SMRT Bus Deployment
Under Construction....
Credits goes to : Everyone - for providing the latest updates =D
Ong Chong You - for copying it when SgWiki is Alive
Me, WeiTeck - for asking Ong Chong You to copy it out and not to edit SgWiki
Nissan U31RCN Buses
CSS185P (WLDEP 178)
TIB368Y (WLDEP 178)
TIB370P (WLDEP 981)
Mercedes-Benz O405 (Hispano OAC) (TIB425R - TIB561E, TIB572Z - TIB634D, TIB798P - TIB832Z)
TIB425RL 2 (WLDEP 75) - Marigold Full Cream Milk: Very Fresh. Very Good.
TIB426ML 7 (WLDEP 75) - Big Orange Self Storage: Your Self Storage Solutions Provider. (3rd Gen)
TIB427KL 7 (WLDEP 911E*/169A*/169*/963/963E)
TIB428H7 (WLDEP 858)
TIB429E7 (WLDEP 969) - GV Yishun: Asia's 1st Green Cinema with 3D Digital Screens. Choose to Go Green at the Movies. See You at the New GV Yishun! Open 4th November.
TIB430A2 (KJDEP 173)
TIB431YM 7 (AMDEP 961) - Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD): When We Harness the Power of Technology and Design, There is No Limit to What We Can Accomplish.
TIB432UL 7 (WLDEP 963)
TIB433S2 (KJDEP 61) - Marigold Peel Fresh: A Burst Of Freshness In Every Drop.
TIB434P7 (WLDEP SP) - LG - Life's Good When It's Green: R: Plasma Filter - 1.2 Million Sterilization Ions, 60% Energy Saving, 99% Virus Safe L: Easy Washable Pre-Filter - Anti Corrosion Gold Fin, Super Quiet, 30 MINS auto clean.
TIB435L7 (WLDEP 966) - Marigold Full Cream Milk: Very Fresh. Very Good.
TIB436J2 (WLDEP 966) - NEW! Marigold Pink Grapefruit Yoghurt Drink - Drink to the Lighter Side of Life.
TIB437G2 (WLDEP 963) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So Much More to Discover.
TIB438D7 (WLDEP 187)
TIB439B7 (WLDEP 857) - GV Yishun: Asia's 1st Green Cinema with 3D Digital Screens. Choose to Go Green at the Movies. See You at the New GV Yishun! Open 4th November.
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->TIB440XM 7 (WLDEP 857) - Workfare Income Supplement: Workfare - Work. Train. A Better Tomorrow. By the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA). [5th Gen]
TIB441TM 7 (WLDEP 857) - Marigold Fresh Milk: 100% Fresh. 100% Australian.
TIB442R7 (KJDEP 970) - Marigold Fresh Milk: 100% Fresh. 100% Australian.
TIB443M7 (KJDEP 61) - Nikon D700
TIB444KM 7 (WLDEP 857) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So Much More to Discover. (3rd Gen)
TIB445HM 7 (WLDEP 858) - The "I CAN READ!" System: Learn English With The "I CAN READ!" System. More Than Just A Reading Programme... A Computer Literacy System. (Red)
TIB446E7 (WLDEP 857) - Nikon D700
TIB447C1 7 P (WLDEP 950)
TIB448A1 (WLDEP 950)
TIB449Y1 P (WLDEP 950)
TIB450S1 (WLDEP 950)
TIB451P1 (WLDEP 950)
TIB452L1 (WLDEP 950)
TIB453JM 1 (WLDEP 950)
TIB454G1 P (WLDEP 950)
TIB455D1 (WLDEP 950)
TIB456B1 P (WLDEP 950)
TIB457Z1 P (WLDEP 902/964)
TIB458X1 P (WLDEP 912)
TIB459T1 P (WLDEP 912)
TIB460M1 P (WLDEP 901)
TIB464C1/7 (WLDEP 911/911E*/901)
TIB465A1 P (WLDEP 950)
TIB466Y1 P (WLDEP 950)
TIB467U2 (WLDEP 857) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So Much More to Discover.
TIB468S2 (KJDEP 700) - Tiger Beer: Stop Staring. You'll Miss The Bus. (3rd Gen)
TIB469P2 (KJDEP SP) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So Much More to Discover.
