Friday, 7 May 2010
169 (AM/WLDEP) TIB663U
178 (WLDEP) TIB482A
858 (WLDEP) TIB483Y
901 (WLDEP) TIB446E TIB1111P
903 (WLDEP) TIB1089X TIB1090R
911 (WLDEP) TIB449Y TIB544E TIB1169Z TIB1234T
912 (WLDEP) TIB555Z TIB1056R TIB1107C TIB1140E TIB1191H TIB1246J
925 (KJDEP) TIB549S TIB560H
950 (WLDEP) TIB447C TIB452L
961 (AM/WLDEP) TIB816X
962 (WLDEP) TIB981B TIB1041H TIB1155M
963 (WLDEP) TIB1071X
964 (WLDEP) TIB448A TIB763P
969 (AM/WLDEP) TIB593M TIB727U TIB775E TIB796U
Originally posted by azharjj:Euro V KUB on 96 - is it related to cross-over from 95/95D/95A/96 ?
If you saw it slightly after 6.30pm from Archi bus stop to Clementi, yes.
SBS2654B - 16 (BBDEP SP)
SBS9848M - 17 (BNDEP 69)
SBS594D - 18 (BNDEP SP)
SBS794T - 30 (BNDEP SP)
SBS631E - 33 (BNDEP SP)
SBS603L - 222 (BNDEP SP)
SBS611M - 225 (BNDEP 2)
Originally posted by Kira™:
So my guess was right. 5001 maybe going transfering out from 241 cause it did not appear on service for around 2 to 3 weeks le.
That maybe just a temp arrangement. cos it's slot is filled up with SP bus from svc 179.
Today (7th May 2010)
SBS Transit
SBS 9313P on SV 21 (AMDEP SP)
SBS 9838S on SV 23 (BNDEP 69)
SBS 493L on SV 55 (AMDEP SP)
SBS 596Z on SV 65 (BNDEP SP)
SBS 599R on SV 65 (BNDEP SP)
SBS 882Y on SV 70 (AMDEP SP)
SBS 424L on SV 76/76A (AMDEP 22) - Walls
SBS 8537S on SV 76 (AMDEP 410)
SBS 9645G on SV 76 (AMDEP 70) - LECIP
SBS 638L on SV 81 (BNDEP SP)
SBS 648D on SV 132 (HGDEP SP)
SBS 652U on SV 132 (HGDEP SP)
SBS 662R on SV 132 (HGDEP SP)
SBS 9265P on SV 147 (ARBP 65)
SBS 2657T on SV 158 (HGDEP SP)
SBS 605G on SV 165 (HGDEP 315)
SBS 590P on SV 315 (HGDEP SP)
SMRT NightRider
TIB 615J on NR 6 (AMDEP 169)
SMB 51M on NR 7 (AMDEP 171)
TIB 532P on NR 7 (AMDEP 67)
SBST Employee Bus
SBS 2833B on EB 5 (BNDEP 37) - FF Meta Desto
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:
That maybe just a temp arrangement. cos it's slot is filled up with SP bus from svc 179.
Not from 179. Mostly KUB replacement cause this 2 to 3 weeks got different KUB on service. 9334 i think mostly is on 9363 or 9496 slot cause also rarely saw this 2 bus on service..
SBS 491S(BRBP SP)on Svc 26
SBS 5096S(BRBP SP)on Svc 231G
SMB 32T(AMDEP 171)on Svc 851 (2nd day)
Originally posted by Kira™:
Not from 179. Mostly KUB replacement cause this 2 to 3 weeks got different KUB on service. 9334 i think mostly is on 9363 or 9496 slot cause also rarely saw this 2 bus on service..
Hmm you're very observant :)
241 converted 1 ASD to 1 ADD from 30th April. 5001R got taken out and replaced by 9334D.
May 7
SBS1916C sv70[AM SP]
SBS9516X sv10[BB 99]
SBS822X sv32[AR 273]
SBS2654B sv16[BB SP]
SBS424L sv76[AM SP]
SBS984L sv100[HG 153]
SMB108J sv75[KJ 945]
SMB125J sv700[KJ SP]
May 8
SBS590P sv43[HG SP]
SBS9231S sv14[BN 225]
SBS9341H sv81[BN 69]
SBS8702G sv27[HG 147]
SBS9524Y sv168[BN 31]
SBS8480X sv3[BN 17]
SBS8580R sv3[BN 10]
SBS8139H sv34[HG 156]
SBS2679E sv103[HG 151/e]
SBS2695H sv147[HG 163]
SBS517C sv22[AM 130]
SBS880C on 80
SBS8888D on 80
Originally posted by service_238:
If you saw it slightly after 6.30pm from Archi bus stop to Clementi, yes.
i saw it at commonwealth ave west twrds clementi at 6.50pm
SBS555S on 145 (AM 410)
jus spotted the 1st euro IV bus in sg! (SMB 1 H) on service 172.din manage to get a shot as my phone died on me
Originally posted by lohkinwah:jus spotted the 1st euro IV bus in sg! (SMB 1 H) on service 172.din manage to get a shot as my phone died on me
Originally posted by lohkinwah:jus spotted the 1st euro IV bus in sg! (SMB 1 H) on service 172.din manage to get a shot as my phone died on me
Er.... This bus is perm 172. Appears almost everyday on 172.
