I certainly hope to see new Mercedes Benz buses for SBST in future, like Citaros, Diesel Hybrid etc.
Types of Mercedes Benz chassis that SBS/SBST used before:
- LP1113
- OF1113
- OF1413
- OF1417
- O303
- O305
- O405
- O405G
- OC500LE
Bodies used:
- Soon Chow (for LP1113, OF1113, OF 1413, OF1417)
- Chua Heng (for LP1113, OF1113, if I'm not wrong)
- Hawke (for OF1417)
- New Zealand Bus Bodies (for OF1417)
- Mercedes Benz (for O303)
- Willowbroke (for O305 demo)
- Duple Metsec (for OF1413, O405)
- Walter Alexander (for O305, O405)
- Volgren (fro O405G demo)
- Gemilang (for OC500LE demo)
Originally posted by Halide:I'll always remember these buses as the last ones to be on our roads with loud engine noises. If you think these 0405 engine noise levels are ear splitting, then you've never heard a Leyland Atlantean roar. =D
Btw, slight off topic here, but do HK bus operators there use the 0405? I don't remember seeing it on their roads. If they don't use it, im curious to know why since its such a popular model worldwide.
Discovery Bay area has/had a few O405.
Memory photo of SBS225U cameo on service 402, Feb 2010.
Originally posted by Ngweitong:no chance to take SBS999U
I went on it went I was 4.
Originally posted by vicamour:I certainly hope to see new Mercedes Benz buses for SBST in future, like Citaros, Diesel Hybrid etc.
Have you heard of Conecto?
In 2006, when IMF happen, most of the Mk4 DM, DM3500, strider from various depot except for BRBP, AMDEP, SLBP went to do the shuttle service and various merc came to replace BBDEP, HGDEP, BNDEP? service like 27, 165, clemnti feeeder etc.. that was the best time for mercedes :D
Originally posted by bus555:In 2006, when IMF happen, most of the Mk4 DM, DM3500, strider from various depot except for BRBP, AMDEP, SLBP went to do the shuttle service and various merc came to replace BBDEP, HGDEP, BNDEP? service like 27, 165, clemnti feeeder etc.. that was the best time for mercedes :D
Ya I still remember that when I saw Merc on 156, I was shocked. After that I realised that it was just cameo during IMF, nv get to take it on them though.
Originally posted by bus555:In 2006, when IMF happen, most of the Mk4 DM, DM3500, strider from various depot except for BRBP, AMDEP, SLBP went to do the shuttle service and various merc came to replace BBDEP, HGDEP, BNDEP? service like 27, 165, clemnti feeeder etc.. that was the best time for mercedes :D
bndep mk4s went to amdep/bram to do IMF shuttle, while bbdep Mk4s went to slbp. IMF Shuttle requires even manpower from all depots. With amdep/bram/slbp having few mk4s, the swap occured.
And yes epic deployments occured during the 2 week period. None like what you see today.
merc capacity is the best... search for stuttgart capacity, and you will see what i meant
I just saw a MB O405 DM with side indicator (right) at the top, like the DM Mk4.
BTW, y did they phase out the WAs first?
Were the Mk2s considered noisy?
Originally posted by The Kiwi Bus Fan:Were the Mk2s considered noisy?
well not to me..
loved the NAC version was simply awesome..
Some still alive...
Originally posted by The Kiwi Bus Fan:I just saw a MB O405 DM with side indicator (right) at the top, like the DM Mk4.
BTW, y did they phase out the WAs first?
the WAs were the first to be registered so probably tats the reason
Still remember, SBS98U did on 143 and I took it!
'Alive' Ones
Some DM O405s have whine. I went on one on svc 135 and it broke down at traffic junction. About 4 years ago.
some dm oac merc got a foul smell from the engine at the rear.
Sry For Bump but... SBST Selling Spare Parts Of O405 Already
Expressions of interest are invited for the purchase of genuine spare parts for Mercedes Benz O 405 from us. Prospective buyers may send us an e-mail to request for the list of spare parts or an appointment to view the spare parts.
SBS has been Merc customers since the LP1113 era. That they stopped buying any more Mercs is sad indeed.
I have seen the OF1413s superseded by the OF1417s and then the O405s over the years. We have come a long way from the days of fluted Soon Chow bodies.
AMK has lots of MBO405s. One of the "alive" places
No more already now more and more K230UBs and 1 K310UD.