TIB470J7 (WLDEP 857) - Lincoln Collegiate of Business and Technology: Sparkle with Lincoln.
TIB471G2 (WLDEP 857) - NEW! Marigold Pink Grapefruit Yoghurt Drink - Drink to the Lighter Side of Life.
TIB472DM 2 (WLDEP 857) - LG - Life's Good When Its Green: World's First Inverter Linear Compressor
TIB473BM 7 (WLDEP 858) - Singapore Art Museum: An Unbroken Line - The Wu Guanzhong Donation Collection
TIB474Z7 (WLDEP 965) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So Much More to Discover. (3rd Gen)
TIB475X2 (KJDEP 67) - Fisherman's Friend: Get The Soothing Sensation! (feat. Paige Chua)
TIB476T2 (KJDEP 176) - Seatronics
TIB477R7 (WLDEP 858) - Nikon D700
TIB478M7 (WLDEP 969) - Marigold Peel Fresh: A Burst of Freshness in Every Drop.
TIB479K7 (WLDEP 963)
TIB480EM 7 (WLDEP 167) - Essilor Varilux Crizal: Live Life In The Clear
TIB481CM 2 (AMDEP 961) - Tiger Beer: Don't Rush. You Might Spill Your Beer. Enjoy Winning. (4th Gen)
TIB482A7 (WLDEP 966) - Health Promotion Board (HPB): Keep Myopia At Bay. Take Your Kids Outdoors To Play.
TIB483Y7 (WLDEP SP) - Nikon D3000
TIB484UL 7 (WLDEP 9655e) - B: Way OnNet Group: Your Professional Partner in Commercial & Residential Feng Shui (3rd Gen) (feat. Grand Master Tan Khoon Yong)
TIB485SL 7 (WLDEP 963)
TIB486P7 (WLDEP SP/963R)
TIB487L7 (WLDEP SP/963R)
TIB488J7 (WLDEP SP/963R) [Konvekta A/C] - Nikon D5000
TIB489GL (WLDEP 963) - NEW! Marigold Pink Grapefruit Yoghurt Drink - Drink to the Lighter Side of Life.
TIB491Z7 (WLDEP 75) - Standard Chartered 2010: Madras Masla and Mumbai Masti - The Best Of Bollywood And Kollywood
TIB492X2 (KJDEP 700/MRT Shuttle - Tampines) - Adidas - Impossible is Nothing: F50 AdiZero. The Lightest, The Fastest. Every Team Needs Light Speed.
TIB493T2 (KJDEP 176) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So Much More to Discover.
TIB494R7 (WLDEP 966) - B: Way OnNet Group: Your Professional Partner in Commercial & Residential Feng Shui (3rd Gen) (feat. Grand Master Tan Khoon Yong)
TIB495MM 7 (AMDEP 67) - Hosen Select: Naturally Wholesome Freshness You Can Taste. A Quality Product of Hosen Group Ltd
TIB496K7 (WLDEP 171) - Nikon D5000
TIB497H7 (WLDEP 171) - The "I CAN READ!" System: Learn English With The "I CAN READ!" System. More Than Just A Reading Programme... A Computer Literacy System. (Red)
TIB498E2 (WLDEP 966/963R) - Singapore Customs: Don't Get Burnt. (L: You Could Go to Jail for Selling Illegal Cigarettes.; R: One Pack of Illegal Cigarettes will Cost You a $500 Fine.; B: To Report Illegal Cigarette Activities, Call 1800-233-0000. It is Against the Law to Buy, Sell or Otherwise Possess Cigarettes without the SDPC Mark.)
TIB499C7 (WLDEP 966) - LG - Life's Good When It's Green: World's First Inverter Linear Compressor
TIB500GM 7 (AMDEP 961) - Tiger Beer: Happy Hour Beats Rush Hour. Enjoy Winning. (3rd Gen)
TIB501DM 7 (AMDEP 961) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So Much More to Discover. (3rd Gen)
TIB502B7 (WLDEP 858) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So Much More to Discover.
TIB503ZL 2 (AMDEP 61/WT3) - Hosen Select: Naturally Wholesome Freshness You Can Taste. A Quality Product of Hosen Group Ltd
TIB504X7 (WLDEP 858)
TIB505T7 (WLDEP 858) - Marigold Juice Drink: L: Anywhere Fun Goes, It Follows!; R:Enriched with Vitamin C, No Preservatives.