08/05/2010 (Sat) (Part 1)
TIB714G on 75 (KJDEP 985)
TIB716B on 75 (KJDEP 970)
SMB125J on 176 (KJDEP SP)
TIB777A on 187 (WLDEP 966)
TIB1056R on 960 (WLDEP SP)
Originally posted by Kira™:
Not from 179. Mostly KUB replacement cause this 2 to 3 weeks got different KUB on service. 9334 i think mostly is on 9363 or 9496 slot cause also rarely saw this 2 bus on service..
no la, u must see the driver or if possible his timetable. On mon. isn't both 9363 and 9496 on service? SP bus from svc 179 means during NTU term break some buses become SP. Then 9334D is driven by the S shift driver. Most of the time, they are the same driver but maybe switch between the 2 S shift bus.
On Wed, 9291T replace 9496U which was on service 98. 9363U,9078T was on svc.
8033D replace 8891T -S Shift
9334D replace 5001R - S Shift
8202H replace 8899Y - P Shift
9291T replace 9496U which was on svc 98 - A/P shift
8048L replace an A/P shift
Others like 9080K, 9114Y are crossover from 179.
Some breakdown..
8891T, 5001R - S Shift
8613E, 9496U, 9363U, 9078T, 9109M - A/P Shift
8899T - P Shift
Originally posted by Kira™:7/5/10
SBS9334D on 241(SLBP 179)
SBS9365P on 241(SLBP 179)
They are crossover from svc 179. 9285L also crossover.
SMB55C , TIB547Y , TIB712L & TIB717Z on 172
TIB804E & TIB1109Y on 187
SBS 552A(AMDEP SP)on Svc 269
SBS5011L - Svc 109 (HGDEP 113)
SBS5001R nvr appear on svc 241 for a while le.
i keep see SBS5001R EDS "TRAINING BUS" for 2-3 weeks liao around hougang and kovan area
Burned by dengue cameos:
TIB 884 Z on 190(KJDEP 302)
SMB 53 H on 106(KJDEP 945)
Other cameos:
TIB 886 T on 300(KJDEP 172)
TIB 1133 B on 302(KJDEP 106)
TIB 863 J on 302(KJDEP 189)
TIB 844 P on 178(WLDEP 187)
TIB 1035 B on 67(KJDEP 190)
TIB 1034 D on 67(KJDEP 190)
TIB 717 Z on 172(KJDEP 975)
TIB 469 P on 190(KJDEP 970)[Ex-perm]
TIB 605 M on 190(KJDEP 176)
TIB 947 B on 172(KJDEP 925)
TIB 442 R on 67/985(KJDEP 970)[on 67 in the morning, on 985 when I saw it in the evening..]
SMB 90 A on 925(KJDEP 970)
SMB 104 U on 67(KJDEP 970)
SMB 62 G on 307(KJDEP 172)
08/05/2010 (Sat) (Part 2)
SBS9144K on 179 (SLBP 241)
SBS7206D on 182M (SLBP SP)
SBS459L on 240 (SLBP 179)
SBS9291T on 241 (SLBP 179/255)
SBS7200U on 254 (SLBP SP)
SBS9080K on 255 (SLBP 179)
TIB712L on 172 (KJDEP 985)
TIB947B on 172 (KJDEP 925)
TIB858A on 176 (KJDEP 184)
TIB875A on 176 (KJDEP 184)
TIB988H on 176 (KJDEP 188)
TIB1210L on 176 (KJDEP 190)
TIB488J on 178 (WLDEP SP)
TIB746P on 178 (WLDEP 859)
An unidentified Volgren Rigid on 178 (WLDEP)
TIB821E on 180 (KJDEP 75)
TIB871K on 180 (KJDEP 176)
TIB1026C on 180 (KJDEP 106)
TIB874C on 184 (KJDEP 300)
TIB1027A on 184 (KJDEP 67)
TIB770T on 187 (WLDEP 169)
TIB790K on 187 (WLDEP 925/Tampines Shuttle)
TIB804E on 187 (WLDEP 61)
TIB831B on 187 (WLDEP 961/903)
TIB971E on 187 (WLDEP 969)
TIB560H on 188R (KJDEP 188)
SMB124L on 190 (KJDEP 75)
TIB519D on 700 (KJDEP 75)
TIB829J on 700 (KJDEP 176)
TIB595H on 960 (WLDEP 857)
SMB112X on 970 (KJDEP 67)
TIB691M on 975 (KJDEP 985)
TIB948Z on 975 (KJDEP 925)
TIB970H on 985 (AMDEP 970)
Next cameo spotting post will be on 16 May as I am away from Singapore. =)