Originally posted by almr:Nice! :D Has 154 received any other b9 cameos before?
7356. that was 030611 iirc.
this is e 2nd cdge to do 154, but it's e first to have ad and old desto.
SBS7525H on 197
19/06/2011 (Sun)
SMB126G on 75 (WLDEP 858)
TIB484U on 75 (WLDEP 857)
SMB22Y on 854
Originally posted by buses[IN]gapore!:
Why is it black and white?
15th June 2011
SBS967L on 135
Taken at Tg Katong Rd, Aft Queen Of Peace Ch
16th June 2011
1) SBS788L on 43
2) SBS805X on 40
3) SBS7416P on 76
4) SBS8823R on 135
5) SBS7523M on 30
1) Taken at Paya Lebar Rd, Paya Lebar Stn
2) & 3) Taken near Tg Katong Rd, CDAC Bldg
4) & 5) Taken at Tg Katong Rd, Aft Queen Of Peace Ch
20th June 2011
1) SBS9530D on 70
2) SBS5017X on 197
1) Taken at Paya Lebar Rd, Paya Lebar Stn
2) Taken at somewhere between Happy Restaurant Building and CDAC Bldg
21st June 2011
1) SBS8822T on 135
2) SBS8735L on 154
3) SBS994H on 70
4) SBS896H on 154
All taken at Paya Lebar Rd, Paya Lebar Stn
Originally posted by Gus.chong:Why is it black and white?
quoting from here "“I find that colors can be terribly distracting in some images and can take the focus away from your subject."
also, it is to add a slight mood to the photo, as the subject (Leyland Olympians) are in the process of retiring and disappearing off the roads, one by one.
Originally posted by buses[IN]gapore!:
The uncle riding a old bicycle really adds to the "old feeling" mood of the picture.
Originally posted by TIB770T:The uncle riding a old bicycle really adds to the "old feeling" mood of the picture.
good catch, nice.
SMB148T exiting Harbourfront Int
SMB136C on 855
23/06/2011 (Thurs)
TIB650G on 963 (WLDEP 859)
Originally posted by Junyang700:23/06/2011 (Thurs)
TIB650G on 963 (WLDEP 859)
Was on 961 yesterday. 96+ held control of this bus for 2 days. lol...
SMB131R on 75
Originally posted by almr:SMB131R on 75
Originally posted by almr:SMB131R on 75
Today it changed with TIB743Y :(
Originally posted by SMB66X:
Thanks! :D
SMB148T on 851
To the people who post their photo(s) here :
Do beware of this photo stealer, Liow Jian Kun(http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002434237378). He will save your picture and use it without your permission.
SBS2797Y on 62
SBS6002G on 138
SBS9669M on 163