TIB506RM (AMDEP/YIDEP 855) - Nikon D5000
TIB507MM 7 (WLDEP 965) - LG - Life's Good When It's Green: R: Plasma Filter - 1.2 Million Sterilization Ions, 60% Energy Saving, 99% Virus Safe L: Easy Washable Pre-Filter - Anti Corrosion Gold Fin, Super Quiet, 30 MINS auto clean.
TIB508KM 7 (AMDEP 969/SP/Shuttle service) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So Much More to Discover.
TIB509HM 7 (AMDEP/YIDEP 855) - Nikon D3000
TIB510C7 (WLDEP 966) - Brandt: Innovations You Need: Pamper Yourself with a Brandt. Log on to to Find Out How to Win Attractive Brandt Prizes.
TIB511A7 (WLDEP/WRDEP 965) - The "I CAN READ!" System: Learn English With The "I CAN READ!" System. More Than Just A Reading Programme... A Computer Literacy System. (Red)
TIB512Y7 (KJDEP 67) - Essilor Varilux Crizal: Live Life In The Clear
TIB513U2 (KJDEP 925/MRT Shuttle - Tampines) - LG - Life's Good When It's Green: World's First Inverter Linear Compressor
TIB514S7 (KJDEP 190) - Marigold Fresh Milk: 100% Fresh, 100% Australian.
TIB515PM 2 (KJDEP 190) - Marigold Peel Fresh: A Burst Of Freshness In Every Drop.
TIB516L7 (WLDEP 858) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So Much More to Discover.
TIB517J7 (KJDEP/BBDEP 77) - Outback Steakhouse
TIB518GM 7 (AMDEP 67) - Brandt: Innovations You Need: Pamper Yourself with a Brandt. Log on to to Find Out How to Win Attractive Brandt Prizes.
TIB519D7 (KJDEP 61) - Tiger Beer: L: Delighting Taste Buds from Dempsey to Chelsea. Enjoy Winning.; R: Winning The World Over. Enjoy Winning. (2nd Gen)
TIB520Z7 (WLDEP 966) - Hosen Select: Naturally Wholesome Freshness You Can Taste. A Quality Product of Hosen Group Ltd
TIB521X2 (KJDEP/BBDEP 106) - Outback Steakhouse
TIB522T7 (WLDEP 961) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So Much More to Discover. (3rd Gen)
TIB523RM 7 (AMDEP 857/WT4/IKEA Shuttle - CCK/Bt Batok) - Workfare Income Supplement: Workfare - Work. Train. A Better Tomorrow. By the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA). [5th Gen]
TIB526HL (AMDEP 61/WT10) - Marigold Fresh Milk: 100% Fresh. 100% Australian
TIB527EM 7 (AMDEP 969) - Tiger Beer: Stop Staring, You Might Miss the Bus. (3rd Gen)
TIB528CM 7 (AMDEP 961) - Singapore Customs: Don't Get Burnt. (L: You Could Go to Jail for Selling Illegal Cigarettes.; R: One Pack of Illegal Cigarettes will Cost You a $500 Fine.; B: To Report Illegal Cigarette Activities, Call 1800-233-0000. It is Against the Law to Buy, Sell or Otherwise Possess Cigarettes without the SDPC Mark.)
TIB529A7 (WLDEP 966) - Marigold Fresh Milk: 100% Fresh. 100% Australian
TIB530UL 7 (AMDEP/YIDEP 854) - Marigold Fresh Milk: 100% Fresh. 100% Australian
TIB531SM 7 (AMDEP 969) - Marigold Fresh Milk: 100% Fresh. 100% Australian
TIB532PM 7 (AMDEP 67) - Big Orange Self Storage: Your Self Storage Solutions Provider. (3rd Gen)
TIB533L7 (WLDEP/WRDEP 965) - B: EDC Storage: Convenience At Your Doorstep.
TIB534J7 (WLDEP 75) - Essilor Varilux Crizal: Live Life In The Clear
TIB535G7 (WLDEP 961/WT14) - LG - Life's Good When It's Green: R: Plasma Filter - 1.2 Million Sterilization Ions, 60% Energy Saving, 99% Virus Safe L: Easy Washable Pre-Filter - Anti Corrosion Gold Fin, Super Quiet, 30 MINS auto clean.
