Originally posted by SBS9231S:I have seen 190 at Eu Tong Sen St. and wasnt very full. There were still seats left. Its Only Until Hill St Den all this This starts Happening During PM peak
Originally posted by mancha:Do buses still have the "Licensed to carry" info. Like 1 driver, 42 passengers seated, and 20 passengers standing kind ot thingy. ?
Can Raymond do something about the packed buses?
Will he condone the overcrowding, just like the TP close one eye for the buses but book the lorries carrying construction workers.
The accumulation of of waiting passengers will be worse if the licence is strictly followed, and the frequency is haphazard during rush hours. Bunching and then long wait.
Originally posted by sbst275:
In e morning Sv 5 can be packed from abt 30% loading aft picking up ppl along Jln Eunos aft exiting from PIE.
Yest was waiting for 9 at the Simei St 3 eastpoint bus stop at 645pm.SBS1898X 1st came and as usual,all the crowd at the bus stop cldnt get in.So everybody obviously pissed off waited for the next bus as well as me.Then a DD popped up in the distance.Everybody got so excited and thought it was svc 9 since svc 5 had jus left and chionged to the front to b able to get in 1st.Then as the DD approached the bus stop,it jus chionged by witout stopping.There were full svc 9 destos placed both at the front and sides.Wah all the ppl damn fed up alr.Wait so long more than 15 mins and see a empty DD chionging past wit full svc 9 destos was the last ting they wanted to see.Then close to 10 mins aft the DD went past,SBS1913K on 9A came.Haiz all SDs.Agn many ppl cldnt get onboard tis bus also.But i heng managed to squeeze myself in.
They say svc 9 add trips but i dun feel the effect leh.Still lik last time at the peak hour.All SDs.And one ting very pathetic abt svc 9 is during off peak wen no ppl at all u can see all the DDs running.Wen peak hour leh and full crowd,all the SDs come out.Wth is happening man??Svc 9 nvr seems to change.
Originally posted by SBS3688Y:prob why you see so many SD on svc 9 during peak and many ADD during off-peak maybe some of the ADDs are used to serve other routes such as Premium etc. I think HK is still better as majority are DDs.
PM peak dun hav premiums wat.
And i agree wit yr last sentence. :(
Sv 9 needs more ADDs.
As to moving to upper deck, not so bad for 9.
Yea definitely its a must.
And yea svc 9 dosent hav any probs lik ppl not goin up.The ppl all will go up automatically wen lower deck is very full and sometimes upp deck can b fully seated also.
But i observed on 9A tat not many ppl go up and choose to stay below cuz its jus a short route.Most of the ppl take from Simei St 3 eastpoint bus stop until Tam Ave 2.Tis stretch is where the demand lies most.After the Tam Ave 2 stop,more than half of the bus wld become empty alr.