Since the installation of EDS on VO last batch, I find tat SBS Shld EDS be install on B9TL(CDGE) B10TL(Volgren) n B10BLE(CNG) as well. Those were the last few "NEW" batch of buses w/o EDS install..
IMO, I think Installing EDS to B9s is the best option instead of B10TL & CNG
I feel SBST should not install EDS on non-EDS buses.... cos the new EDS have very small numbers -_-"
I hope if they want to install EDS, they install hanover eds because i think the display are bigger and clearer compared to the Lecip`s
Installing EDS on B9s will be the best idea as they are still quite new, but however SBS could also consider fitting EDS on B10BLE because it was supposed to have an EDS by stock but SBS didn't want that at that time of purchase.
if vso installs eds, I think they shld follow SBS9810X's EDS
No. Desto better sial.
Originally posted by SBS7382C:if vso installs eds, I think they shld follow SBS9810X's EDS
i second tt, the EDS for VO 3X [batch 3] is too small and not commuter friendly
EDS? for what? I mean EDS doesn't come cheap though, if I am not wrong.
Originally posted by SBS7382C:if vso installs eds, I think they shld follow SBS9810X's EDS
Originally posted by Acx1688:i second tt, the EDS for VO 3X [batch 3] is too small and not commuter friendly
I rather they install LAWO-Sicma or mobitec EDS. I hate the Lecip and Coolair EDS.
Is the B9TL Desto area too small?
Yes, they should on their B10BLE CNGs, B10TLs and B9TLs.
And use Hanover, Bigger and Brighter.
The CDGE Volvo B9TLs will look cool with the EDSes.
Originally posted by sbst_no_162:I think SBS HAVE to install the EDS on ALL the buses with destos that are not going to retire soon, since the tender system is going to come in place, implemented by LTA.
Meaning that some particular services might jump between the 2 bus operators (or 3 if there’s a new one in future) every several years. It would be a waste if SBS make new destos for some particular bus routes, and then after a few years, lose them to other bus operators after the bid.
acrylic plates are not that expensive to print.. especially if ordered in bulk (say 20-30 pieces) for a service's entire bus fleet.
Originally posted by SBS9818A:acrylic plates are not that expensive to print.. especially if ordered in bulk (say 20-30 pieces) for a service's entire bus fleet.
but its also not that cost effective to print...eds jus need to install then can use it for all services
They should install EDS on these buses, since they are already mass using EDS for their new fleets in future and these buses have at least 10 years to go.
Maybe I can do some picture edits on these buses with EDS when I have the time to spare.
Hope SBST can consider.
I feel that the current Volvo B9TLs look nice and cool with plastic destination signs.
Only B9TL should have EDS installed. Reason being its Wright buses have EDS on it.
EDS are more expensive and it uses electricity.
Acrylic plates are cheaper and it is dead. nothing is needed other than a holder :D
See Hanover EDS everywhere sian already..... I want desto back!!!