running Rt. 66 (Tai Hing Estate, Tuen Mun < - > Dragon Center, Sham Shui Po) is retiring from the roads. These are the last NACs plying on Tuen Mun highway. So similarly to what we do, many bus fans gathered at the terminals to take photos, and take a joyride on the two buses to enjoy the cold breeze on tuen mun highway.
The incident is due to one of the passengers reporting to the captain that the Motor Vehicle License (example license) of the bus was missing. So the captain contacted hq and soon the bus was declared off service, with another bus (aircon i presume) sent to pickup the passengers. KMB is investigating the loss of the license, and has not reported to the police.
Some commented that the NACs are cheaper to ride on (1/3 less), and theres always cool breeze to enjoy.
In another news, it is reported that a driver's license have been stolen from a NAC bus. The same bus was also recorded a day ago by a group of teens while parked at a bus terminus and this group of teens suspeciously opened the window of the NAC bus, and streched his hand into the bus captain's seat. This has been reported to the police for followup to investigate if the events are linked.
Thank you bus stopping for translating this article for me! Appreciate that a lot bro!