TIB536DM 7 (AMDEP 961) - Energizer Ultimate Lithium Batteries: Now Lasts Even Longer. The World’s Longest Lasting AA Battery in High-Tech Devices. (Official Battery Sponsor of the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games)
TIB537B7 (KJDEP/BBDEP 106) - Nikon D5000
TIB538ZM 7 (AMDEP 61) - Tenet Insurance: Get Personal Accident Insurance - Expect the Unexpected.
TIB539X7 (KJDEP/BBDEP 106) - Energizer Ultimate Lithium Batteries: Now Lasts Even Longer. The World’s Longest Lasting AA Battery in High-Tech Devices. (Official Battery Sponsor of the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games)
TIB540RM 7 (AMDEP 961)
TIB541M7 (WLDEP 920) - SPC: Your Friendly Neighbourhood Service Station. Keeps Getting Better. Now Open - Bukit Panjang
TIB542K7 (WLDEP 961) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So Much More to Discover. (3rd Gen)
TIB543H2 (KJDEP 190) - Nikon D700
TIB545CM 7 (WLDEP 963)
TIB546A7 (KJDEP 700) - essilor Crizal Eye Care: Live life in the clear
TIB547Y2 (KJDEP 188/188R)
TIB548U7 (KJDEP 188) - Marigold Peel Fresh: A Burst Of Freshness In Every Drop
TIB549S7 (KJDEP 188) - LG: Life's Good with LG Blu-Ray DVD Player
TIB551J7 (KJDEP 190) - Energizer Ultimate Lithium Batteries: Now Lasts Even Longer. The World’s Longest Lasting AA Battery in High-Tech Devices. (Official Battery Sponsor of the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games)
TIB552GM 7 (KJDEP 190) - Workfare Income Supplement: Workfare - Work. Train. A Better Tomorrow. By the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA). [5th Gen]
TIB553D7 (KJDEP 190) - Nikon D5000
TIB554B2 (KJDEP 188/MRT Shuttle - Tampines) - Sunbeam Sunflower Oil: Hi Beautiful
TIB555Z7 (WLDEP 75) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So Much More to Discover.
TIB556X7 (KJDEP 700) - Marigold Full Cream Milk: Very Fresh. Very Good.
TIB557T2 (KJDEP/BBDEP 77) - Nikon D5000
TIB558R7 (KJDEP 176) - Marigold Fresh Milk: 100% Fresh. 100% Australian.
TIB559M7 (KJDEP 176) - Workfare Income Supplement: Workfare - Work. Train. A Better Tomorrow. By the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA). [5th Gen]
TIB560HM 7 (KJDEP 188/188R) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So Much More to Discover.
TIB561E7 (KJDEP/BBDEP 77) - Workfare Income Supplement: Workfare - Work. Train. A Better Tomorrow. By the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA). [5th Gen]
TIB572ZM 7 (AMDEP 969/MRT Shuttle - Bedok) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So Much More to Discover. (3rd Gen)
TIB573X7 (WLDEP 961) - Marigold Peel Fresh: A Burst Of Freshness In Every Drop
TIB574TL 7 (AMDEP 61) - The "I CAN READ!" System: Learn English With The "I CAN READ!" System. More Than Just A Reading Programme... A Computer Literacy System.
TIB575RM 7 (AMDEP 169) - Energizer Ultimate Lithium Batteries: Now Lasts Even Longer. The World’s Longest Lasting AA Battery in High-Tech Devices. (Official Battery Sponsor of the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games)
TIB576M7 (WLDEP 961) - Workfare Income Supplement: Workfare - Work. Train. A Better Tomorrow. By the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA). [5th Gen]
TIB577K7 (WLDEP 171) - NEW! Marigold Pink Grapefruit Yoghurt Drink - Drink to the Lighter Side of Life.
TIB578HM 7 (AMDEP/YIDEP 854) - Nikon D5000
TIB579EM 7 (AMDEP/YIDEP 855) - NEW! Marigold Pink Grapefruit Yoghurt Drink - Drink to the Lighter Side of Life.
TIB580AM 7 (AMDEP 67) - S&W Juices: Obsessively Good. Taste The Juiciness Of S&W Sweet 16" Pineapples Now.
