Originally posted by QX179R:use abit of your imagination & slowly try to figure out..
I think for very long liao leh... tell me leh...
Probably DM3500. Most of the Striders went straight out of BBDEP onto other depots when KUBs replaced them on 506.
Originally posted by QX179R:use abit of your imagination & slowly try to figure out..
i cant even imagine some of them returning back to Singapore in one piece...
Originally posted by SBS7382C:i cant even imagine some of them returning back to Singapore in one piece...
catch no ball...
and 160 no need to replace the mark IIIs?
Originally posted by SBS7382C:i cant even imagine some of them returning back to Singapore in one piece...
there's always the raffia string & masking tape..
Originally posted by Ngweitong:and 160 no need to replace the mark IIIs?
need coz slowly slowly all the MK3s will be like the WA 0405s..
so what does it mean that it wont be back in a piece?
Originally posted by QX179R:need coz slowly slowly all the MK3s will be like the WA 0405s..
Yeah... 160 does not have any 58* to 6** series MK3s currently.
Lowest rego for 160 is: SBS707X
Originally posted by QX179R:need coz slowly slowly all the MK3s will be like the WA 0405s..
Yeah... 160 does not have any 58* to 6** series MK3s currently.
Lowest rego for 160 is: SBS707X
Does 170 did overnight parking at JB b4?
just a second
Originally posted by Ngweitong:so what does it mean that it wont be back in a piece?
they are saying that the road conditions in JB is very worst.. so the KUBs will suffer a lot of damage while travelling in JB roads.. and most likely the KUB will break into pieces.
I dun understand why they need to make such comments.. The majors roads conditions are quite well now in JB...If the road conditions in the major roads is really that bad, why do i see Singapore cars driving at 90/100km/hr along the road leading to Larkin Terminal? If you look at our Singapore roads, there are even more uneven surface, due to the consistent digging/patching of the road surface.... today dig, one month dig the second lane...
Originally posted by lemon1974:they are saying that the road conditions in JB is very worst.. so the KUBs will suffer a lot of damage while travelling in JB roads.. and most likely the KUB will break into pieces.
I dun understand why they need to make such comments.. The majors roads conditions are quite well now in JB...If the road conditions in the major roads is really that bad, why do i see Singapore cars driving at 90/100km/hr along the road leading to Larkin Terminal? If you look at our Singapore roads, there are even more uneven surface, due to the consistent digging/patching of the road surface.... today dig, one month dig the second lane...
Yeap it's not that bad as we put it out to be. However, if KUB were to deployed, they would need to lower the hump at the checkpoint but dun think it will happen in the near future :)
Originally posted by SBS7382C:i cant even imagine some of them returning back to Singapore in one piece...
the road conditions in JB are not as bad as what you think
Volvo MK4s
Originally posted by lemon1974:they are saying that the road conditions in JB is very worst.. so the KUBs will suffer a lot of damage while travelling in JB roads.. and most likely the KUB will break into pieces.
I dun understand why they need to make such comments.. The majors roads conditions are quite well now in JB...If the road conditions in the major roads is really that bad, why do i see Singapore cars driving at 90/100km/hr along the road leading to Larkin Terminal? If you look at our Singapore roads, there are even more uneven surface, due to the consistent digging/patching of the road surface.... today dig, one month dig the second lane...
you mean the kub too low floored then below will kana scratch by uneven surface?
Originally posted by SBS n SMRT:plus overnight parking =(
Park with Malaysia Rapid Penang Scania KUB(if the bus happen to be found parking there...)
Looking forward to see services 160/170 with different fleets soon. It is rather dull to see them still with Volvo MK3s till now.
Originally posted by SMB32T:Looking forward to see services 160/170 with different fleets soon. It is rather dull to see them still with Volvo MK3s till now.
Dun beat ard the bush n jus admit tat u wan to see kubs on 160/170 nw.Nth wld happen.
Originally posted by SMB66X:Park with Malaysia RapidKL Scania KUB(if the bus happen to be found parking there...)
RapidKL dosent hav Scania kubs.U mean RapidPenang....
for mi
mk 4 strider is ok to mi
but KUB no ty
Originally posted by QX179R:need coz slowly slowly all the MK3s will be like the WA 0405s..
But tink they wun b the direct replacements for the MK3s on 160/170....For now la.
The direct replacements shld b the DM3500s as wat everyone is talking abt now....The kubs tink mayb a few yrs later.
Originally posted by lemon1974:they are saying that the road conditions in JB is very worst.. so the KUBs will suffer a lot of damage while travelling in JB roads.. and most likely the KUB will break into pieces.
I dun understand why they need to make such comments.. The majors roads conditions are quite well now in JB...If the road conditions in the major roads is really that bad, why do i see Singapore cars driving at 90/100km/hr along the road leading to Larkin Terminal? If you look at our Singapore roads, there are even more uneven surface, due to the consistent digging/patching of the road surface.... today dig, one month dig the second lane...
I really agree wit tis.I always keep on tinking tat they suka suka keep on digging lik tis forever,one day wat wld happen if the whole singapore jus sank????
OT a bit since we talking abt Malaysian roads:
2 yrs back wen i went to KL,the road surface there was freaking terrible!!!!I still rmb there were lik huge pothholes almost everywhere on the rd and my relative's car i was in was lik shaking here and there going through the terribe holes.But wen i went there tis Feb,the road conditions had improved so much.Didnt really expect such good improvements.... :)
just throw all the euro iv batch i to 160 170.
Originally posted by SMB66X:Park with Malaysia RapidKL Scania KUB(if the bus happen to be found parking there...)
ours kena, theirs nice nice =(