Originally posted by ghost79:You lose already admit la. No need to be like this
Originally posted by TIB745S:please proof your sources. if this is not the case, why are other SPT-side bus enthusiasts, that are once close to you, have a sudden change in attitude towards you? there must be something that caused them to react negatively right? its like "why do you hate a person when he doesnt do anything" ? i want a direct answer from you and not beat around the bush. thanks.
Originally posted by TIB745S:you see, all he wanted was to gain popularity of new incoming bus enthusiasts in singapore, that doesnt know what is going on (ie. dan474 etc) . they are successfully fallen for buses[in]gapore due to his oh-so-loyal activity he gave to them. its not that difficult anyway.. it all started when mark leaked information about a particular item that is highly confidential to a large group of (matured) enthusiasts. it is clearly stated that the information must not be spread to other people except within the enthusiasts themselves. of course, people will feel very displeased towards the attitude of his when he leaked the information. the problem was that mark did not dare to own up his silly mistake. a clear, short/long apology could very much satisfy those angered enthusiasts, but no; he started bragging about all other issues not relating/some related to that particular confidential material. he was then banned (natural reaction). in order for him to probably gain back his popularity, he started to set up buses[in]gapore (former TIB1083L/TIB537B) in popular sharing sites such as fb/blog/sgf/msn . the main question is : why pinpoint others when you yourself create your own silly mistake without any explanation or apology? do you feel enraged if you happen to come across this type of person? furthermore his loyal followers that were unknowingly fell into, was told "exclusive" information about a person, causing the new members to feel "xenophobic" and try their best to avoid the targeted person. no shame at all. i have never ever came across this type of singaporean before in my life, as a singaporean myself. selfish, rude, tries to be always positive in that "layer of mask" he is hiding till today.
Well said.
Originally posted by buses[lN]gapore!:
Originally posted by S.Solitaire:Well said.
Originally posted by S.Solitaire:
Originally posted by S.Solitaire:Press releaseS ftw
Originally posted by buses[lN]gapore!:peepos like mark chua always like to publicise everything
Originally posted by S.Solitaire:Awww.... Sosad. Go and chill out with ur best friendS =)
They are alwayS aiming to be the F1RST to provide the latest informationS regarding public transportS in Singapore. When they wrongS must publish press releaseS to apologizeS to the likerS. 135E go back ChinaS a person claimed :O
End up bought by Bedok Transport he suckS thumbS :S
Originally posted by S.Solitaire:No need argueS over idiotS that create cloneS to win a war. Just harvest cameoS. Keep our mouth shutS and pretend nothing happenS. Must followS our standard angleS to become a SPT member :S
Stop laughingS at ur own bloody selfS and go snap some citaroS or ferrari buseS. It makeS u an autistic idiot. Sad but true. Have u taken ur medicine??
Originally posted by S.Solitaire:Stop laughingS at ur own bloody selfS and go snap some citaroS or ferrari buseS. It makeS u an autistic idiot. Sad but true. Have u taken ur medicine??
Originally posted by buses[IN]gapore!:
Originally posted by S.Solitaire:
It'S rather sad that all the replieS are those smilieS.... Do take sometime to figure out how to take better pictureS and aim for professional photography
Originally posted by S.Solitaire:Stop laughingS at ur own bloody selfS and go snap some citaroS or ferrari buseS. It makeS u an autistic idiot. Sad but true. Have u taken ur medicine??
Originally posted by S.Solitaire:It'S rather sad that all the replieS are those smilieS.... Do take sometime to figure out how to take better pictureS and aim for professional photography
Originally posted by S.Solitaire:It'S rather sad that all the replieS are those smilieS.... Do take sometime to figure out how to take better pictureS and aim for professional photography
Originally posted by ghost79:
Mark Chua no need to take medicine. Chase DBBTM can cure him instantly
Originally posted by ghost79:
Mark Chua no need to take medicine. Chase DBBTM can cure him instantly
Originally posted by ghost79:
Mark Chua no need to take medicine. Chase DBBTM can cure him instantly
wrong target much?
Originally posted by jayh272416:
wrong target much?
I don't think so
Originally posted by S.Solitaire:I don't think so
Did you know laughter is the best medicine.
Originally posted by S.Solitaire:
Originally posted by S.Solitaire:I don't think so
up to you.