TIB581YM 7 (AMDEP 969/WT11)
TIB582UL 7 (WLDEP 965) - LG - Life's Good When It's Green: World's First Inverter Linear Compressor
TIB583SM 7 (AMDEP/YIDEP 855) - Nikon D700
TIB584P7 (WLDEP 966) - LG - Life's Good When It's Green: World's First Inverter Linear Compressor
TIB585LM 7 (WLDEP 858)
TIB586J7 (KJDEP 188/188R)
TIB587G7 (WLDEP 911E*/966/963*) - Munchy's Oat krunch
TIB588D7 (KJDEP 173) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So Much More to Discover. (3rd Gen)
TIB589B7 (KJDEP/BBDEP 77) - essilor Crizal Eye Care: Live life in the clear
TIB590X7 (KJDEP 173)
TIB591T7 (KJDEP 188E/190/WT7 MRT Shuttle - Tampines/Downtown East Shuttle)
TIB592R7 (KJDEP 176)
TIB593M7 (WLDEP 966/184) - Extra Space Self Storage: Need Extra Space? Call Now! 6304 3200
TIB594K7 (WLDEP/WRDEP 169) - Big Orange Self Storage: Your Self Storage Solutions Provider. (2nd Gen)
TIB595HL 7 (WLDEP 75) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So Much More to Discover. (3rd Gen)
TIB596ET 7 (KJDEP/BBDEP 77) - Hosen Select: Naturally Wholesome Freshness You Can Taste. A Quality Product of Hosen Group Ltd
TIB597C7 (KJDEP 61) - LG: Life's Good with LG Blu-Ray DVD Player
TIB598A7 (KJDEP 61) - NEW! Marigold Pink Grapefruit Yoghurt Drink - Drink to the Lighter Side of Life.
TIB599Y7 (KJDEP 67) - The "I CAN READ!" System: Learn English With The "I CAN READ!" System. More Than Just A Reading Programme... A Computer Literacy System.
TIB600B7 (KJDEP 67) - Marigold Fresh Milk: 100% Fresh. 100% Australian
TIB601Z7 (KJDEP 190)
TIB602XM 7 (WLDEP 75) - Brandt: Innovations You Need: Pamper Yourself with a Brandt. Log on to to Find Out How to Win Attractive Brandt Prizes.
TIB603TM 7 (KJDEP 700) - Lao Fo Ye Haircare Centre: My Hair Is Okay! (feat. Henry Thia)
TIB604R7 (KJDEP 176) - Marigold Full Cream Milk: Very Fresh. Very Good.
TIB605M7 (KJDEP 700)
TIB606KM 7 (KJDEP 176) - B: BMC Academy (2nd Gen)
TIB607H7 (KJDEP 925) - Nikon D5000
TIB608E7 (KJDEP 180) - Outback Steakhouse
TIB609C7 (KJDEP 176)
TIB610YM 7 (KJDEP 176)
TIB611U7 (KJDEP/BBDEP 106) - Hosen Select: Naturally Wholesome Freshness You Can Taste. A Quality Product of Hosen Group Ltd
TIB612S7 (WLDEP 901/587*/963R) [2 extra Foldable seats]
TIB613P7 (KJDEP/BBDEP 77) - Nikon D700
TIB614LM 7 (AMDEP 857) - Brandt: Innovations You Need: Pamper Yourself with a Brandt. Log on to to Find Out How to Win Attractive Brandt Prizes.
TIB615J7 (AMDEP 169) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So Much More to Discover. (3rd Gen)
TIB616G7 (WLDEP SP/963R)
TIB617D2 (AMDEP 61) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So Much More to Discover. (3rd Gen)
TIB618BM 2 (AMDEP 857/MRT Shuttle - Bedok)
TIB619ZM 2 (AMDEP 167) - Marigold Fresh Milk: 100% Fresh. 100% Australian.
TIB620T7 (AMDEP/YIDEP 854) - Big Orange Self Storage: Your Self Storage Solutions Provider. (2nd Gen)
TIB621RM 7 (AMDEP 61) - Nikon D3000
TIB622M7 (WLDEP SP/963R)
TIB623K7 (AMDEP 171) - Nikon D700
TIB624HM 7 (AMDEP 67/SP) - Marigold Peel Fresh: A Burst Of Freshness In Every Drop
TIB625E7 (KJDEP 970) - Tiger Beer: Don't Rush. You Might Spill Your Beer. Enjoy Winning. (4th Gen)
TIB626C7 (KJDEP 700) - Brandt: Innovations You Need: Pamper Yourself with a Brandt. Log on to to Find Out How to Win Attractive Brandt Prizes.
