SBS8432K on 10
TIB998D on 912 (WLDEP 856)
TIB977P on 912 (WLDEP 962/963) ..
TIB1109Y (WL SP) on 913
TIB446E (WL 857) on 912
Originally posted by SBS8930P:25 April 2011 (Monday)
TIB1037X on Service 180 (KJDEP 106) - Spotted in the morning
It crosses over to 180 every morning and off service back to bbt int to do 106.
Originally posted by zero gravity:Oops,forgot... it is TIB121??
Merc O405 OAC on 945(KJDEP ??)
Never see. Doesn't match my time. Any back ads?
Originally posted by TIB1234T:TIB720M on 925 [KJ 975]
It's KJ 985.
SMB110B on 177
Originally posted by SBS2692R:25th April 2011
SMB 67T (WLDEP SP) Sv 858
Should be perm.
Originally posted by buses[IN]gapore!:SMB110B on 177
Nice Cameo!!! Oh yah, I think it is replacing TIB601Z which is on 945...
SBS8157E svc 43 (HG 163)
SBS8676Z svc 43 (HG 163)
Originally posted by SMB116K:Should be perm.
Yup, perm.
Originally posted by TIB770T:Yup, perm.
Is it possible if you tell me the full 858 permers after the redeployment? It is getting quite messy somehow. Thanks...
Originally posted by SMB116K:Is it possible if you tell me the full 858 permers after the redeployment? It is getting quite messy somehow. Thanks...
SMB134H acts as a SP/858.
Originally posted by TIB770T:SMB19H SMB20C SMB67T SMB106P SMB113T SMB119C SMB120Y SMB121U SMB122S SMB124L SMB126G SMB127D SMB128B SMB129Z SMB130T SMB131R SMB132M SMB133K SMB134H
SMB134H acts as a SP/858.
Is 134H responsible for any TQ/Split duties on Weekdays/ends?
Originally posted by TIB770T:SMB19H SMB20C SMB67T SMB106P SMB113T SMB119C SMB120Y SMB121U SMB122S SMB124L SMB126G SMB127D SMB128B SMB129Z SMB130T SMB131R SMB132M SMB133K SMB134H
SMB134H acts as a SP/858.
Oh okay thank you.
Why is it a WL SP/858? If it's for special run then it's a full day perm. There is no special run for 858...
Originally posted by TIB 781 L:Is 134H responsible for any TQ/Split duties on Weekdays/ends?
Not so sure about that.
Originally posted by TIB 781 L:Is 134H responsible for any TQ/Split duties on Weekdays/ends?
Even if it's spilt it's still WL 858 not WL858/SP...
SBS 531K(BRBP SP)on Svc 131
SBS 596Z(BNDEP SP)on Svc 31
SBS 648H(HGDEP SP)on Svc 159
SBS 885P(HGDEP 115)on Svc 163
SBS 904T(AMDEP SP)on Svc 138
SBS 989Z(HGDEP 132)on Svc 315
SBS 1913K(BRBP SP)on Svc 131
SBS 1924D(SLBP SP)on Svc 105
SBS 5026U(BRBP 145)on Svc 88
SBS 5057E(AMDEP 269)on Svc 136
SBS 5185T(BRBP 28)on Svc 90A
SBS 5186R(BRBP 131)on Svc 238
SBS 7522R(SLBP SP)on Svc 143
SBS 8101R(BRBP 60)on Svc 238
SBS 8651U(HGDEP 100)on Svc 156
SBS 8816L(BRBP 88)on Svc 145
SBS 9035S(AMDEP 58)on Svc 25
SBS 9047H(AMDEP SP)on Svc 25
SBS 9146E(BRBP SP)on Svc 88
SBS 9205T(BRBP 8)on Svc 88
SBS 9807G(BRBP 154)on Svc 88
TIB 799L(AMDEP SP)on Svc 980
TIB 1014L(AMDEP SP)on Svc 851
TIB 1015J(AMDEP 169)on Svc 851
Originally posted by SMB116K:Even if it's spilt it's still WL 858 not WL858/SP...
Split shift is not a full day slot, so during the time which it is not on service, it can cameo on other services.
If 134H holds any TQ duties on weekends, S on weekdays, Then she is perm.
Sometimes weekdays split might be linked to weekend, Some don't. S104 856 is 1001Z on weekdays, S201 on saturday. S105 856 is 1169Z weekday perm but perm S202 saturday. The rest don't seem to hold official duties.
S201 (Weekday) of 178 doesn't hold any official TQ duties on a Saturday, on a Sunday it is TQ01.
S201 (Saturday) of 178 might be taken by Sunday TQ02/S102 weekday driver. Need to confirm.
So in short, if 134H holds official weekday S-duty slot she is perm. Even if she does not hold any weekend T block.
Originally posted by TIB770T:Split shift is not a full day slot, so during the time which it is not on service, it can cameo on other services.
I know. Then there will be many Eg: KJ 188/SP... All the spilt shift buses will have /SP? Cannot be what...
Originally posted by TIB 781 L:If 134H holds any TQ duties on weekends, S on weekdays, Then she is perm.
Sometimes weekdays split might be linked to weekend, Some don't. S104 856 is 1001Z on weekdays, S201 on weekends. S105 856 is 1169Z weekday perm but perm S202. The rest don't seem to hold official duties.
S201 (Weekday) of 178 doesn't hold any official TQ duties on a Saturday, on a Sunday it is TQ01.
S201 (Saturday) of 178 might be taken by Sunday TQ02/S102 weekday driver. Need to confirm.
So in short, if 134H holds official weekday S-duty slot she is perm. Even if she does not hold any weekend T block.
Do you mind explaining what's S201, TQ02, S102 and S104 and S105?
Originally posted by SMB116K:Do you mind explaining what's S201, TQ02, S102 and S104 and S105?
Different slots.
Originally posted by TIB770T:Different slots.
How do I find out the slot of buses?