Originally posted by chickenlittle2:They are crossover from svc 179. 9285L also crossover.
I know but crossover also count as cameo ma..
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:
no la, u must see the driver or if possible his timetable. On mon. isn't both 9363 and 9496 on service? SP bus from svc 179 means during NTU term break some buses become SP. Then 9334D is driven by the S shift driver. Most of the time, they are the same driver but maybe switch between the 2 S shift bus.On Wed, 9291T replace 9496U which was on service 98. 9363U,9078T was on svc.
8033D replace 8891T -S Shift
9334D replace 5001R - S Shift
8202H replace 8899Y - P Shift
9291T replace 9496U which was on svc 98 - A/P shift
8048L replace an A/P shift
Others like 9080K, 9114Y are crossover from 179.Some breakdown..
8891T, 5001R - S Shift
8613E, 9496U, 9363U, 9078T, 9109M - A/P Shift
8899T - P Shift
I mean is but some days 9363 and 9496 are not on.. i never say everyday...
Originally posted by TIB1232Z:
Hmm you're very observant :)241 converted 1 ASD to 1 ADD from 30th April. 5001R got taken out and replaced by 9334D.
Not observant but too obivious.. Everyday comfirm see KUB cameo mean got 1 bus mia... so i keep a lookout for all 241 that went pass my house. from the 1st to the last. almost everyday will count 5001 out de... and sometimes 9363 and 9496
Saturday, 8 May 2010
169 (AM/WLDEP) TIB1011U
178 (WLDEP) TIB746P
853 (AMDEP) SMB80D
903 (WLDEP) TIB866B
911 (WLDEP) TIB446E TIB451P
912 (WLDEP) TIB1061A
913 (WLDEP) TIB1144U TIB1163P
925 (KJDEP) SMB89E
950 (WLDEP) TIB447C
962 (WLDEP) TIB1228L
965 (AM/WLDEP) TIB916R
969 (AM/WLDEP) TIB727U
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:Some breakdown..
5001R - S Shift
5001 S shift machaim like no S shift... sometime saw it did morning to night.....
Originally posted by Junyang700:08/05/2010 (Sat) (Part 2)
SBS9144K on 179 (SLBP 241)
Perm 179.
SBS538S on 185(SLBP 182)
SBS3920B on 240(SLBP SP)
SBS9041Z on 241(SLBP 154)
Today 08/05/10 Saturday :
TIB442R on 985(KJDEP 970)
TIB446E on 911(WLDEP 857)
TIB560H on 188R(KJDEP 188)
TIB710S on 975(KJDEP 75)
TIB728S on 969(WLDEP SP)
TIB736T on 969(AMDEP/YIBP 854)
TIB770T on 187(WLDEP 169)
TIB790K on 187(WLDEP 177**/925*)
TIB796U on 969(WLDEP SP)
TIB798P on 171(AMDEP 851)
TIB810L on 188R(KJDEP 190)
TIB821E on 180(KJDEP 75)
TIB866B on 903(WLDEP 856)
TIB921A on 969(AMDEP 980)
TIB940U on 169(AMDEP 985)
TIB971E on 187(WLDEP 969)
TIB993S on 184(KJDEP 302)
TIB1026C on 180(KJDEP 106)
TIB1089X on 912(WLDEP 187)
TIB1111P on 911(WLDEP 969)
TIB1115D on 180(KJDEP 67)
TIB1192E on 187(WLDEP SP)
SMB90A on 925(KJDEP 970)
SMB119C on 961(WLDEP 960)
SMB121U on 961(WLDEP 960)
SMB125J on 176(KJDEP SP)
SMB129Z on 963(WLDEP 961)
SMB133K on 965(WLDEP 961)
*1 unidentified blue ad (not adidas) OC on svc 961
Originally posted by Blackerol:Today 08/05/10 Saturday :
*1 unidentified blue ad (not adidas) OC on svc 961
Shld be Science Centre bah?
