It's all about marketing.
Originally posted by sgbuses:It's all about marketing.
Probably this bus isn't recognised as it isn't WAB.
When the VSO came, wasn't their window tagged with the "Low-floor buses" or something?
Try searching 9888Y... can see the old photos with it.
SBST nv think of that in the beginning, then SMRT snap away the idea. So SBST LL no choice, although nv agree that SMRT Citaro is the 1st. Nevertheless, we bus fans know the truth can liao.
SMRT is actually politically correct with the phrase "Southeast Asia's 1st 100% Low Floor Euro V Bus"...
Originally posted by Ngweitong:Well, since this topic have been discussed in facebook, I shall not be selfish, and share this with everyone here, for the benefit of the others who don’t know…
As I was taking SBS9841G on 133 today, I was very sian during the trip, I looked around, and realised that VSOs are actually similar to the Citaros, 100% Full Low Floor.
Citaro standard: Low floored from entrance to exit, 1 step up to access seats at the side, but still having a stepless aisle, just that aissle is a little ‘raised’ some where. 1 step up to the last row of seats.
VSO: shares the same features as Citaro, Low floored from entrance to exit, 1 step up to access seats at side, also still having stepless aisle and raised some where, 1 step up to the last row of seats.
In this 2 comparisons, SBS9888Y would be S.E.A F1RST 100% Full Low Floored + Double Decker Bus.
Well some said that VSO is incompatible to Citaro for not being Euro V and WAB. Thats not a problem, KMB sent its Volgren B9 back to Volvo, and brought it back with Euro IV engine. SBST could do the same, replace with Euro V, and then remove front granny seats for PIW area. Now, isnt it compatible with Citaro, or maybe I should say Citaro is not match for the new VSO?
Its just my personal opinion, and my wonderful ideas, might be stupid, but if the above is possible to be done so, Im sure all bros would agree with me right?
VSO already put a low floor warning stickers at the front..but SMRT is Southeast Asia's 1st 100% Low Floor Euro V Bus" as now, not only the bus must be low floor, it also must be environmental friendly...Hence, having low floor is not so that important.
Hence we conclude that VSO is SE Asia's first ever low-floor bus, and Citaro is SE Asia's first low-floor Euro V bus....
How about the Dennis Trident?
Originally posted by sexy girls:How about the Dennis Trident?
nice :)
Originally posted by sexy girls:How about the Dennis Trident?
didnt SBS9888Y come before the tridents came?
SMRT should say: Southeast Asia's F1RST 100% low floor Euro V WAB
Guys u all also forgot the CNG lol... anyway here it goes for 100% low floor buses
SBS9888Y (deregistered sian...first low floor bus in sg) in 1998, followed by the Dennis Trident then in 2003 the Volvo CNG...
Actually WAB end up still B9TL snatch e title away.
Originally posted by sbst275:Actually WAB end up still B9TL snatch e title away.
Well, at least they have 2 titles instead of just one.
SE Asia's 1st 100% Low-floor bus - SBS9888Y
First 100% Low-floor WAB bus in Singapore - Volvo B9TL.
It's a shame that LTA introduced WAB bus idea too late, as compared to Hong Kong, else the B10TL, B10BLE CNG, Tridents, SBS1688K and SBS2888T and TIBS Lances would have become WAB buses.
9888Y <3
Originally posted by SBS7485P:9888Y <3
Originally posted by vicamour:
First 100% Low-floor WAB bus in Singapore - Volvo B9TL.
Low floor? I dont remember any of the B9TL in Singapore are low floor. It could have been, but sbst made it not.
Originally posted by XiaoTaro:Low floor? I dont remember any of the B9TL in Singapore are low floor. It could have been, but sbst made it not.
which alternative would you prefer, to have a low floor all the way to the rear and an insanely narrow aisle which prevents people seated at the back from making their way to the exit door, or a step with a much wider aisle which has sufficient standing room and clearance for seated passengers to move forward?
No, later ELBOs become WAB.