TIB627A7 (KJDEP/BBDEP 77) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So Much More to Discover. (3rd Gen)
TIB628Y7 (KJDEP/BBDEP 77) - LG - Life's Good When It's Green: World's First Inverter Linear Compressor
TIB629U7 (WLDEP 858)
TIB630PM 7 (WLDEP 75) - Essilor Varilux Crizal: Live Life In The Clear
TIB631LM 7 (WLDEP 75) - LG - Life's Good When It's Green: World's First Inverter Linear Compressor
TIB632J2 (WLDEP 963)
TIB633G7 (WLDEP 858)
TIB634D7 (KJDEP 190) - Marigold Juice Drink: L: Anywhere Fun Goes, It Follows!; R:Enriched with Vitamin C, No Preservatives.
TIB798P2 (AMDEP 851) - Nikon D700
TIB800R (KJDEP/BBDEP 106) - Essilor Varilux Crizal: Live Life In The Clear
TIB802KM 3 (WLDEP 858) - Health Promotion Board (HPB) & Ministry Of Health Singapore (MOH): Is This The Place To Check If My Cut Is Serious? The A&E. For Serious Conditions Only.
TIB803HM 3 (WLDEP 858)
TIB804E3 (WLDEP SP) - Nikon D700
TIB805C3 (WLDEP 920) - SPC: Your Friendly Neighbourhood Service Station. Keeps Getting Better. Now Open - Bukit Panjang
TIB806A3 (WLDEP 920)
TIB807Y (KJDEP 177) - Nikon D5000
TIB808U3 (WLDEP 963) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So Much More to Discover.
TIB810L3 (KJDEP 188/188R) - Nikon D3000
TIB811J3 (AMDEP 969)
TIB812G3 (AMDEP 169) - Workfare Income Supplement: Workfare - Work. Train. A Better Tomorrow. By the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA). [5th Gen]
TIB813DM3 (AMDEP 169/WT2) - Nikon D5000
TIB814B3 (AMDEP/YIDEP 855) - Seatronics
TIB816X3 (WLDEP 75) - Tiger Beer: Happy Hour Beats Rush Hour. (3rd Gen)
TIB817T3 (AMDEP 67) - Kuala Lumpur International Motor Show '10: 3 - 12 December 2010, Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur
TIB818R3 (WLDEP 961) - Marigold Full Cream Milk: Very Fresh. Very Good.
TIB819MM3 (AMDEP 61)
TIB820H7 (AMDEP 882)
TIB821E3 (KJDEP 61) - B: Way OnNet Group: Your Professional Partner in Commercial & Residential Feng Shui (3rd Gen) (feat. Grand Master Tan Khoon Yong)
TIB822C3 (WLDEP/WRDEP 965) - Hosen Select: Naturally Wholesome Freshness You Can Taste. A Quality Product of Hosen Group Ltd
TIB823A (KJDEP 700) - Brandt: Innovations You Need: Pamper Yourself with a Brandt. Log on to to Find Out How to Win Attractive Brandt Prizes.
TIB824Y3 (KJDEP 61) - Mister Potato Rice Crisp (L: No Added MSG, 20% Less Fat. Cholesterol and Trans Fat Free.; R: Suddenly Hungry? Eat Rice!
TIB825U3 (WLDEP 963/963E) - Sony Ericsson Vivaz: Catch Life in Brilliant HD with Vivaz (make.believe)
TIB826S3 (WLDEP 963)
TIB827P3M (WLDEP 858) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So Much More to Discover.
TIB829J2 (KJDEP 176)
TIB830D2 (WLDEP 858) - Turkey Welcomes You: A Different Europe, A Different Asia, All Together In Turkey. [3rd Gen]
TIB831B2 (WLDEP 961/903*) - B: Mamadukes
TIB832Z3 (WLDEP 963) - Marigold Peel Fresh: A Burst Of Freshness In Every Drop.