Originally posted by LTnF1fan:8/5
8137M on 113 (HGDEP 27) with sunkist ad!
i knew there was a cameo on service 113 on 8/5 as i saw a perm bus SBS5011L Of (HGDEP 113) On Svc 109
Originally posted by Junyang700:Er.... This bus is perm 172. Appears almost everyday on 172.
i thought it's perm 190?
Originally posted by TIB657M:
TIB784D went missing?
nope, still alive and kicking yesterday.
Originally posted by Kira™:
I know but crossover also count as cameo ma..
like that 453C on 193 at 6.50am also cameo?
happy mother's day
SBS9367J: 99 (BB 165)
SMB121U: 187 (WL 960) ex-perm
SMB128B: 187 (WL 961)
187 has decided to deploy OC cameos to 'her' mothers.
08 May 2010
SBS2807C on Trunk 7 (BBDEP SP)
SBS2705M on Trunk 27 (HGDEP 147/532*)
SBS9642P on Trunk 133 (AMDEP 166) LECIP
SBS482T on Trunk 143 (SLBP 183)
TIB729P on Trunk 167 (WLDEP 961)
SBS2824C on Trunk 195 (BBDEP SP)
SBS602 on Townlink 222 (BNDEP SP)
TIB852R on Trunk 859 (WLDEP 964)
TIB916R on Trunk 965 (AMDEP SP)
TIB937E on Trunk 965 (AMDEP 985)
TIB735X on Trunk 980 (WLDEP 169)
TIB960L on Trunk 980 (WLDEP 962)
Originally posted by SBS8904R:8/5
Also many chartered SMRT rigids (More than 20 I suppose) were seen parking alongside Holland Road near Gleneagles Hospital at around 10:30pm. Wonder what is the event?
No wonder I saw 3 MB O405 CAC on SLE together heading BKE direction in the afternoon. Guess they were from AMDEP.
TIB426M on 912 [WL 61].
Originally posted by SBS5010P:
i thought it's perm 190?
used to be 190 perm last time, until it was redeployed to 172...
Wanted to catch 3921 Z on 88 but ended up with:
485 K on 88 (BRBP SP)
Today (9th May 2010)
SBS 8338A on SV 3 (BNDEP SP)
SBS 444D on SV 21 (AMDEP SP)
SBS 8618S on SV 21 (AMDEP 53)
SBS 8187T on SV 55 (AMDEP 133)
SBS 8392S on SV 62 (HGDEP 100) - NIKON
SBS 8408G on SV 62 (HGDEP 100) - City Square Mall
SBS 8410Z on SV 62 (HGDEP 100) - Lipton
SBS 969G on SV 89 (HGDEP 163)
SBS 2695H on SV 89 (HGDEP 163) - Naughty G
SBS 2736Z on SV 89 (HGDEP 158)
SBS 9133S on SV 133 (AMDEP SP)
SBS 9642P on SV 133 (AMDEP 166) - LECIP
Originally posted by Kira™:
I know but crossover also count as cameo ma..
but most likey they will be fixed for at least a week..
Originally posted by Kira™:
I mean is but some days 9363 and 9496 are not on.. i never say everyday...
ya, 9496 by 9291 then there are many instances where the KUB cameo for DD slot like last fri. 8892 replace a DD slot, if I am nt wrong is 9363.
haha i saw a driver of service 51 put service 52 on it's EDS in hougang interchange and the passengers were amazed why service 52 stop at the svc 51 berth , i told the bus driver and he thanked me and changed the EDS.
anyways ,
Svc 62 - SBS8888D (HGDEP 100)
Svc 62 - SBS8137M (HGDEP 27) - Sunkist Advertisement
TIB562C on 187
SBS454A on Service 22 (AMDEP SP) <- Someone's fav
SBS435E on Service 166 (AMDEP 25)
SBS518A on Service 166 (AMDEP 135/138)
SBS403Y on Chinatown Direct CT8 (AMDEP SP)
TIB967T on Service 961 (WLDEP 969) <- it would be nice if it is TIB961J lol
TIB744U on Service 969 (WLDEP 61)