Originally posted by TIB 781 L:
on TQ or on a full day slot?
full day
Originally posted by ZRchen:So that's what "the kiwi bus fan" told you...
I was joking then, but he took me TOO serious and thought that it was true.
Yaya.He said tat u saw it from yr sch twice and even took a pic of it wif yr hp and so on....So both of u r cooking up very nice fairy tales.
Originally posted by TIB 781 L:TIB 757H on 178 - rare enough I suppose?
Seriously speaking,wats so rare abt tat??Its jus another CAC 0405 on 178....U mean u really look out for every single WLDEP CAC 0405 to cameo on 178??At least if u say a Volgren Merc on 178 is unusual,i can accept.
Originally posted by Merczrox:
Seriously speaking,wats so rare abt tat??Its jus another CAC 0405 on 178....U mean u really look out for every single WLDEP CAC 0405 to cameo on 178??At least if u say a Volgren Merc on 178 is unusual,i can accept.
I think he means WLDEP 171 permer rarely cameos on 178.
But TIB960L did 178 yesterday. Volgren Merczs also common on 178, but in occassionally basis.
Originally posted by TIB657M:
I think he means WLDEP 171 permer rarely cameos on 178.But TIB960L did 178 yesterday. Volgren Merczs also common on 178, but in occassionally basis.
Dennis Lance better
Originally posted by AEW5001:
Dennis Lance better
my only WL lance cameo is on sv187
Originally posted by AEW5001:my only WL lance cameo is on sv187
aiya...962 ar..
Originally posted by TIB1051D:aiya...962 ar..
i'm still waiting for more of such
Since many people forget about lance cameo on 960 and 964 and SBS5132B on 132
Originally posted by TIB657M:Since many people forget about lance cameo on 960 and 964 and SBS5132B on 132
Haha i still rmb.
Originally posted by AEW5001:my only WL lance cameo is on sv187
Wat was the rego ah??TIB938C ah??
should we close this? it is afterall in line with the other thread.
Originally posted by Merczrox:
Wat was the rego ah??TIB938C ah??
Originally posted by TIB657M:Since many people forget about lance cameo on 960 and 964 and SBS5132B on 132
Lance on sv960 was spotted by me.
same rego has i said above.
... so noob sia
Originally posted by The Kiwi Bus Fan:... so noob sia
You said who noob huh?
And today is not April's Fools day. Don't try to fool everyone. Thanks.
Originally posted by sinicker:should we close this? it is afterall in line with the other thread.
Maybe can asl mod to change the thread name to 'Rare cameo rides' instead.
TIB839E on 307~ actually i have a thread which is really similar to this. but it got expired since nobody came to revive that thread.
Originally posted by TIB657M:
You said who noob huh?And today is not April's Fools day. Don't try to fool everyone. Thanks.
Me myself
Originally posted by TIB657M:
I think he means WLDEP 171 permer rarely cameos on 178.
Yes, you are right, 171 (WLDEP) perms rarely came on 178 though, 61 and 857 perms and the rest are common. Especially on weekdays and sundays.
Originally posted by Merczrox:
Seriously speaking,wats so rare abt tat??Its jus another CAC 0405 on 178....U mean u really look out for every single WLDEP CAC 0405 to cameo on 178??At least if u say a Volgren Merc on 178 is unusual,i can accept.
To you it is another CAC but to me it is rare. You don't find it rare I do.
Just like you find Andrew seow acting on chinese shows common but I don't really find him a common sighting.
Even if I hope 756K and co can come on 178, It will still be the dispatcher's discretion that makes the difference, and I respect that.
An OC (131R) on 913E (Thats was the 960 X-over slot in the morning)
KUB on 194.252.255
SBS9888Y on 72