Originally posted by Bus Stopping:Well, since both the services can stop there for now, why not?
Appease the public for now loh. It'll get removed in due time anyway.
remove also kpkb
sometimes just leave it alone... Many ppl just cannot see it.
If someone suggested to smrtb to add the stops, and since the both the services already pass the stop for now, why not do it? It dosent take much effort to paste the service number onto the bus stop pole.
When they finally realign the road back a few years later, then they can jolly well remove the services from the stop since its now out of the way. Pretty reasonable to me.
If i was smrtb i would do the same, at least reduce some bad reputation points they collected over the years. Leaving it alone and wait for the ppl to blow the issue up by going to the press? Why do that when the solution is simple...
actually to stop or not to stop, LTA has sort of say in it.
But this bus stop I've noticed, they've better proceed. Else it's going to create bus hold up during peak hrs.
Relocation of Bus Stops Along Circuit Link
First Bus of Service 228 to Call at Bedok Reservoir Rd (Christ Church) wef 4 July
Bus Stops Skipped Due to Great Eastern Women 10km Run
With effect from 1 July 2011, commuters can board bus service 178, 856, 903, 911, 912, 913 & NR2 to the new Woodlands Train Checkpoint
Temporary bus route diversion for Sri Muneeswaran Temple Consecration Ceremony, on 10 July 2011, affecting bus service 61
Temporary bus route diversion for The Republic Run 2011, on 10 July 2011, affecting bus service 169, 856 & 903
promote 950 to CIQ for wat?
Seriously there's passengers heading to Kulai or Segamat.
the stop after hillview road along upp bt timah rd... that one's more important.
and the mindef one sounds surprisingly similar to sv70's case at paya lebar, and the old airport road services... were they lambasted then?
Originally posted by jayh272416:the stop after hillview road along upp bt timah rd... that one's more important.
and the mindef one sounds surprisingly similar to sv70's case at paya lebar, and the old airport road services... were they lambasted then?
Maybe I'll put it this way, unless it's for long i.e. 5 yrs then we do it.
If it's only for 1 - 2 yr, there's no pt.
the MRT trains also keep promoting 950 non stop..
so irritating... esp when 950 frequency and crowds are horrendous..
promote a service which cant even handle basic loads..
Originally posted by sbst275:
Maybe I'll put it this way, unless it's for long i.e. 5 yrs then we do it.If it's only for 1 - 2 yr, there's no pt.
old airport rd: 2 years 6 months
if you want to go by this logic, then nicoll highway services shouldnt even call at the diverted bus stops along the way after the collapse. 6 months only what.
陆路交通管ç�†å±€æŽ¥ä¸‹æ�¥å‡†å¤‡æ˜¾è‘—å¢žåŠ å·´å£«æœ�务的客è¿�é‡�,其ä¸åŒ…括探讨推出更多与地é“�æœ�务平行的巴士路线,舒缓客æµ�é‡�较拥挤的地é“�线。
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Originally posted by jayh272416:old airport rd: 2 years 6 months
if you want to go by this logic, then nicoll highway services shouldnt even call at the diverted bus stops along the way after the collapse. 6 months only what.
nowadays the bus stop increasing rate is like flies... CCL station = 1 more.
LTA has been talking letting buses running parallel to MRT for so many years... Now still taking.....
Very obvious why 128 has low ridership as compared to SMRT 868... Speed.
5 mins a bus??
you mean those prof wants turnaround time to be increased and buses flooding up everywhere???
Originally posted by phillipC:LTA has been talking letting buses running parallel to MRT for so many years... Now still taking.....
Very obvious why 128 has low ridership as compared to SMRT 868... Speed.
seriously back then, even buses at Upp Thomson Rd also kena chopped for duplication w/ MRT.
The duplication should be back then standard as well.
Originally posted by sbst275:5 mins a bus??
you mean those prof wants turnaround time to be increased and buses flooding up everywhere???
You know professors can talk "big".. talk and talk until the cow comes home also like that.
I think they should go to Woodlands CIQ and see wat happens when buses starts flooding up the place at a concentrated time belt.
Bus Stops Skipped Due to Jurong Lake Run
Services Affected by NDP National Education Shows
SBS Transit Submits Application for Fare Adjustment
SMRT applies for fare adjustment