7320 28
Originally posted by SBS9C:SBS962E(HGDEP SP) on sv27(AC ducts+roof refurbished and I ended smelling like the bus after taking it
SBS515H(BRBP SP) on sv28
TIB 1173 K on 302(KJDEP 106)
TIB 591 T on 172(KJDEP SP)
TIB 897 L on 188(KJDEP 190)
TIB 951 M on 927(KJDEP 925)
TIB 916 R on 985(AMDEP SP)
SMB 105 S on 188(KJDEP 67)
SMB 104 U on 307(KJDEP 970)
SMB 15 T on 172(KJDEP 189)
SMB 53 H on 172(KJDEP 945)
SMB 125 J on 925(KJDEP SP)
SBS7331A on 2 (BNDEP SP)
SBS9826B on 12 (BNDEP SP)
SBS5190C on 21 (AMDEP SP)
SBS5167X on 22 (AMDEP SP)
SBS551C on 30 (SLBP SP)
SBS651Y on 30 (BNDEP SP)
SBS2598E on 51 (SLBP SP)
SBS9151T on 55 (AMDEP SP)
SBS3916P on 58 (AMDEP SP)
SBS3921Z on 58 (AMDEP SP)
SBS3922X on 58 (AMDEP 262) The order as follows: 3921 3922 ? 533 3916
SBS544Z on 79 (SLBP 98)
SBS924K on 100 (HGDEP SP)
SBS501Y on 133 (AMDEP SP)
SBS415M on 181 (SLBP 179)
SBS2610C on 196 (BBDEP 33)
SBS817L on 198 (BBDEP SP)
SBS8035Z on 241 (SLBP 183)
SBS9131Y on 246 (SLBP 179*)
SBS9012H on 254 (SLBP 243)
Originally posted by tintinspartan:SBS7378H on 65 (BNDEP) -> FREE RIDE Heaven and Earth. 4:12 pm at Henderson going to Tampines.
You mean SBS7378R. It is: BBDEP 198 permer? Very rare to spot B9 from BBDEP/ARBP side though.
SBS824R on 92A (ARBP 16)
Some VO3X with the LECIP EDS was on 86 today ...
Originally posted by orange28:Some VO3X with the LECIP EDS was on 86 today ...
SBS9644J is perm AM 86.
SBS493L on 70 (AMDEP SP)
SBS602P on 222 (BNDEP SP)
SBS631E on 35 (BNDEP SP)
SBS672L on 196 (BBDEP 74)
SBS5008Y on 38 (BNDEP 359)
SBS8269R on 3 (BNDEP 39)
Part 2:
168: SBS9154G
180: TIB771R
187: TIB663U
903: TIB985R TIB1178Y
925: TIB702R
963: TIB555Z
9 July 2010
SBS8219K on Service 29 (BNDEP 293) <- last wed was also on 29
SBS882Y on Service 72 (AMDEP 58)
SBS1916C on Service 72 (AMDEP SP)
SBS801G on Service 132 (HGDEP SP) <- old desto
DT on 132 (bus behind 801G)
SBS9012H on 251 (ADD on NAC svc) did 1 trip of 251 at 1819 hrs under 8E timesheet.