Scania L113CRL (Walter Alexander Strider)
TIB562CM DR (WLDEP 859/981*) - Big Orange
Self Storage (2nd Gen)
TIB563AR (WLDEP 187) - Seatronics
TIB564YM R (WLDEP 178) - Sony Ericsson Vivaz: Catch Life in
Brilliant HD with Vivaz (make.believe)
TIB565UL R (WLDEP 852) - Turkey Welcomes You: A Different
Europe, A Different Asia, All Together In Turkey. [3rd Gen]
TIB566SR (WLDEP 187)
TIB567PR (WLDEP 167) - Tiger Beer: Stop Staring. You'll Miss
The Bus. (3rd Gen)
TIB569JM R (WLDEP 859)
TIB570DR (WLDEP 859)
TIB571BR (WLDEP 178) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to
See, So Much More to Discover.
TIB635BR (WLDEP 167) - Nikon D3000
TIB636Z (WLDEP 852) - NEW! Marigold Pink Grapefruit Yoghurt Drink -
Drink to the Lighter Side of Life.
TIB637XR (WLDEP 178) - Sunbeam Sunflower Oil: Hi Beautiful
TIB638T (WLDEP 178)
TIB639RR (WLDEP 178)
TIB640KM R (WLDEP 187)
TIB641HR (WLDEP 187) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to
See, So Much More to Discover.
TIB642ER (WLDEP 852) - Marigold Full Cream Milk: Very Fresh.
Very Good.
TIB643C (De-registered; Former WLDEP 961)
TIB644AR (WLDEP 852) - LG - Life's Good When It's Green: R:
Plasma Filter - 1.2 Million Sterilization Ions, 60% Energy Saving, 99% Virus
Safe L: Easy Washable Pre-Filter - Anti Corrosion Gold Fin, Super Quiet, 30
MINS auto clean.
TIB645Y (WLDEP 167) - Marigold Juice Drink: L: Anywhere Fun Goes,
It Follows!; R: Enriched with Vitamin C, No Preservatives.
TIB646UR (WLDEP 187) - Tiger Beer: Don't Rush. You Might
Spill Your Beer. (3rd Gen)
TIB647SR (WLDEP 167) - LG - Life's Good When It's Green:
World's First Inverter Linear Compressor
TIB648PR (WLDEP 187) - S&W Juices: Obsessively Good.
Taste The Juiciness Of S&W Sweet 16" Pineapples Now.
TIB649LR (WLDEP 167/980*) - B: ECB Self Storage:
Storage at your own convenience
TIB650GR (WLDEP 859) - NEA: Burned by Dengue
TIB651D (WLDEP 167) - Munchy's Oat krunch
TIB652BR (WLDEP 187) - - NEW! Marigold Pink Grapefruit
Yoghurt Drink - Drink to the Lighter Side of Life
TIB653ZR (WLDEP 167) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to
See, So Much More to Discover.
TIB654XM (WLDEP 178) - Fisherman's Friend: Get The Soothing
Sensation! (feat. Paige Chua)
TIB655TR (WLDEP 167) - Sony Ericsson Vivaz: Catch Life in
Brilliant HD with Vivaz (make.believe)
TIB656RR (WLDEP 187)
TIB657MR (WLDEP 856) - Crizal: Live Life In The Clear
TIB658KR (WLDEP 980) - Tiger Beer: Next Stop, Tiger Beer.
(3rd Gen)
TIB659HR (WLDEP 856)
TIB660CR (WLDEP 167) - MMI Academy B:Modern Montessori
Preschool Centre
TIB661AR (WLDEP 980) - Marigold Peel Fresh: A Burst Of
Freshness In Every Drop
TIB662Y (WLDEP 167) - Marigold Peel Fresh: A Burst Of Freshness In Every
TIB663U (WLDEP 167) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to See, So
Much More to Discover.
TIB664SR (WLDEP 980) - Extra Space Self Storage: Need Extra
Space? Call Now! 6304 3200
TIB665PR (WLDEP 980) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to
See, So Much More to Discover.
TIB666LR L (WLDEP 980) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much
to See, So Much More to Discover.
TIB667JR (WLDEP 980) - LG - Life's Good When It's Green:
World's First Inverter Linear Compressor
TIB668GR (WLDEP 187) - Tourism Malaysia: Malaysia. So Much to
See, So Much More to Discover.
