about time Bukit Merah feeders get some low floor buses
ARGH wrong acc
Originally posted by SBS7557R:SBS7569G replaced SBS8480X, not SBS9559Y
SBS9518R, SBS9559Y needs confirmation.
Nope 7569G is perm last car last car slot previoUsly done by 9559Y after 17 got WAB timesheet change now 7569G is now 9A/18P perm. But the replacements are wrighTs according to my BC not sure which one yet
Originally posted by Scania k230ub:Nope 7569G is perm last car last car slot previoUsly done by 9559Y after 17 got WAB timesheet change now 7569G is now 9A/18P perm. But the replacements are wrighTs according to my BC not sure which one yet
sorry that was me typed the wrong email
Originally posted by Scania k230ub:Nope 7569G is perm last car last car slot previoUsly done by 9559Y after 17 got WAB timesheet change now 7569G is now 9A/18P perm. But the replacements are wrighTs according to my BC not sure which one yet
SBS7561C replaces SBS9420M.
SBS7569G replaces SBS9559Y.
SBS7570B replaces SBS8432K.
SBS7573T replaces SBS8527X.
SBS7617B replaces SBS9463P.
So SBS7615G replaces SBS8480X?
Originally posted by SBS7557R:SBS7561C replaces SBS9420M.
SBS7569G replaces SBS9559Y.
SBS7570B replaces SBS8432K.
SBS7573T replaces SBS8527X.
SBS7617B replaces SBS9463P.So SBS7615G replaces SBS8480X?
SBS8479B replaces 9463P's 1/10P slot first car converted to SD 22S got to check with my BC which bus replaced it
SBS7617B replaces 9631X 81A/82P slot
SBS9631X replaces 9316G's 21S slot 9316G gotta check with my BC what slot it's doing
9316G direct swapped with 9420M.
the 8527X is correct
Originally posted by service_238:There are 10 WAB slots and 5 non-WAB slots: 7561 7569 7570 7573 7617, 8328 8478 8479 8295 8330, 9316 9518 9559 9629 9631
WAB slots apply to
(1) 1st car 0515 from bndep to bedok: 7561
(2) 2nd car 0529 from bndep to bedok: 8328
(3) 3rd car 0543 from bndep to bedok: 7569
(4) 4th car 0555 from bndep to bedok: 8478
(5) 5th car 0607 from bndep to bedok: 8479
(6) 1st 17A trip from bndep at 0625: 8295
(7) Overnight parking slot start at 0555: 7617
(8) 3rd car 0605 from PSR: 7570
(9) 4th car 0615 from PSR: 7573
(10) Split shift starting 0600 17A from PSR: 8330
The remaining form the non-WAB slots:
(1) 1st car from PSR: 9316
(2) split shift starting 0630 17A from PSR: 9518
(3) split shift starting 0645 from PSR: 9559
(4) split shift starting 0703 from PSR: 9629
(5) split shift starting 0707 17A from PSR: 9631
Which one correct which one wrong?
1st car 1A is converted to SD after 17 got wrights. 9463P out. slot
9518R was original perm 3A now replace by wright
4A 8478D remains unchanged
9559Y original was last car 9A/18P slot repalced by 7569G after 17 got WAB
9629D is 6A/15P slot remains unchange.
8295P was original 7A/16P 17A in AM peak slot(need to check new time sheet)
after 17 got WAB 9631X converted to S shift, and 7617B repalced it's overnight parking slot.
The others need to check the time sheet and with my BC
okay squence before 17 got wrights:
A/P: 9463P, 8328D, 9518R, 8478D, 8527X, 9629D, 9631X, 8295P, 8480X, 9559Y
S: 8330X, 8432K, 9316G, 8479B.
After 17 got wrights before WAB:
A/P: 8479B, 8328D, 9518R, 8478D, wright, 8295P, 9629D, 9631X, wright, 9559Y
S: 8330X, wright, 9316G, wright, 23S
now i need to observe the sequence. but those mentioned above the sequence is correct. am also getting the new timesheet from my BC.
(AMDEP SP) (AMDEP 13) sticker spotted
AMDEP 61 Non user status lay-up till 06/07/2012
Sorry if it comes in late.
Confirmed by TIB589B
Judging from deployment observations
Originally posted by SBS7557R:SBS928A
Confirmed by TIB589B
Judging from deployment observations
928 is fleet add or replacement?
today's A/P:
SBS9624S replaces 8479B first car
9631X doing last car think 7569G su you
7561C doing 9518R's slot 3A
SBS663M replacing 8295P
9463P replace 9629D
8328D on 8A perm slot
8478D on 4A perm slot
7617B on perm slot
SBS 6013A
Perm sticker on coinbox.
Originally posted by SBS7557R:SBS928A
Confirmed by TIB589B
Judging from deployment observations
Originally posted by SBS2615P:SBS8462Z
(AMDEP 13) sticker spotted
From SBS9622Y:
On Service 10 today
Originally posted by chikopek:ACcording to sgwiki:
SLBP 240/192*SLBP SP
SLBP 502 or 185SLBP 240/192*
According to sgwiki, SBS8057K and SBS8067G have been 'back' to 240. (No 192 crossover for SBS8067G though) I wonder did they actually gets redeployed out of 240 at the very first place?
Also according to sgwiki:
ARBP 123 BBDEP SP - Replacement unknown
*Still saw SBS2828S doing 123 last Friday btw.
Originally posted by chikopek:Also according to sgwiki:
ARBP 123BBDEP SP - Replacement unknown
*Still saw SBS2828S doing 123 last Friday btw.
Apologies for editing it back to BBDEP SP. Spotted SBS2828S on 123 today as well.
okay here's 17 perm A/P sequence
SD, SBS7573T, SBS7561C, SBS8478D, SBS7570B, SBS8295P, SBS7617B, SBS9629D, SBS8328D, SBS7569G
7561C replaces 9518R 3A/12P
7569G replaces 9559Y 9A/18P
Originally posted by SBS2615P:okay here's 17 perm A/P sequence
SD, SBS7573T, SBS7561C, SBS8478D, SBS7570B, SBS8295P, SBS7617B, SBS9629D, SBS8328D, SBS7569G
7561C replaces 9518R 3A/12P
7569G replaces 9559Y 9A/18P
When did SBS949P and SBS986G come into the picture then?
Originally posted by SBS7557R:SBS928A
Confirmed by TIB589B
doubt it would be true
Originally posted by SBS7557R:When did SBS949P and SBS986G come into the picture then?
this is only A/P. still got 19S-23S. 1A need to confirm which SD