09 July 2010 (Friday)
SBS Transit
SBS434H (SLBP SP) Service 51
SBS459L (SLBP 179) Service 157
SBS496D (BRBP SP) Service 138
SBS651Y (BNDEP SP) Service 30
SBS833P (BBDEP 198) Service 273
SBS845Y (BBDEP 282) Service 99
SBS5229B (SLBP SP) Service 174
SBS8021M (SLBP SP) Service 78
SBS8043A (BBDEP 198/272*) Express 506
SBS8949L (BBDEP 506) Service 198
SBS9009T (SLBP 97) Service 242
SBS9131Y (SLBP 179*) Service 246
SMRT Buses
TIB590X (WLDEP 173) Service 187
TIB560H (KJDEP/CCDEP 188) Service 947
TIB562C (WLDEP 859/981*) Service 167
TIB951M (KJDEP/CCDEP 925) Service 927
TIB1012S (AMDEP SP) Service 855
SMB15T (KJDEP/BBBP 189) Service 172
SMB28G (AMDEP SP) Service 851
SMB53H (KJDEP/BBBP 945) Service 172
SMB67T (KJDEP 190) Service 188
SMB72C (KJDEP 970) Service 945
SMB94P (AMDEP 851) Service 985
SMB105S (KJDEP 67) Service 188
SMB111Z (KJDEP 67) Service 188
SMB126G (AMDEP SP) Service 851
SMB127D (AMDEP SP) Service 851
Unknown Buses
Unidentified Leyland Olympian 3-axle (Walter Alexander) Service 251
Unidentified Mercedes-Benz O405 (Hispano OAC) Service 178
Originally posted by ahjack 77:
Sentosa Bus perm status i base on SGwiki de.
SBS5001R on Training Bus (SLBP SP) <- spotted along Hg Ave 3
Today 09/07/10:
TIB535G on 961(WLDEP SP/WT14)
TIB560H on 947(KJDEP 188)
TIB627A on 947(KJDEP/BBDEP 77)
TIB799L on 960(WLDEP/WRDEP 965)
TIB871K on 67(KJDEP 176)
TIB885X on 190(KJDEP 180)
TIB992U on 180(KJDEP 302)
SMB134H on 960(WLDEP SP)
Originally posted by SMB66X:Lol that bus arh...I saw it parking near the indian store..and bc gone! LOL! EDS still on but Bc not around. Only after 15mins, the bc came down from the escalator...I bet he went to the toilet to relieve himself :D. Then it went Off Service.
o.0 issit? He is the BC of TIB985R marhs. :D
Originally posted by TIB985R:o.0 issit? He is the BC of TIB985R marhs. :D
Yup. Was shocked to see him driving a rigid instead of a bendy...somemore is a scania.. :D
Cause is youth day marhs. Expected to have lesser passengers, but it ended up fully packed as the bus in front was TIB459T.
SBS9214S on 51 [HG 161].
TIB489G on 963E [WL 963].
TIB550L on 961 [AM 106].
TIB552G on 75 [KJ 190].
TIB564Y on 173 [WL 966].
TIB571B on 963 [WL 178].
TIB605M on 190 [KJ 700].
TIB729P on 173 [WL SP].
TIB738M on 925 [KJ 700].
TIB778Y on 171 [AM 169].
TIB781L on 963 [WL 966/969].
TIB799L on 960 [WL 965].
TIB981B on 901 [WL 969].
TIB1090R on 963 [WL 169].
TIB1132D on 188 [KJ 176].
TIB1177A on 106 [KJ 190].
TIB 815Z on 171
TIB 474Z*,478*,622M*,725A*on 178 - rarely see matching regos on 178
TIB 799L on 960
TIB 550L on 961
TIB 781L on 963
TIB 482A on 969 - directly replacing 478M.
replacing 638T,661A,667J,639R
Unidentified Mercedes-Benz O405 (Hispano OAC)Service 178
What time did you saw the unknown OAC? if you spotted it at 1630, it is 474Z, 1647, 622M, 1730 478M.
SBS8695T(BBDEP 7) on 99
SBS9131Y(SLBP 179) on 246
SBS9012H(SLBP 243) on 251
SBS8035Z(SLBP 183) on 241
SBS5017X(SLBP 197) on 241
SBS9164C(SLBP 143) on 243
SBS415M(SLBP SP) on 181
SBS561Z(SLBP SP) on 242
SBS9474H(BBDEP 196) on 198
SBS9009T(SLBP 97) on 242
SBS8986D(SLBP 78) on 157
SBS7362K(BBDEP 7) on 198
SBS514K(BRBP SP) on 157