TIB669DR (WLDEP 171) - Crizal: Live Life In The Clear
TIB670ZR M (WLDEP 178) - Extra Space Self Storage: Need Extra
Space? Call Now! 6304 3200
TIB671XR (WLDEP 178) - B: Mei Xin Mooncakes
TIB672TR (WLDEP 178) - Singapore Customs: Don't Get Burnt. (L: You Could Go to Jail for Selling Illegal Cigarettes.; R: One Pack of
Illegal Cigarettes will Cost You a $500 Fine.; B: To Report Illegal
Cigarette Activities, Call 1800-233-0000. It is Against the Law to Buy, Sell or
Otherwise Possess Cigarettes without the SDPC Mark.)
TIB673RR L (WLDEP 178) - LG - Life's Good When It's Green:
World's First Inverter Linear Compressor
TIB674MR (WLDEP 178) - Lao Fo Ye Haircare Centre: My Hair Is
Okay! (feat. Henry Thia)
Scania L113CRL (ELBO)
TIB837K (WLDEP 187)
TIB840AR (WLDEP 852)
TIB841YR (WLDEP 187)
TIB842UR (WLDEP 187) - Energizer Ultimate Lithium Batteries:
Now Lasts Even Longer. The World’s Longest Lasting AA Battery in High-Tech
Devices. (Official Battery Sponsor of the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games)
TIB844P (WLDEP 187)
TIB846JR (WLDEP 187)
TIB847G (WLDEP 852) - Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 (feat. L: Jackie Chan; R: Eugene Kaspersky)
TIB848D (WLDEP 852) - Sony Ericsson Vivaz: Catch Life in Brilliant HD
with Vivaz (make.believe)
The alternative wiki will be up by tomorrow. I'll will let you know more later.
Originally posted by sgbuses:The alternative wiki will be up by tomorrow. I'll will let you know more later.
Ok =D
645Y got the tenet insurance ad, should be done refurbed.
And also do not listTIB368Y TIB1255H and CSS185P and TIB674M as perms yet. Let me observe further before making any confirmations.
Originally posted by sgbuses:The alternative wiki will be up by tomorrow. I'll will let you know more later.
Hi I will like to suggest if you'll wish to set up an online interactive platform e.g. Facebook page so that the new info/edits can be posted there? (Facebook is pretty popular choice as a social /sharing platform today).
You can update periodically while people monitoring the page/online page can also keep abreast with the latest deployments, without having to wait for them to be edited into the new wiki. At the same time, you can moderate the posts on the page. Just a thought haha =)
SMRT buses deployment still can't be seen.
Yeah its takes a day or two to fill in the gaps.
Cameo spotting brought to a haul for a week. Haix... =X
Warning to all : Do not any how edit the wiki please... :)
Possible to add in SMRT Deployments as well? So far I only see SBST Deployments on new wiki.
Originally posted by Junyang700:Possible to add in SMRT Deployments as well? So far I only see SBST Deployments on new wiki.
in the midst of adding. DAFs and lances are up. more to come soon but they will be outdated by a week's time since the old wiki has been down.
Ang Mo Kio Depot has 176 lots for buses including squeezing parking
Yishun Central Interchange has 84 lots including those parking at saw tooth lots.
Kranji Depot has 201 lots-Outside side parking 10 lots,Bukit Batok Interchange has 57 lots while CCK 52 lots including those park at the boarding berth.
Woodlands Depot got 327 lots including those Taxi park along
Woodlands Regional Interchange can space 100 lots excluding park at boarding berth
this wiki suddenly cannot go in, furthermore the current sgwiki not even updated at all (413T batch 0405s dereg already but still reflected in sgwiki??)
end up now very difficult 4 me to post cameos due to wrong info
can someone look into this?
What happen to the current current sgwiki? I try to add in smrt zhongtong but cant edit. Can anyone please go update the current sgwiki?
Originally posted by sgbuses:The alternative wiki will be up by tomorrow. I'll will let you know more later.
Then why now down again?
A new website is coming soon......
Originally posted by SBS8930P:Then why now down again?
Got ALL of old updates done by sgbuses wiki last time? Hope can be retrieved.
Originally posted by TIB657M:Got ALL of old updates done by sgbuses wiki last time? Hope can be retrieved. will be a replacement Wikia.
Sgbuses is closed, and says 'Sorry! Not In Service'.